Aaron Wolf

headshot of Aaron Wolf

Aaron Wolf


Wilkinson Hall 212
2601 SW Orchard Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States

Brief Research Interests
Transboundary water conflicts and conflict resolution

Website: Water Conflict Management and Transformation
Vita: Aaron T. Wolf, Ph.D


Water Resources Policy and Conflict Resolution, Middle East Geopolitics

Research Interests

Transboundary Water Conflicts and Conflict Resolution, Water Basin Technical and Policy Analysis, Environmental Policy Analysis, Shared Waters Conflict Prevention, Management, and Transformation, Water Resources and Environmental Institutional Development and Policy Analysis


BA Physical Geography/Resource Management, San Francisco State University, 1985
MS Water Resources Management, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 1990
PhD Land Resources, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 1992


GEOG 340H - Intro to Water Science and Policy (Honors)
GEOG 495 - Field Geography of Oregon
GEOG 541 - International Water Resource Management
GEOG 595 - Field Geography of Oregon
WRP 521 - Water Conflict Management & Transformation

Student Research Directed

Undergraduate theses directed:

Parks, Nella (2007). "The Distribution and Flow of Foreign Aid to Water Cooperation Projects in International Basins." University Honors College Thesis. Honors College Poster Prize Winner.

Master’s degrees directed to completion:

Eroglu, Duygu (2018, anticipated).

Splichalova, Dacotah (2017). “Navigating Cultural Currents: The Sixaola River Basin Story.”

Woge, Tsion (2017). “Indigenous Approaches to Water Conflict Negotiation: the Anuak and their Approaches to Water Conflict Negotiation.”

Welch, Christina (2017). “What Lies Below: Options to Improve Sustainable Management of U.S./Mexico Transboundary Aquifers.”

Altingoz, Mehmet (2017). “Investigating Management of Transboundary Basins between Sovereign Countries and Non- Sovereign Entities.”

Winograd, Scott (2017). “The Benefits and Burdens of Flood Control Policy in the United States on Humans and Ecosystems.”

Timboe, Ingrid (2016). “Assessing the Current State of Transboundary Cooperation in the International Columbia River Basin.”

Zavareh, Sahar (2015). “Detroit Water Crisis News Media Discourse Analysis.” Delson Bridge to the Future Fund Award, 2015

Ogren, Kim (2012). “Analysis of the Incentives and Disincentives for Conflict Prevention and Mitigation in the US Bureau of Reclamation’s Water Management.” 6th World Water Forum Emerging Academic Scholar. Best Student Poster at the 2011 Oregon Water Conference.

Watson, Julie Elkins (2012). “A River Loved: Facilitating Cooperative Negotiation of Transboundary Water Resource Management in the Columbia River Basin through Documentary Film.”

Rancier, Racquel (2012). Assessing Tribal Water Rights Settlements as a Means for Resolving Disputes over Instream Flow Claims: A Comparative Case Approach. OSU Water Resources Graduate Program Alumni Award, 2011.

Foster-Moore, Eric (2011). “A Topography of Dams in China: Impacts to Agriculture, Labor, and Migration.” OSU Water Resources Graduate Program Faculty Excellence Award, 2011.

Husain, Abdullah (2011). “Assessing the Kuwaiti Government Response to the Environmental Disasters from the First Gulf War.”

Pak, Mariya (2011). “Assessing Water Governance Capacity in the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Albuquerque Area Office.” Fullbright Scholar, 2009-2011.

Brown, Bridget (2010). “Assessing Water Governance Capacity in MENA: Applying a National Institutional Document Analysis Approach to Jordan.” OSU Water Resources Faculty Excellence Award, 2010. OSU Department of Geosciences Award for Research Assistance, 2010. Honorable Mention, 2009 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

Hanlon, Thomas (2010). “The Impacts of Mining Legacy in a Water-Scarce South Africa: An Environmental Security Perspective.”

Malone, Chevelle (2010). “Returning Grain to the Lower Willamette Valley: Prospects and Barriers for Local Food Security.”

Lin, Elina (2009). “Water’s Role in a Sense of Place in the Nu River Valley.” Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship, 2008.

McNally, Amy (2008). “A Collaborative Potential Assessment of Project Atmospheric Brown Clouds.”

Odom, Olivia (2008). “Institutional Capacity Building through Land and Water Stewardship Integration- An Analysis of Source Water Protection in Corvallis, Oregon.” Benton County Soil and Water District Fellowship, 2007-08

Boehlert, Brent (2006). “Irrigated Agriculture, Energy, and Endangered Species in the Upper Klamath Basin: Evaluating Trade-Offs and Interconnections.” (Co-advised with Bill Jaeger.)

Geren, Barbara (2006). “Predicting Sediment Delivery from Small Catchments in the Western Cascades of Oregon.” (Co-advised with Hanna Gosnell.)

