We are beginning to shift our digital content strategy to align with an initiative described by University Information and Technology (UIT) in their article Reshaping the Oregon State University Digital Footprint. Basically, that means continuing to use Drupal for public-facing content, while moving to other more appropriate tools, especially SharePoint, for internal audiences. To start, we've replicated the Faculty & Staff page in SharePoint. This will make it easier to more securely offer and update information primarily aimed at our faculty and staff. Eventually, we will fully transition to the SharePoint page for content primarily useful to faculty and staff. For a little while, though, we will have both versions. Contact Ernie Colantonio with questions.
CEOAS Faculty & Staff SharePoint
Table of Contents
- Health, Safety, Risk, Liability
- Human Resources
- New Employee Information
- Business Office
- Research
- Advancement Team
- Ship Operations
- Facilities
- Teaching/Academics
- Faculty Affairs
- Communication and Marketing
- Event Support
- Student Support Resources
- Research and Academic Computing Services (RACS)
- Dean's Office
- General Operations
- Including CEOAS Email Lists Box Note
If you are looking for information about Faculty and Staff, go to the Directory of People page.
To Find on this page, use Ctrl-F (Windows, Linux, Chrome OS), ⌘-F (Mac), or tap (upload) then Find on Page (phone or tablet).
To return to the top of this page, press the Home key (many browsers) or ⌘-▲ (Command up arrow on a Mac)
This page was last updated March 10, 2025.
Safety, Risk, Liability
- Beaver Healthy (including well-being resources and infectious disease information)
- Emergency Procedures
- Harassment
- Office of Emergency Management
- Public Safety
- Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Guide
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Insurance and Risk Management Services
Human Resources
Employee Benefits
- Benefits (Office of University Human Resources)
- Paycheck questions
- EmpCenter questions or AskHR@oregonstate.edu
- Questions regarding PEBB benefits or if you are a new employee needing to enroll in PEBB coverage
- Contact FMLA with questions about medical leave or disability
- Retirement questions
- Graduate health benefits
- Work life benefits
- You can also visit the employee benefits section on the HR contacts website to schedule a bookings appointment
- If you need to reach out to the Benefits Team directly, please use the email above, or call them at 541-737-2805.
- New employee orientation
- OSU Office of Human Resources Contact Information
- Please review the OSU Search Excellence page.
- Research/Support Faculty Hiring (other than Academic Faculty/Professor/Instructor Recruitment)
- Please review this document: CEOAS Hiring flowchart for non-Dean supervisor searches
- Academic (Professor/Instructor) Faculty Recruitment contact Karen Edwards.
- Graduate Student Hiring Policy and Procedure, questions can go to Lori Hartline.
- Undergraduate Student Hiring please see the OSU Student Employment Program page. Scroll to bottom of page for supervisor instructions.
- Notify Karen Edwards
Please have your employee submit an offboarding request via the Employee Service Portal for processing.
o Once signed in click the HR tab, then Offboarding Request
o You can also search “Offboarding” in the search bar and select “Offboarding Request” -
Retirements will also do this but please also contact Karen Edwards for help if you need a Courtesy Appointment, Emeritus request or Tenure Relinquishments and Academic Wage appointment.
Postdoc Hiring
Please see the Appointment and Recruitment of Postdoctoral Scholars and Fellows page for all the latest information about Postdoc offer letters and renewals.
- You will work directly with the Grad School to advertise your Postdoc position. See PostDoc Recruitment Information.
- You will work directly with HR Support Services to make any Postdoc Offers. See the Appointment and Recruitment of Postdoctoral Scholars and Fellows.
- Be sure to check with Intl.Hire@oregonstate.edu if your candidate will require a VISA. These are taking 3-4 months and may effect your planned start date.
- Renewals can be done after you have completed the annual review (IDP) through the grad school. You will work directly with HR Support Services for renewals.
Courtesy / Affiliate / Visitor
- Prior to inviting a Courtesy/Affiliate/Visitor, CEOAS faculty must have approval from the Discipline Group and the Dean. Please contact CEOAS Faculty Affairs Admin Karen Edwards at least one month ahead of time to begin the process and send her the below items along with your nominee's CV.
