Andrea Allan
Senior Instructor I and Program Director of the Climate Science ProgramLarge-scale atmospheric circulation and dynamics, present and future climatology, and global and regional climate modeling and statistical analysis
Andrea Balbas
Assistant ProfessorGeochronology, paleomagnetism, stratigraphy
Andrew Barnard
Associate Professor (Senior Research)Jack Barth
ProfessorCoastal ocean dynamics, coastal marine ecosystems, hypoxia, inner continental shelf dynamics
Tamara Baumberger
Assistant Professor (Senior Research)The gas chemistry of hydrothermal vents and methane seeps with a special interest into the carbon cycle and noble gas chemistry
Lorene Yokoyama (Laurie) Becker
Senior Instructor
Sustainability and Resilience in Land Use Planning, Conservation GIS, Public Participation GIS, and Biomimicry
Jeffrey Beeson
InstructorBran Black
InstructorSherman Bloomer
Chancellor and Dean, OSU-CascadesEd Brook
Distinguished Professor of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric SciencesPaleoclimatology, geochemistry, ice core trace gas records, cosmogenic isotopes, extraterrestrial dust
Kristen Buck
ProfessorBiogeochemical cycling of trace metals in marine ecosystems, with particular emphasis on the role of metal-binding ligands in the cycling of bioactive trace elements like iron and copper.
Christo Buizert
Paleoclimate, ice cores, abrupt climate change, firn processes
Lorenzo Ciannelli
Professor, Interim Associate Dean for Graduate
Fisheries oceanography, spatial ecology, fish early life stages, statistical analysis of catch and survey data
Peter Clark
University Distinguished Professor of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric SciencesDynamics of glaciers and ice sheets, sea level change, paleoclimatology, abrupt climate change
Robert (Bob) Cowen
Director, Hatfield Marine Science CenterJessica (JC) Creveling
Geology, Earth history, sedimentology, stratigraphy, sea-level change
Byron Crump
Professor and Program Head for OceanographyAquatic microbial ecology in marine, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems
Jesse Cusack
Assistant ProfessorSmall to mesoscale ocean processes such as turbulence, flows over topography, internal waves and eddies
Jason Davis
Environmental Justice and Sustainability InstructorLynette de Silva
Water Conflict Mgt. Director; Senior Instructor
Water conflict management, integrated watershed management
Shanaka de Silva
Volcanology, Igneous Petrology, Aeolian geomorphology
Simon de Szoeke
Atmosphere-ocean interaction, stratiform clouds, tropical meteorology
Edward Dever
ProfessorCross-shelf exchange processes, analysis and prediction of Lagrangian transport, air-sea interaction
Emily Eidam
Associate ProfessorSediment transport processes and rates in fluvial, coastal, and continental shelf systems, as well as event-scale to centennial-scale sediment deposition
Kelsey Emard
Assistant ProfessorPolitical ecology; environmental justice; drivers and impacts of environmental change; changing land-based livelihoods; sustainable and just food systems; feminist methodologies
Jennifer Fehrenbacher
Trace element and stable isotope geochemistry, biomineralization, and marine biology
Melanie Fewings
Observational coastal physical oceanography and meteorology
Erica Fleishman
Director of the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute and
Biogeography, conservation, ecological responses to climate and land-use change
Jonathan Fram
Associate Professor (Senior Research), OOI Endurance Array Project ManagerTheresa Fritz-Endres
InstructorAmrapalli Garanaik
Assistant Professor (Senior Research)
Geophysical and environmental fluid dynamics, with a focus on turbulent mixing and transport in oceanic flows and their critical impact on Earth's climate and ecosystems
Jessica Garwood
Small-scale physical-biological interactions in the ocean, especially their implications for transport of plankton or sediment
Miguel Goñi
ProfessorCycling of natural organic matter in the earth's surface, mainly in aquatic environments
Matthew Goslin
InstructorHannah Gosnell
Transformations to sustainability; biodiversity conservation; regenerative agriculture; environmental governance; water resource policy, management and law; drivers and consequences of rural land use change
Burke Hales
