Faculty & Staff

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This page was last updated August 28, 2024.


Safety, Risk, Liability

Human Resources

Employee Benefits


Postdoc Hiring

  • Contact Karen Edwards for Postdoc offer letters and renewals. Renewals can be done after you have completed the annual review (IDP) through the grad school. Please refer to this document PostDoc Hiring Information to find out what to send to Karen Edwards.

Courtesy / Affiliate / Visitor

  • Prior to inviting a Courtesy/Affiliate/Visitor, CEOAS faculty must have approval from the Discipline Group and the Dean. Please contact CEOAS Faculty Affairs Admin Karen Edwards at least one month ahead of time to begin the process and send her the below items along with your nominee's CV.
  • ATTENTION: All GFNs now require a Courtesy appointment for someone external to OSU to serve on a graduate committee. As you start your Courtesy Request with Karen Edwards please also contact Lori Hartline to fill out the GFN request form. Due to FERPA regulations all Courtesy Appointments that are for membership on a graduate committee must have and maintain an OSU email. Please make sure your candidate for the appointment is willing to do this.
  • Karen Edwards will collect and submit all forms and documents required to get Dean Approval and submit to HR.
  • If you already know your candidate will need physical space or computer resources please fill out these forms and turn them in to Karen Edwards:
  • Courtesy/Affiliate/Visitor Associate/Fellow questions can be directed to Karen Edwards.
  • Visitors may also need to be appointed as Courtesy to have access to campus services.
  • Courtesy faculty status is typically used for collaborations that are expected to be for a period greater than one year up to 5 years. However, a visitor may be named a courtesy faculty member for a period of less than one year to ensure the access to the following privileges. All faculty outside of OSU serving on a graduate committee must now have a Courtesy Appointment.
    • Privileges: ONID; University ID card and associated privileges, such as joining recreational facilities, purchasing parking permits and using library services; inter-library loans.
  • Affiliate faculty: Appointment is usually one year or less but can be up to three years.
    • Privileges: Unit can request a sponsored University ID account and associated privileges are available, such as joining recreational facilities, purchasing parking permits and using library services. Inter-library loan services are generally available through the affiliate faculty member's home institution and/or their local library. (COMPLICATED)
  • CEOAS Guideline for Courtesy-Affiliate-Adjunct Faculty
  • OSU Courtesy Faculty Policy


CEOAS Employee Internal Actions

Karen Edwards is CEOAS first contact for the following actions:

  • LWOP
  • Sabbatical
  • Outside work - Please fill out the Request for Approval of Professional Outside Activities form and send it to Karen Edwards for signatures and submission.
  • Overload forms - Please use the HR PowerForm for your submission. It is at the bottom of the Overload Compensation page.
  • Courtesy, Affiliate, Visitor Appointments (see instructions below)
  • Retirement/Emeritus
  • Employee work visa (more information below under Hiring)
  • Academic faculty recruitment
  • PD changes - Fill out the Position Description Template found under “Position Description Template” on Class & Comp page for new position descriptions or only fill out the sections that have changed for updates to PDs. Once you have completed the new PD or the updates to the PD please send them to position.descriptions@oregonstate.edu and be sure to CC Karen Edwards. You may also send your template to Karen Edwards to have her forward it to position.descriptions@oregonstate.edu. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Edwards.

CEOAS HR Policies / Guidelines

OSU HR Links

New Employee Information



Business Cards


  • Go to the OSU ID Center, Memorial Union Room 103, 541-737-2493. Take the 'Welcome Letter' that was emailed to you from the Business Center.

Business Office




Personal Reimbursements




  • For payroll assistance, sea pay, questions about sick/vacation pay and time entry: payrollservices@oregonstate.edu
  • PAR forms: Vinay Ramakrishnan, 541-737-5203

Ship Operations



Advancement Team

Ship Operations



Computing Labs

  • Computing Lab Schedules - RACS
  • Graduate Computing Labs (entry with key unless otherwise noted):
    • Weniger 502, key touch pad
    • Wilkinson 210, computer classroom
  • Undergraduate Computing Lab: Wilkinson 208

CEOAS Vehicles

Space Issues

Storage Space

Surplus Equipment

Field Equipment

Teaching / Academics

Course Support


Curriculum Proposals

(on Google Docs or Box; you will need to log in with your ONID)

Faculty Affairs

Karen Edwards, CEOAS first contact for Faculty Actions (Annual Reviews/Promotion and Tenure/Mid-Term Review/Senior Faculty Review)

Evaluations and Reviews

Promotion and Tenure


CEOAS Communications provides a variety of services focused on publicizing the college’s research and programs.