- ATTENTION: All GFNs now require a Courtesy appointment for someone external to OSU to serve on a graduate committee. As you start your Courtesy Request with Karen Edwards please also contact Lori Hartline to fill out the GFN request form. Due to FERPA regulations all Courtesy Appointments that are for membership on a graduate committee must have and maintain an OSU email. Please make sure your candidate for the appointment is willing to do this.
- Karen Edwards will collect and submit all forms and documents required to get Dean Approval and submit to HR.
- If you already know your candidate will need physical space or computer resources please fill out these forms and turn them in to Karen Edwards:
- Courtesy/Affiliate/Visitor Associate/Fellow questions can be directed to Karen Edwards.
- Visitors may also need to be appointed as Courtesy to have access to campus services.
- Courtesy faculty status is typically used for collaborations that are expected to be for a period greater than one year up to 5 years. However, a visitor may be named a courtesy faculty member for a period of less than one year to ensure the access to the following privileges. All faculty outside of OSU serving on a graduate committee must now have a Courtesy Appointment.
- Privileges: ONID; University ID card and associated privileges, such as joining recreational facilities, purchasing parking permits and using library services; inter-library loans.
- Affiliate faculty: Appointment is usually one year or less but can be up to three years.
- Privileges: Unit can request a sponsored University ID account and associated privileges are available, such as joining recreational facilities, purchasing parking permits and using library services. Inter-library loan services are generally available through the affiliate faculty member's home institution and/or their local library. (COMPLICATED)
- CEOAS Guideline for Courtesy-Affiliate-Adjunct Faculty
- OSU Courtesy Faculty Policy
- Questions can be directed to to Intl.Hire@oregonstate.edu or OIS.Scholar@oregonstate.edu. They will bring in Karen Edwards for internal processing.
- A J-1 visa will be required if visitor is international and will be here for an extended period of time. See J-1 Exchange Visitor Program. We suggest visa requests happen at least 6 months prior to visit.
- Short term international visitors may require a B-1 visa. See B-1 Business Visa
CEOAS Employee Internal Actions
Karen Edwards is CEOAS first contact for the following actions:
- Sabbatical
- Outside work - Please fill out the Request for Approval of Professional Outside Activities form and send it to Karen Edwards for signatures and submission.
- Overload forms - Please use the HR PowerForm for your submission. It is at the bottom of the Overload Compensation page.
- Courtesy, Affiliate, Visitor Appointments (see instructions below)
- Retirement/Emeritus
- Employee work visa (more information below under Hiring)
- Academic faculty recruitment
- PD changes - Fill out the Position Description Template found under “Position Description Template” on Class & Comp page for new position descriptions or only fill out the sections that have changed for updates to PDs. Once you have completed the new PD or the updates to the PD please send them to position.descriptions@oregonstate.edu and be sure to CC Karen Edwards. You may also send your template to Karen Edwards to have her forward it to position.descriptions@oregonstate.edu. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Edwards.
CEOAS HR Policies / Guidelines
- CEOAS Faculty Search Process Guidelines
- CEOAS Opportunity Hire Process
- CEOAS Targeted Dual-career Opportunity Searches
- Emeritus Faculty Policy
- Extended Leave Checklist
- CEOAS Organizational Chart
- Academic Programs Organizational Chart
- Academic Area Guide (discipline groups)
OSU HR Links
- Academic Appointments Guidelines
- Classification Specifications
- Conflict of Commitment Policy
- Courtesy Affiliate: OSU, HR, Courtesy Faculty and Affiliate Faculty Policies
- International Travel Procedures, OSU Risk Management
- Leave Administration Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines
- Outside Activities Requests
- Staff Fee Privileges/Forms
- For Volunteers and Volunteer Service Units
- Volunteer Service
- Waiver of Search
- Remote Work
- Worker's Compensation Resources
- Search Advocate Program
- Harassment
New Employee Information
- Oregon State University New Employee Onboarding
- CEOAS New Employee Information
- Campus Map
- Parking
- New computer account form
- Office furnishings: Contact Mike Calascibetta, 541-737-3089
- On the Horizon (CEOAS weekly newsletter)
- Faculty, staff, and students: Contact Vikki Pointer
- Electronic Access: Jason Balderston and Vikki Pointer
- OSU Campus Online Directory
- New phones, phone moves, repairs, changes: Vikki Pointer
- Conference calls or check out polycom phone: Vikki Pointer
- Long distance codes: Meaghan Deitz
- Using your telephone
- Voice mail information
Business Cards
- CEOAS Policy for Purchasing Business Cards
- Order business cards from Printing and Mailing (with approved index)
- Go to the OSU ID Center, Memorial Union Room 103, 541-737-2493. Take the 'Welcome Letter' that was emailed to you from the Business Center.
