The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences operates research vessels out of the Ship Operations facility located at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon. The facility provides quick access to the ocean for our fleet as well as visiting vessels.
We are proud to be building the next generation of regional-class research vessels for the U.S. Academic Research Fleet. The first of three new ships, R/V Taani, will be operated by CEOAS.

Generous support provided by the National Science Foundation.
Other Ship Operations Links
- Ship Operations Mission and Core Values (PDF on Box)
- OSU Fee Book Instructions (to see current rates)
- West Coast Vanpool
- CEOAS Ship Operations Support Services Manual (PDF on Box)
- Visiting Vessel Schedule (Google Calendar)
- Pier Use Form (PDF on Box)
- Oceangoing Research Vessel Program
- Ship Operations Instagram
- Ship Operations Pier Construction webcam
- RCRV webcam 1, webcam 2, webcam 3, webcam 4, webcam6, webcam8