ProfessorCoastal ocean carbon cycles, ocean acidification, measurement and experimental manipulation technology
Michael Harte
Professor and Associate Dean for Undergraduate ProgramsMarine geography, natural resource management and planning
Demian Hommel
Associate Professor of TeachingHuman dimensions of global change; environmental security and resource conflicts; political ecology; risk; people-reef interactions; climate justice; pedagogy and technology
Jennifer (Jenny) Hutchings
Sea ice dynamics and mechanics
Andrea Jenney
Assistant ProfessorAtmospheric/climate science with a focus on understanding and modeling tropical convection and clouds
Julia Jones
Distinguished Professor and Program Head for GeographyLand use, climate change and disturbance effects on hydrology, geomorphology, water quality, spatio-temporal statistics
Lauren (Laurie) Juranek
Dissolved gases, isotope biogeochemistry, marine biological pump, and marine carbon cycle
Maria Kavanaugh
Seascape ecology, remote sensing, global change
Randall (Randy) Keller
Marine geology, igneous geochemistry
Robert Kennedy
Satellite remote sensing using time series imagery, pattern and processes of landscape change, "Landtrendr"
Patrick (Pat) Kennelly
Senior Instructor IGeographic Information Systems (GIS) and cartography
Adam Kent
Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Faculty AdvancementHigh temperature geochemistry, igneous petrology, In-situ elemental and isotopic analysis
Meghan King
InstructorKevin Konrad
Assistant ProfessorNoble gas geochronology, marine geology, mantle geodynamics, and volcanism
Anthony Koppers
Isotope geochemistry of hotspot volcanism, plate tectonic theory, mantle geodynamics
P. Michael (Mike) Kosro
ProfessorCoastal oceanography, shelf/deep-sea exchange processes, remote sensing, ocean acoustics, ocean circulation
Stephen Lancaster
Fluvial geomorphology, hydrology
Kelsey Lane
Oceanography Instructor, REU Program DirectorModern planktic foraminiferal ecology
Astrid Leitner
The impacts of abrupt and complex bathymetry across scales on the ecology and behavior of marine animals with a special focus on the deep sea
Jim Lerczak
Professor and Associate Dean for ResearchCoastal physical oceanography
Ricardo Letelier
Marine pelagic microorganisms, biogeochemical cycles, nitrogen fixation, photosynthesis, chlorophyll passive (solar-induced) fluorescence
John Lowry
Geospatial Science Senior Instructor IGeospatial Science applications in environmental planning and management
Mitchell Lyle
Professor (Senior Research)Miocene equatorial Pacific paleoproductivity, ocean carbon cycling, geochemical tracers, seismic stratigraphy and pelagic sedimentation
Roberta Marinelli
Ecology and biogeochemistry of the seafloor
Tara Massad
Instructortropical chemical ecology, plant-insect interactions, reforestation, savanna ecology
Ricardo Matano
Large-scale ocean circulation, the dynamics of western boundary currents, ocean modeling, geophysical fluid dynamics. the circulation in the Southern Ocean
Haruyoshi Matsumoto
Associate Professor (Senior Research)Tyler McFadden
Environmental Sciences Instructor and Program
Biodiversity responses to land use and climate change; avian ecology; species interactions
Karen McLeod
Director, Marine Resource Management ProgramScience and society; marine ecology; leadership development; science communication & strategic engagement; transdisciplinarity
Erin McParland
Using metabolomics and other techniques to understand the cycling of carbon by marine microbes
David Mellinger
Professor (Senior Research)Philip Mote
Professor, Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate SchoolRegional climate modeling, the influence of climate change on western US snowpack. No longer advising Ph.D. students.
Park Muhonda
Geography InstructorJonathan Nash
ProfessorPhysics of turbulence, mixing & other small-scale processes in the ocean & near ice. New technologies (like autonomous vehicles & sensor systems) to measure glacier ice melt, internal waves, submesoscale instabilities, ocean dynamics.
Peder Nelson
Senior Instructor I / Senior Faculty Research Assistant IIRemote sensing, GIS, automated visualization and analysis tools
Edwin Nissen
Courtesy Appointment (Professor starting May 1, 2025)InSAR and lidar remote sensing and earthquakes and active tectonics of the Middle East and western Canada.