Email and Email Lists
- Contact Thomas Olson to change your email address to read first.last@oregonstate.edu
- Contact Ernie Colantonio to be added to the CEOAS Directory and to CEOAS email lists
Business Office
- Aviva Rivera, Financial Strategic Partner
- Meaghan Deitz, Financial Strategic Partner
- Part of Financial Strategic Services
- See also Business Office
- CEOAS Online Purchase Request Form
- Questions and requests: CEOAS.purchasing@oregonstate.edu
- OSU Purchasing Guidelines
- Grant equipment purchasing questions: FSS.CEOAS.Grants@oregonstate.edu
- Inventory: Mike Calascibetta
- Office supplies: Renee Freeman, 104 Wilkinson
- Grant supplies purchasing questions: CEOAS.Purchasing@oregonstate.edu
Personal Reimbursements
- Email travel@oregonstate.edu
- CEOAS Employee Reimbursement for Visitor Expenses (such as group meals and alcohol)
- Airfare authorizations, hotel, registration fees, car, etc.: travel@oregonstate.edu
- Foreign and domestic travel: travel@oregonstate.edu
- The SAP Concur Travel & Expense system is now available for use.
- Employees (including student employees) can access Concur through MyOregonState (search for "Concur").
- Direct link to SAP Concur
- OSU Travel and Expense Office has a page of Training resources, including Process Documents and Tip Sheets
- Updated Financial Information System Travel Policy
- Non-OSU Candidate, Prospective Student, or Guest Travel - Instructions for Sponsor (if this is travel is for a Professor/Instructor rank Candidate talk to Karen Edwards)
- Go to Travel and Expense Resources page and click on "Non-Employee Travel Reference Sheet" ( to give to non-employee so they know what they can claim if you have decided to reimburse for incidentals)
- Go to Travel and Expense Resources page and click on "Non-Employee Reimbursement Form"
- International Travel Insurance
- Relocation Allowance
- Personal reimbursements for travel: travel@oregonstate.edu
- Accounts Payable Invoice routing: invoices@oregonstate.edu
- Accounts Payable questions: accounts.payable@oregonstate.edu
- Personal services contracts: CEOAS.Purchasing@oregonstate.edu
- For payroll assistance, sea pay, questions about sick/vacation pay and time entry: payrollservices@oregonstate.edu
- PAR forms: Vinay Ramakrishnan, 541-737-5203
Ship Operations
- Kelsey Herman, 541-737-5200
- Jim Lerczak, Associate Dean for Research
- Proposal Information
- Open Access Publishing
- CEOAS Policy on Post-Doc PI/CoPI status
- Pre-award, reviewing proposal budgets: FSS.CEOAS.proposals@oregonstate.edu
- Post-award, questions about grants and contracts: FSS.CEOAS.grants@oregonstate.edu
- Research Program Manager: Monica Kessel, monica.kessel@oregonstate.edu, 541-737-8794
- Management: Kelsey Herman, 541-737-5200
- Budget / Justification Checked: Kristen Weber, 541-737-6998
- Budget / Justification Checked: Ann Dunbar, 858-442-2666
- Subcontracts: Ann Dunbar, 858-442-2666
- Grant equipment purchase questions: FSS.CEOAS.grants@oregonstate.edu
- Grant supplies purchase questions: CEOAS.Purchasing@oregonstate.edu
Advancement Team
- Oregon State University Foundation
- Amy Crumley, Senior Director of Earth System Sciences (CAS, CEOAS, COF)
- Allison Bauer, Director of Development II (CEOAS)
- Des Anderson, Director, Alumni Relations (CEOAS)
- Doug Brusa, Director of Development (Marine Programs)
Ship Operations
- Andrew Woogen, Marine Technician Superintendent
- Ship Operations Personnel
- R/V Elakha
- Safety training: Contact Ship Operations
- Sea Pay Form
- Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV)
- Demian Bailey, RCRV Project Manager
- Facilities and Operations personnel, Jason Balderston, Manager
- Maintenance and repairs: Contact Jason Balderston
- Office furnishings: Contact Mike Calascibetta
