Mary Santelmann
Professor; Director, Water Resources Graduate Program
Strand Agriculture Hall 342
170 SW Waldo Place
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Curriculum Vitae
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Brief Research Interests
Wetlands ecology, biogeography
Wetlands ecology, biogeography
Research Interests
- Ecosystem response to human land use and management practices; use of alternative future scenarios combined with diverse evaluative approaches
- Environmental and anthropogenic influences on species composition and species richness in agricultural, urban and wetland ecosystems, including effects of landscape composition and pattern on native biodiversity
- Ecology and biogeochemistry of wetlands and riparian systems
BS Botany, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (Honors College), 1978
MS Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1980
Phd Ecology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 1988
GEO 324 - Biogeography
GEO 539 - Ecological Biogeography
WRP 524 Sociotechnical Aspects of Water Resources
WRP 507& 505 Seminar and Journal Club in Water Resources
Graduate Students
Student | Degree & Major | Year |
Heather Rustigian | MS Geography | 1999 |
Lori Slane | MS Geography | 2001 |
Kelli Larson | PhD Geography | 2004 |
Amber Wierck | MS Environmental Sci. | 2005 |
Rachel Schwindt | MS Geography | 2006 |
Nathan Schaub | MS Geography | 2007 |
Aaron Arthur | MS Geography | 2007 |
Kelly Clayton | MS Environmental Sci. | 2008 |
Elise Ferrarese | MS Environmental Sci. | 2008 |
Stacy Polkowse | MS Environmental Sci. | 2008 |
Kevin Hetherington | MS Environmental Sci. | 2008 |
Marisa Sowles | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2009 |
Sara M. Taylor | MS Environmental Sci. | 2011 |
Julie Ryden | MS Environmental Sci. | 2012 |
Mark Ingman | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2012 |
Alison Doniger | MS WR Science | 2012 |
Tucker Selko | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2013 |
Rachel Lovellford | MS WR Science | 2013 |
Maria Lewis | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2013 |
Kelly Foley | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2013 |
Hayley Corson-Rikert | MS WR Science | 2014 |
Alessandra Harewood | MS WR Science | 2015 |
Brett Boisjolie | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2016 |
Hayley Carlson | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2016 |
Megan Chellew | MS Geography | 2017 |
Kathryn Perlman | MS Geography | 2017 |
Nicole Feiten | MS WR Science | 2018 |
Malia Losordo | MS WR Science/J.D. | 2018 |
Michelle Talal | PhD Environmental Sci. | 2019 |
Max Henkels | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2019 |
Theresa Keith | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2020 |
Aigul Arynova | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2020 |
Keaton Schrank | MS Geography | 2021 |
Rosemary Pazdral | PhD WR Science | 2022 |
Fatima Taha | PhD Geography | 2022 |
Abdullah Yigit | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2022 |
Ashley Voisinet | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2023 (anticipated) |
Michael Tchintcharauli-Harrison | PhD WR Science | 2023 (anticipated) |
Jalal Faqiryar | MS WR Pol. & Mgmt. | 2023 (anticipated) |
Dean Anderson | MS WR Science | 2023 (anticipated) |
Sara Windoloski | MS WR Science | 2024 (anticipated) |
Megan Duncan | MS WR Science | 2024 (anticipated) |
Recent Publications
- *Talal, M. L., M. V. Santelmann, and J. Tilt. 2021. Urban park visitor perceptions of vegetation in Portland, Oregon. Plants, People and Planet.
- Ibsen, P., D. Borowy, T. Dell, D. Hondula, H. Greydanus, N. Gupta, T. Meixner, M. Santelmann, S. Shiflett, M. Sukop, C. Swan, M. Talal, M. Valencia, M. Wright, G. Jenerette. Greater Aridity Increases the Magnitude of Urban Nighttime Vegetation-Derived Air Cooling. In press. Environmental Research Letters.
- Santelmann, M.V., * A.G. Harewood, and R. Flitcroft. In press. Effects of Stream Enhancement Structures on Water Temperature in South Sister Creek, Oregon, USA. Northwest Science. Accepted December 2020.
- *LovellFord, R. M., R. L. Flitcroft, S. L. Lewis, M. V. Santelmann, G. E. Grant. 2020. Patterns of river discharge and temperature differentially influence migration and spawn timing for Coho Salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. doi:10.1002/tafs.10264
- *Talal, M. L. and M. V. Santelmann. 2020. Vegetation management for urban park visitors: a mixed methods approach in Portland, Oregon. Ecological Applications doi:10.1002/eap.2079
- Santelmann, M., B. Boisjolie*, R. Flitcroft, and M. Gomez. 2019. Relationships between vegetation and elevation in Oregon salt marshes. Northwest Science 43(2):137-154.
