David Wrathall
Strand Agriculture Hall 348
170 SW Waldo Place
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Research and Teaching Interests:
Risk and resilience studies; climate change adaptation; human migration; and political ecology.
Lead Author, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Sixth Assessment, Working Group II, Chapter 8: Poverty, Livelihoods and Sustainable Development.
Fellow,Hugo Observatory on Environment, Migration and Politics at Université de Liège.
Steering Committee Member, Population-Environment Research Network (PERN) hosted by CEISIN (the Center for International Earth Science Information Network) at Columbia University's Earth Institute.
Selected Scholarly Publications
Devine, J., D. Wrathall, N. Currit, & B. Tellman. (2018). Narco-Cattle Ranching in Political Forests. Antipode.
McSweeney, K., Wrathall, D. J., Nielsen, E. A., & Pearson, Z. (2018). Grounding traffic: The cocaine commodity chain and land grabbing in eastern Honduras. Geoforum.
Clark, P. U., Mix, A. C., Eby, M., Levermann, A., Rogelj, J., Nauels, A., & Wrathall, D. J. (2018). Sea-level commitment as a gauge for climate policy. Nature Climate Change, 1.
Sesnie, S. E., Tellman, B., Wrathall, D., McSweeney, K., Nielsen, E., Benessaiah, K., ... & Rey, L. (2017). A spatio-temporal analysis of forest loss related to cocaine trafficking in Central America. Environmental Research Letters, 12(5), 054015.
McSweeney, K., Richani, N., Pearson, Z., Devine, J., & Wrathall, D. J. (2017). Why Do Narcos Invest in Rural Land?. Journal of Latin American Geography, 16(2), 3-29.
Baird, T. D., Chaffin, B. C., & Wrathall, D. J. (2017). A disturbance innovation hypothesis: perspectives from human and physical geography. The Geographical Journal, 183(2), 201-208.
Lu, X, D. Wrathall, P. Roe Sundsøy, M. Nadiruzzaman, E. Wetter, A. Iqbal, T. Qureshi, A. Tatem, G. Canright, K. Engø-Monsen, L. Bengtsson (2016). Detecting climate adaptation with mobile network data in Bangladesh: anomalies in communication, mobility and consumption patterns during cyclone Mahasen. Climatic Change, 138(3-4), 505-519.
Lu, X, D. Wrathall, P. Roe Sundsøy, M. Nadiruzzaman, E. Wetter, A. Iqbal, T. Qureshi, A. Tatem, G. Canright, K. Engø-Monsen, L. Bengtsson (2016). Unveiling hidden migration and mobility patterns in climate stressed regions: A longitudinal study of six million anonymous mobile phone users in Bangladesh. Global Environmental Change, 38, 1-7.
Nadiruzzaman, M., & Wrathall, D. (2015). Participatory exclusion–Cyclone Sidr and its aftermath. Geoforum, 64, 196-204.
Tanner, T., Lewis, D., Wrathall, D., Bronen, R., Cradock-Henry, N., Huq, S., ... & Thomalla, F. (2015). Livelihood resilience in the face of climate change. Nature Climate Change, 5(1), 23-26.
Wrathall, D. J., & Suckall, N. (2016). Labour migration amidst ecological change. Migration and Development, 5(2), 314-329.
Wrathall, D., A. Oliver-Smith, A. Gencer, M. Reyes, & P. Sakdapolrak. (2014) Problematising Loss and Damage. International Journal of Global Warming (accepted for publication 15 March 2014)
McSweeney, K., Nielsen, E. A., Taylor, M. J., Wrathall, D. J., Pearson, Z., Wang, O., & Plumb, S. T. (2014). Drug Policy as Conservation Policy: Narco-Deforestation. Science, 343(6170), 489-490.
Wrathall, D. & J. Bury, M. Carey, B. Mark, J. McKenzie, K. Young, M. Baraer, A. French & C. Rampini. (2013) Migration amidst climate rigidity traps: resource politics and social-ecological possibilism in Honduras and Peru. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(2), 292-304.
Wrathall, D. (2012). Environmental migration amidst social-ecological regime shift: the search for stability in Garifuna settlements of Northern Honduras. Human Ecology, 40(4), pp. 583–596.\
Feature Story
Following our footsteps in times of disaster (April, 2020)