See the Communications page to learn more.

Event Support

If you are planning an event or hosting an exhibit, please fill out the Event Items Checkout Google Form to request exhibit materials (e.g., table cloth, banners, etc.). All exhibit items are located in the Student Services office, Wilkinson 104.

Promoting Your Event

If you have a public lecture, seminar, exhibit, or any other kind of event, here are some free resources you may consider to help promote. Please note that as the organizer, you are responsible for publicizing. Please also be mindful of your audience and whether a particular avenue is appropriate.

OSU Today

Items should be submitted to osutoday@oregonstate.edu. Submissions to “Upcoming Events” and “Lectures and seminars” must be under 60 words and must include time, date, location and admission price, if any. Submissions must include a short bolded headline. Hyperlinks may be included. Events must have a direct Oregon State connection and be open to the entire OSU community. Do NOT send them via PDF. More info: OSU Today Submission Guidelines

CEOAS calendar

Submissions to the OSU/CEOAS calendar can be made by anyone with an ONID, as long as they indicate "College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences" as the Organization. The event must be CEOAS-related and include time, date, location, and a brief description or title. Please note that submission does not guarantee inclusion; If/when approved, your calendar event will automatically appear on the CEOAS website's Events Calendar page. See How to add an event to the OSU/CEOAS Calendar for detailed instructions.

On the Horizon

The weekly CEOAS newsletter, “On the Horizon,” is coordinated and distributed by CEOAS Communications. Please visit the Newsletter Submission page for instructions on how to send seminar listings, relevant announcements, photos to be considered for Photo of the Week, other newsletter materials, and subscription requests. Be sure to include the date, time, location, and a brief description or title of any events. Submissions must be received by Wednesday at 5 p.m. to be included in the Friday edition.

GT Lectern

The Gazette-Times produces an online calendar of community events. Submit information to the GT calendar. You will need to create a free registration first.

Corvallis Advocate

Please send an email to admin@corvallisadvocate.com with the following information:

  1. Event Name
  2. Organization
  3. Event Date & Time
  4. Event Description
  5. Event Location
  6. Cost

Deadline: Friday, 5pm the week before you want your event published.

Paid advertising and additional promotion opportunities

If you have a large, college-wide event and are interested in paid advertising or want to discuss ways to distribute fliers to OSU and off-campus audiences, please see Vikki Pointer in the Dean’s office.

Student Support Resources


Graduate Student Funding Summer 2024

Graduate Admissions 2024


Research and Academic Computing Services (RACS)

Dean's Office

College Mission

To pursue knowledge of the Earth system, to apply this knowledge to build a more resilient future, to integrate research with academic programs, and to create global citizens and scholars. CEOAS contributes to OSU’s status as a premier research institution, serving Oregon and the world.


CEOAS Awards


General Operations

CEOAS Administration Building hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.



Shipping and Receiving

U.S. and Express Mail

  • Campus/U.S Mail is picked up and delivered at CEOAS Admin
  • Outgoing U.S. Mail may be left at CEOAS Admin for pick-up (separate outgoing mail into stamped personal mail, work mail to be stamped, and Express Mail with completed labels and Campus Mail forms including Index to charge)

Shipping Overseas; Cruise or Expedition Shipping


  • Quick-start guide:
    • to call another OSU campus phone: dial 7 and then the last 4 digits, e.g. 7-3504
    • to call a local Corvallis phone number: dial 9 and then 541 and then the 7-digit number, e.g. 9-541-766-6900
    • to call a toll-free number: dial 9 and then 1 and then the 10-digit number, e.g. 9-1-800-444-4444
    • to call a long-distance number: dial 9 and then 1 and then the 10-digit number, and after you hear the three tones, enter your long-distance authorization code
      • to get a long distance authorization code, contact Barb Francisco, 541-737-5201
  • OSU Campus Online Directory
  • New phones, phone moves, repairs, changes: Vikki Pointer
  • Conference calls or check out polycom phone: Vikki Pointer
  • Using your telephone
  • Voice mail information

Business Cards

CEOAS Brand Resources


Email Lists

Room Reservations

Purchase Request