Kaplan Yalcin
Wilkinson Hall 248
2601 SW Orchard Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Kaplan Yalcin is the Assistant Dean for Academic Programs. In this position, Yalcin advises and works closely with leadership in matters concerning enrollment, staffing, and budget projections for both our on-campus and online degree programs. Yalcin coordinates such efforts with academic program heads to ensure that the quality of individual courses and curricula remain our highest priority even as we seek greater efficiency. Yalcin also acts as a liaison with affiliated units across campus. He earned his Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Science at the University of New Hampshire.
Distance and online education, undergraduate research, paleoclimatology
Research Interests
High-resolution ice core records of recent climate variability and environmental change; paleovolcanic records from ice cores; aerosol and snow chemistry at high elevation mountain sites; records of explosive volcanism from ice cores
B.S., University of Missouri (Geological Sciences) with Honors, 1998
M.S., University of New Hampshire (Geochemical Systems), 2001
Ph.D., University of New Hampshire (Earth and Environmental Science), 2005
GEO 201 Physical Geology (on-campus)
GEO 221 Environmental Geology (on-campus and ecampus)
GEO 306 Minerals, Energy, Water and the Environment (on-campus and ecampus)
GEO 307 National Park Geology and Preservation (on-campus and ecampus)
GEO 308 Global Change and Earth Sciences (ecampus)
Fisher, D., E. Osterberg, A. Dyke, D. Dahl Jensen, M. Demuth, C. Zdanowicz, J. Bourgeois, R.M. Koerner, P. Mayewski, C. Wake, K. Kreutz, E. Steig, J. Zheng, K. Yalcin, K. Goto-Azuma, B. Luckman, and S. Rupper, The Mt. Logan Holocene Late-Wisconsin isotope record: tropical Pacific-Yukon connect, The Holocene, 18, 667-677, 2008.
Yalcin, K., C.P. Wake, K.J. Kreutz, M.S. Germani, and S.I. Whitlow, Ice core paleovolcanic records from the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada, Journal of Geophysical Research 112, D08102, doi:10.1029/2006JD007497, 2007.
Yalcin, K., C.P. Wake, J.E. Dibb, and S.I. Whitlow, Relationships between aerosol and snow chemistry at King Col, Mt. Logan Massif, Yukon, Canada, Atmospheric Environment, 2006.
Yalcin, K., C. P. Wake, K. J. Kreutz, M. S. Germani, and S. I. Whitlow, Ice core evidence for a second volcanic eruption around 1809 in the Northern Hemisphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L14706, doi:10.1029/2006GL026013, 2006.
Yalcin, K ., C.P. Wake, S. Kang, K.J. Kreutz, and S.I. Whitlow, Seasonal and spatial variability in snow chemistry at Eclipse Icefield, Yukon Territory, Canada, Annals of Glaciology, 43, 2006.
Yalcin, K ., C.P. Wake, S. Whitlow, and K. Kreutz, A 1000-year record of forest fire activity from Eclipse Icefield, Yukon, Canada, The Holocene , 16, 200-209, 2006.
Fisher, D.A., C. Wake K. Kreutz, K. Yalcin , E. Steig, P. Mayewski, L. Anderson, J. Zheng, S. Rupper, C. Zdanowicz, M. Demuth, M. Wasckiewicz, D. Dahl-Jensen, K. Goto-Azuma, J.B. Bourgeois, R.M. Koerner, J. Sekerka, E. Osterberg, M.B. Abbott, B.P. Finney, and S.J. Burns, Stable isotope records from Mount Logan and Eclipse ice cores and nearby Jellybean Lake; water cycle of the North Pacific over 2000 years and over 5 vertical kilometers; sudden shifts and tropical connections, Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, 58 (2-3), 9033-9048, 2004.
Yalcin, K ., C.P. Wake and M. Germani, A 100-year record of North Pacific volcanism in an ice core from Eclipse Icefield, Yukon Territory , Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research 108, 10.1029/2002JD00244, 2003.
Wake, C., K. Yalcin , and N. Gundestrup, The climate signal recorded in the oxygen isotope, accumulation, and major ion time-series from the Eclipse Ice Core, Yukon Territory, Annals of Glaciology 35, 416-422, 2002.
Yalcin, K . and C.P. Wake, Anthropogenic signals recorded in an ice core from Eclipse Icefield, Yukon Territory, Geophysical Research Letters 28, 4487-4490, 2001.