Tyler McFadden
Wilkinson Hall 250
2601 SW Orchard Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Website: Tyler N. McFadden
I study human impacts to biodiversity. More specifically, I'm interested in how land use change and climate change impact the distribution, structure, and functioning of biotic communities.
My work is applied, quantitative, and grounded in natural history. I integrate information across various spatial scales (from hyperlocal to macroecological) and levels of biological organization (from individuals to metacommunities) to inform conservation and management. I have worked with many taxa and study systems, but am most knowledgeable about birds and forest ecosystems.
My current and future research is motivated by three driving questions:
How do environmental changes occurring across multiple scales reshape species distributions and biotic interactions?
How do we leverage this information to inform the conservation and management of functional ecosystems?
How do we integrate research, teaching, and community engagement to achieve more effective and equitable conservation and educational outcomes?
ENSC 101 - Environmental Orientation (F22, eW23)
ENSC 452 & GEOG 452/552 - Environmental Assessment (eF22, W23)
ENSC 479 - Environmental Case Studies (eF22)
Ph.D., 2021, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Stanford University
B.S., 2014, Fisheries and Wildlife Science, Oregon State University
Hobbies and interests
Backpacking, hiking, guitar, scuba & free diving, travel, anything outdoors.