Blankespoor, Brian (2004). “Irrigated Agriculture as an Indicator of Socio-Political Stability in the Wadi el Far’a, West Bank.”

Ashley, Sara (2003). “The Influence of Aging Dams and Geography on the Distribution of Dam Removals in the United States.”

Matsumoto, Kyoko (2002). “Transboundary Groundwater and International Law: Past Practices and Current Implications.”

Pearson, Cathy (2002). “Towards a Better Understanding of Water Quality Management in International Basins.”

Wise, Daniel (2001). “Irrigated versus Irrigable Land at the Global Scale.”

Doctor of Philosophy degrees directed to completion:

Peters, Laura (2020, anticipated). Jeanne X. Kasperson Award, a student paper competition in the Hazards, Risks, & Disasters Specialty Group of the AAG

McCracken, Melissa (2019, anticipated). “Defining ‘Effectiveness’ in the Evaluation of Transboundary Water Cooperation: An alternative path for SDG Indicator 6.5.2” Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund Graduate Fellowships for International Research, 2017. Olen Paul Matthews and Kathleen A. Dwyer Fund for Water Resources Award by the Water Resources Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers, 2017.

Rai, Subash Prasad (2017). “Study of Hydropolitics in South Asian Transboundary Rivers.” (IIT Roorkee, India, co-advised with Prof. Nayan Sharma)

Ogren, Kim (2015). “Water Governance Process Assessment: Evaluating the Link between Decision Making Processes and Outcomes in the Columbia River Basin.” OSU Provost’s Distinguished Graduate Fellowship. AWRA Herbert Memorial Scholarship. AAG Water Resources Specialty Group Research Proposal Award (2014) and Student Paper Award (PhD level, 2015). Hydro Research Foundation Hydro Research Award, 2014. CEOAS Parenzin Award, 2014. Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund Graduate Fellowships for International Research, 2014. Outstanding Student Oral Presentation Award, American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Annual Conference, 2014

Watson, Julie Elkins (2015). “Beyond Cooperation: Environmental Justice in Transboundary Water Management.” OSU Graduate Internationalization Grant, 2014. CEOAS Parenzin Award, 2014

Pak, Mariya (2014). “International River Basin Management in the Face of Change: Syr Darya Basin Case Study.”

Petersen-Perlman, Jacob (2014). “Mechanisms of Cooperation for States' Construction of Large-Scale Water Infrastructure Projects in Transboundary River Basins.” Stockholm Water Week, Young Scientific Programme Committee, 2014

Veilleux, Jen (2014). “Is Dam Development a Mechanism for Human Security? Scale and Perception of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia and the Xayaburi Dam on the Mekong River in Laos.” US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation Scholarship, 2010, 2011.

MacQuarrie, Patrick (2012). “Resilience of Large River Basins: Applying Social-Ecological Systems Theory, Conflict Management, and Collaboration on the Mekong and Columbia Basins.”

Eidem, Nathan. (2012). “Enhancing Social-Ecological Resilience in the Colorado River Basin.”

Zentner, Matt. (2010). “Assessing the Design of International Water Supply and Hydropower Arrangements for Managing Certain Climate Change Scenarios.”

Iyob, Biniam (2010). “Resilience and Adaptability of Transboundary Rivers: The Principle of Equitable Distribution of Benefits and the Institutional Capacity of the Nile Basin.”

Bakker, Marloes (2007). “Transboundary River Floods: Vulnerability of Continents, International River Basins and Countries.” Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship, 2005.

Jarvis, Todd (2006). “Transboundary Groundwater: Geopolitical Consequence, Commons Sense, and the Law of the Hidden Sea.” Williamson Water Prize (for leadership and academic excellence), 2006.

Larson, Kelli (2004). “Residents' Attitudes Toward Water Resource Protection in Metropolitan Portland, Oregon.” (Co-directed with Mary Santelmann.) Honorable Mention, Universities Council on Water Resources Ph.D. Dissertation Awards, 2005. Association of American Geographers Water Resources Specialty Group Best Paper, 2000.

Giordano, Meredith. (2002) “Water Quality Management in International River Basins.” Sasakawa Award for Research in Sustainable Development, 2001, 2002.

Yoffe, Shira (2002) “Indicators of Future Water Dispute.” Universities Council on Water Resources Best Dissertation, 2002.

Post-Doctoral Scholars:

Moon Hee Kang (2016-17), Jiwon Seong (2016-17), Armando Gallo Yahn Filho (2015-16), Ben Li (2012, 2015), Mehdi Mirzaee (2010), Zhijian Wang (2010 and 2013), Majed Atwi Saab (2009-10), Lucia DeStefano (2008-10, 2013, 2014), Kerstin Stahl (2002-2005)


See Aaron's Publications list on his CV page.