- Santelmann, M.V., D. Hulse, M. Wright, C. Enright, A. Branscomb, M. Tchintcharauli- Harrison*, J. Bolson. 2019. Designing and modeling innovation across scales for urban water systems. Urban Ecosystems doi:10.1007/s11252-019-00882-6
- *Talal, M. L. and M. V. Santelmann 2019. Plant Community Composition and Biodiversity Patterns in Urban Parks of Portland, Oregon. Front. Ecol. Evol., 04 June 2019 | doi:10.3389/fevo.2019.00201
- Flitcroft, R., Ivan Arismendi, Chante Davis, Guillermo Giannico, Sarah Lewis, Brooke Penaluna, Mary Santelmann, Mohammad Safeeq, and Jeff Snyder. 2019. Using expressed behavior of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) to evaluate vulnerability of upriver migrants under future hydrological regimes: management implications and conservation planning. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 06 February 2019. doi:10.1002/aqc.3014
- *Boisjolie, B. A., R. L. Flitcroft, and M. V. Santelmann. 2019. Patterns of riparian policy standards in riverscapes of the Oregon Coast Range. Ecology and Society 24(1):22. doi:10.5751/ES-10676-240122.
- Flitcroft, R.L., I. Arismendi, and M.V. Santelmann. 2018. “A Review of Habitat Connectivity Research for Pacific Salmon in Marine, Estuary, and Freshwater Environments. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1–12. doi:10.1111/1752-1688.12708
- *Ferguson, L., S. Chan, M.V. Santelmann, B. Tilt, 2018. Transdisciplinary research in water sustainability: What’s in it for an engaged researcher-stakeholder community? Water Alternatives 11(1): 1-18.
- *Danner, A., M. Safeeq, G. Grant, D. Tullos, C. Wickham, and M.V. Santelmann. 2017. Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Operations of a Multipurpose Reservoir in Oregon, USA. JAWRA 53 (6): 1467-1482. DOI:10.1111/1752-1688.12589
- *Boisjolie, B.A., M.V. Santelmann, R. Flitcroft, and S. Duncan. 2017. Legal ecotones: A comparative analysis of riparian policy protection in the Oregon Coast Range, USA. Journal of Environmental Management 197: Pages 206–220 doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.03.075
- Flitcroft, R., S. Lewis, I. Arismendi, *R. LovellFord, M. Safeeq, and M.V. Santelmann. 2017. Let the fish do the talking: linking hydrologic conditions with fish phenotypes. PLoSOne.
- Boll, J., T. Link, M. V. Santelmann, R. Heinse, and B. Cosens. 2016. Analysis and Synthesis of Best Practices in Interdisciplinary Social-Environmental Education in the USA. Interdisciplina 4(10):147-170.
- *Corson-Rikert, H.C., S. Wondzell, R. Haggerty, and M.V. Santelmann. 2016. Carbon dynamics in the hyporheic zone of a headwater mountain stream in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon. Water Resources Research 52, doi:10.1002/2016WR019303.
- *Ferguson, L., S. Chan, M.V. Santelmann, B. Tilt, 2016. Exploring participant motivations and expectations in a researcher-stakeholder engagement process: Willamette Water 2100, Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 157, January 2017, Pages 447-456, ISSN 0169-2046, doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.08.014.
- *Highland, S., M.V. Santelmann, and *R. Schwindt. 2015. Plant Community Dynamics in Remnant and Restored Willamette Valley Wetland Prairie. Ecological Restoration 33(2):156-170.
- *Ingman, M., M.V. Santelmann and B. Tilt. 2015. Agricultural Water Conservation in China: Plastic Mulch and Traditional Irrigation. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 1(4):12. doi:10.1890/EHS14-0018.
- *Taylor, S. and M.V. Santelmann. 2014. Comparing Vegetation and Soils of Remnant and Restored Prairie Wetlands in the Northern Willamette Valley. Northwest Science 88:329-343.
- Jaeger, W.A. A. J. Plantinga, H. Chang, K. Dello, G. Grant, D. Hulse, J. J. McDonnell, S. Lancaster, H. Moradkhani, A. T. Morzillo, P. Mote, A. Nolin, M. Santelmann, and J. Wu. 2013. Toward a formal definition of water scarcity in natural-human systems. Water Resources Research, VOL. 49, 1–12, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20249
- Santelmann, M.V., Gosnell, H. and S. M. Meyers. 2011. Connecting Children to the Land: Place-Based Education in the Muddy Creek Watershed, Oregon. Journal of Geography 110(3):91-106.
- Santelmann, M.V. 2008. Meeting the Need for Water Resource Professionals: Recruiting More Women and Minorities. Journal of Contemporary Water Resources Research and Education 141:64-71. 10.1111/j.1936-704X.2009.00039.x
- Santelmann, M.V. 2007. Informing Decision Making for Agricultural Watersheds. Journal of Contemporary Water Resources Research and Education 136: 37-43.