Larry O'Neill
Associate Professor and Director of the Oregon Climate ServiceAir-sea interactions, satellite meteorology and oceanography, atmospheric boundary layer and ocean mixed layer dynamics
Felicia Olmeta Schult
Assistant Professor of PracticeTuba Ozkan-Haller
Dean and
Near-shore circulation modeling, data assimilation in the near-shore region, time-series analysis techniques
Brodie Pearson
Physics of mixing processes (i.e. turbulence) in the ocean
Laura E. R. Peters
Assistant ProfessorDisasters, conflict resolution and peacebuilding, community health, social justice and inclusion, humanitarian and conflict-affected contexts
Erin Pettit
ProfessorGlacier and ice sheet dynamics, ice/ocean interactions, ice rheology and deformation, ice-core climate history
Mark Raleigh
Assistant ProfessorSnow, mountain, and forest hydrology; remote sensing; numerical modeling; data assimilation; machine learning; streamflow forecasting; hydroclimate interactions, extremes, disturbance, and change
Peter Ruggiero
Coastal geomorphology, coastal hazards, nearshore processes
David Rupp
Associate Professor (Senior Research)Climate variability, anthropogenic influences on climate and hydrology, streamflow processes
Roger Samelson
Fluid dynamics and thermodynamics of the ocean and atmosphere, coastal and arctic meteorology, nonlinear dynamics of geophysical fluids
Mary Santelmann
Professor; Director, Water Resources Graduate
Wetlands ecology, biogeography
Andreas Schmittner
Climate change, ocean biogeochemical cycles, interactions in the climate system, paleoclimate, ocean circulation
Adam Schultz
ProfessorGeophysical imaging to study the structure and composition of Earth’s interior
Pieter-Ewald Share
Assistant ProfessorNature of structure and strain along major faults making up the southern California plate boundary
Kipp Shearman
ProfessorPhysical processes in coastal ocean, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)
Karen Shell
Professor of Practice and Climate Science Program HeadClimate dynamics, general circulation of the atmosphere, interactions between radiative transfer and the dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean, climate modeling
Alyssa Shiel
Associate ProfessorGeochemical tracer development, transport and fate of metals/metalloids
Emily Shroyer
ProfessorSmall-scale ocean dynamics, such as turbulent mixing, internal gravity waves, and upper ocean processes
Nicholas (Nick) Siler
Associate ProfessorMountain precipitation and hydrology, global hydrologic cycle, regional climate change and variability
Eric Skyllingstad
Upper ocean turbulence, mesoscale coastal internal waves, ocean-atmosphere coupling
Frank Sousa
Assistant ProfessorLow-temperature thermochronology, field geology, and applications of remote sensing date to geology mapping
Yvette Spitz
Professor, Interim Associate Dean for Faculty AdvancementThe main pathways in marine ecosystems, coupled physical-biological models
Ben Stanley
Senior Instructor I of GeologyJoseph Stoner
ProfessorSediment magnetism, stratigraphy, paleoclimatology
Pamela Sullivan
Professor, Hollis M. Dole Professor in
Ecohydrology; interactions of climate, vegetation and geology
Brian Tattitch
Assistant Professor, Barrow Family Chair in Mineral Resource
Mineral deposits, Igneous petrology, volcanology, experimental petrology
Frank Tepley
Professor, Geology Program DirectorIgneous petrology, isotope geochemistry, electron probe microscopy
Jim Thatcher
Assistant ProfessorCritical GIS, Critical Cartography, Political Ecology, and geocomputation
Jenna Tilt
Assistant ProfessorHuman dimensions of natural hazards, disaster recovery, community resilience
Jamon Van Den Hoek
Using satellite imagery and geospatial data to examine relationships between forced displacement, climate vulnerability, and land cover/land use change in conflict-affected regions around the world
George Waldbusser
Ocean acidification effects on bivalves, benthic ecology and sediment biogeochemistry, tidal flat ecology
Kuuipo Walsh
GIScience Program Director, Senior Instructor IGIS, metadata, digital libraries and coastal atlases
James Watson
Associate ProfessorComplex adaptive systems, environmental science, social-ecological systems, quantitative analyses, seascape ecology, marine spatial planning, coastal vulnerability
Kathleen Wendt
Assistant Professor (Senior Research)
Using cave formations and polar ice cores to study Earth's climate history
Justin Wettstein
Large-scale and long-term climate and atmospheric dynamics, climate variability and change, climate impacts and responses in natural and human-managed systems
Greg Wilson
Associate ProfessorPhysics of the nearshore coastal ocean including waves, currents, and sediment transport
Aaron Wolf
ProfessorTransboundary water conflicts and conflict resolution
David Wrathall
Climate hazards, climate change adaptation, social vulnerability, migration, and political ecology
Kaplan Yalcin
Assistant Dean for Academic ProgramsDistance and online education, paleoclimatology
Rebecca Yalcin
InstructorEdward (Ed) Zaron
Associate Professor (Senior Research)
Ocean modeling and data assimilation, satellite altimetry, and geophysical fluid dynamics
Seth Zippel
Assistant ProfessorHow the ocean and the atmosphere interact using field measurements from a diverse set of regions including estuaries, the open ocean, and the Arctic