- CEOAS Room Reservations
- CEOAS Skedda page
- All classroom reservations: ceoas.class.scheduling@oregonstate.edu
- Workshop Resource Request Form
Computing Labs
- Computing Lab Schedules - RACS
- Graduate Computing Labs (entry with key unless otherwise noted):
- Weniger 502, key touch pad
- Wilkinson 210, computer classroom
- Undergraduate Computing Lab: Wilkinson 208
CEOAS Vehicles
- Driver Authorization Instructions
- Course Field Trip Vehicle Rentals: Responsibility of instructor for course; for assistance contact ceoas.class.scheduling@oregonstate.edu
- CEOAS-owned Vehicles: Mike Calascibetta
- CEOAS Vehicle Use Guidelines
Space Issues
Storage Space
- Storage space requests and access questions: Jason Balderson or Mike Calascibetta
Surplus Equipment
- Mike Calascibetta
- Surplus instructions (updated information coming soon)
Field Equipment
Teaching / Academics
- Field Course Participation and Agreement form (on Box; you will need to log in with your ONID)
- Field Trip Course Checklist (on Box; you will need to log in with your ONID)
- CEOAS Field Activity Equipment Policy
- Class Scheduling: Contact ceoas.class.scheduling@oregonstate.edu
- Academic Area Guide (discipline groups)
- CEOAS Peer Review of Teaching Process
- CEOAS Instructional Workload Policy
- CEOAS Course Scheduling Timeline
- Schedule Changes (Google form)
- CEOAS Graduate Teaching Assistant Allocation Policy
- CEOAS Professional Activity Payment Policy for OSU Sourced Funds
- CEOAS Guidelines for Course Buy-out and Buy-in
Course Support
- Course overrides: Undergraduate: Email ceoas.undergrad@oregonstate.edu, Graduate: Lori Hartline
- Grade submission: Responsibility of instructor for course; for assistance contact CEOAS Class Scheduling
- Textbooks: Responsibility of instructor for course; for assistance contact CEOAS Class Scheduling
- Classrooms: to reserve a classroom, contact CEOAS Class Scheduling
- Course Field Trip Vehicle Rentals: Responsibility of instructor for course; for assistance contact CEOAS Class Scheduling
- Center for Teaching and Learning
- CEOAS Policy on Grading in Canvas
- Syllabus Repository
- Templates
- On campus course, see "On campus"
- Baccalaureate Core course, see "Bacc Core"
- WIC course, see "WIC"
- Online or Hybrid course (Ecampus)
Curriculum Proposals
(on Google Docs or Box; you will need to log in with your ONID)
Faculty Affairs
- Yvette Spitz, Interim Associate Dean for Faculty Advancement
- Karen Edwards, CEOAS first contact for Faculty Actions (Annual Reviews/Promotion and Tenure/Mid-Term Review/Senior Faculty Review)
Evaluations and Reviews
Promotion and Tenure
- OSU Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
- CEOAS Mid-Term Review Process for Tenure-Track Faculty
- CEOAS Promotion and Tenure Process
- Peer Review of Teaching (PRT) is part of P&T - for specifics see Teaching and Academics
- Guidelines for Promotion to the Rank of Senior Faculty Research Assistant I
- Guidelines for Promotion to the Rank of Senior Faculty Research Assistant II
- Guidelines for Promotion to the Rank of Senior Research Associate I and Senior Research Associate II
Communications and Marketing
CEOAS Communications and Marketing provides a variety of services focused on publicizing the college’s research and programs.
See the Communications and Marketing page to learn more. See who we are on the Communications and Marketing team page.
Event Support
If you are planning an event or hosting an exhibit, please fill out the Event Items Checkout Google Form to request exhibit materials (e.g., table cloth, banners, etc.). All exhibit items are located in the Student Services office, Wilkinson 104.
Work with CEOAS Communications and Marketing to promote your event.
Student Support Resources
- Lorenzo Ciannelli, Interim Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
- Kira Hughes, Administrative Assistant
- Robert Allan, Director of Graduate Student Services
Graduate Student Funding Summer 2024
- Important information about summer funding options for graduate students (on Box, PDF 228K)
Graduate Admissions 2025
- Help Contacts, link to Datasheet, & more
- Admissions kick-off email 2025
- CEOAS Pathfinder Graduate Teaching Assistantships 2025-2026
- CEOAS Provost's Distinguished Fellowship and Scholarship Awards 2025-2026
- Timeline for Graduate Admissions for Academic Year 2025-26
- Michael Harte, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
- Kira Hughes, Administrative Assistant
- Mary Chuinard, Director of Undergraduate Student Services
- Undergraduate Advising
Research and Academic Computing Services (RACS)
- Research and Academic Computing Services (RACS) main page
- About the RACS group
- Email Computing support
- Remote Access Information
- Property Loan Agreement
- Printing to CEOAS printers
- Poster support
- We can print large-format posters on a 42-inch wide plotter.
- Please provide us 48-hour notice that you need to print a poster.
- Contact posters@ceoas.oregonstate.edu.
- See Poster Printing for more information.
- OSU Printing and Mailing, NW Graphic Imaging, and Student Multimedia Services (free for students) are alternative poster printing venues.
- Access to Email / Exchange Online Documentation
- OSU VPN (allows remote access to the campus network)
- Adding a New Computer Account or System Form
- Visitors: Visitor Request Form, Guest Account Form
- Account Exit policy
- OSU Acceptable Use of Computing Resources
- CEOAS Acceptable Use Policy
- CEOAS RCS Fee Guide
- Email mailing lists (on Box, you will need to log in with ONID)
- Zoom Setup for Virtual Meetings
Dean's Office
- CEOAS Events Schedule 2023-2024
- Strategic Plan
- Dean's Discretionary Funding - request form and process
- College Administration
College Mission
To pursue knowledge of the Earth system, to apply this knowledge to build a more resilient future, to integrate research with academic programs, and to create global citizens and scholars. CEOAS contributes to OSU’s status as a premier research institution, serving Oregon and the world.
- General questions: CEOAS.Admin@oregonstate.edu
- Committees and members (on Box, you will need to log in with ONID)
- Committee descriptions (on Box, you will need to log in with ONID)
CEOAS Awards
- CEOAS Ignite Colloquium - FUTURE (4/26/2024) [Box Note with links to video segments, ONID login required]
- Connection Conversation - Who does what? (5/1/2024) [video recording]
General Operations
CEOAS Administration Building hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- Faculty, staff, and students: Contact Vikki Pointer
- Electronic Access: Jason Balderston and Vikki Pointer
Shipping and Receiving
- Express Delivery (FedEx, UPS): Mike Calascibetta
- Questions about packages being sent or received: Mike Calascibetta or shipping@ceoas.oregonstate.edu
U.S. and Express Mail
- Campus/U.S Mail is picked up and delivered at CEOAS Admin
- Outgoing U.S. Mail may be left at CEOAS Admin for pick-up (separate outgoing mail into stamped personal mail, work mail to be stamped, and Express Mail with completed labels and Campus Mail forms including Index to charge)
Shipping Overseas; Cruise or Expedition Shipping
- Quick-start guide:
- to call another OSU campus phone: dial 7 and then the last 4 digits, e.g. 7-3504
- to call a local Corvallis phone number: dial 9 and then 541 and then the 7-digit number, e.g. 9-541-766-6900
- to call a toll-free number: dial 9 and then 1 and then the 10-digit number, e.g. 9-1-800-444-4444
- to call a long-distance number: dial 9 and then 1 and then the 10-digit number, and after you hear the three tones, enter your long-distance authorization code
- to get a long distance authorization code, contact Meaghan Deitz
- OSU Campus Online Directory
- New phones, phone moves, repairs, changes: Vikki Pointer
- Conference calls or check out polycom phone: Vikki Pointer
- Using your telephone
- Voice mail information
Business Cards
- CEOAS Policy for Purchasing Business Cards
- Order business cards from Printing and Mailing (with approved index)
CEOAS Brand Resources
- CEOAS letterhead
- CEOAS and OSU logos
- CEOAS PowerPoint templates for screens and presentations
- Contact Mike Calascibetta
CEOAS Email Lists
- CEOAS Email mailing lists (Box Note, you will need to log in with your ONID)