Julia Jones
Wilkinson Hall 220
2601 SW Orchard Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Julia Jones, 2021 Distinguished Professor of Geography
Ecosystem Response to Climate Change at Long-Term Ecological Research Sites
Discovery at H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
Spatio-temporal statistics, forest hydrology, landscape ecology, surface processes, biogeography
Research Interests
Land use, climate change and disturbance effects on hydrology, geomorphology, water quality
BA Economic Development, Hampshire College, 1977
MA International Relations, Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies, 1979
PhD Geography/Environmental Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, 1983
GEOG 565 - Spatio-temporal Variation in Ecology and Earth Science (fall)
GEOG 566 - Advanced Spatial Statistics and GIScience (spring)
GEOG 596 - Field Research in Geomorphology and Landscape Ecology (fall)
MRM 525 - Conceptual Foundations of Risk and Uncertainty (fall)
Recent Presentations
Effects of forestry on streamflow: Results from long-term studies
Primer Coloquio Internacional de Hidrología Forestal
Feature Story
Save water by cutting trees? (November, 2019)
Selected Publications
Year | Publication |
2025 | Local considerations are the key to managing global forests for water. Xiaohua Wei, Julia Jones, Yiping Hou, Shirong Liu, Heidi Asbjornsen, Zhiqiang Zhang, Nadeem Shah, Yanhui Wang, Mingfang Zhang, Irena Creed, Ge Sun, Antonio del Campo, Kyoichi Otsuki, Lu Zhang, Science Bulletin, Volume 70, Issue 4, 2025, Pages 448-451, ISSN 2095-9273, doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2024.11.045. |
2024 | Carbon‐water tradeoffs in old-growth and young forests of the Pacific Northwest. Farinacci, M. D., Jones, J., & Silva, L. C. R. (2024). AGU Advances, 5, doi: /10.1029/2024AV001188. |
2022 | Forest restoration and hydrology. J. Jones, D. Ellison, S. Ferraz, A. Lara, X. Wei, and Z. Zhang. Forest Ecology and Management. |
2022 | Long-Term Ecological Research on Ecosystem Responses to Climate Change. J.A. Jones and C.T. Driscoll. BioScience. |
2021 | Streamflow response to native forest restoration in former Eucalyptus plantations in south central Chile. A. Lara, J. Jones, C. Little, N. Vergara. Hydrological Processes. |
2021 | Forest operations, tree species composition and decline in rainfall explain runoff changes in the Nacimiento experimental catchments, south central Chile. A. Iroumé, J.A. Jones, J.C. Bathurst. Hydrological Processes. |
2021 | Fifty years of runoff response to conversion of old-growth forest to planted forest in the H. J. Andrews Forest, Oregon, USA. E.A. Crampe, C. Segura, J.A. Jones. Hydrological Processes. |
2021 | Synergies among environmental science research and observatory networks: a research agenda. J.A. Jones, Groffman, P., [and 18 others]. Earth Futures. |
2020 | Temperature gradients and inversions in a forested Cascade Range basin: Synoptic- to local-scale controls. D.E. Rupp, S.L. Shafer, C. Daly, J.A. Jones, S. Frey. JGR - Atmospheres. |
2020 | River management response to multi-decade changes in timing of reservoir inflows, Columbia River Basin, USA. J.A. Jones, J.C. Hammond*. Hydrological Processes. |
2020 | Long-term dynamics of the LTER program: evolving definitions and composition. JA Jones and MP Nelson. Pp. XX-XX in Waide R and Kingsland S, eds. Challenges and Accomplishments of Long Term Ecological Research: New Perspectives on the Past, Present, and Future of Ecological Science. Springer. |
2020 | Long-term effects of forest harvesting on summer low flow deficits in the Coast Range of Oregon. Segura, C., Bladon, K.D., Hatten, J.A., Jones, J.A., Hale, V.C. and Ice, G.G. Journal of Hydrology, p.124749. [7, ?] |
2019 | Managing forests for both downstream and downwind water. Creed IF, Jones JA, Archer E, Claassen M, Ellison D, McNulty SG, van Noordwijk M, Vira B, Wei X, Bishop K, Blanco JA, Gush M, Gyawali D, Jobbágy E, Lara A, Little C, Martin-Ortega J, Mukherji A, Murdiyarso D, Pol PO, Sullivan CA and Xu J. Front. For. Glob. Change 2:64. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2019.00064 [10, ?] |
2018 | Landscape patterns and diversity of meadow plants and flower-visitors in a mountain landscape. J.A. Jones, R. Hutchinson, A. Moldenke, V. Pfeiffer, E. Helderop, E. Thomas, J. Griffin, A. Reinholtz. Landscape Ecology. |
2018 | Forest harvest legacies control dissolved organic carbon export in small watersheds, western Oregon. K. Lajtha, J.A. Jones. Biogeochemistry,140, 299-315. |
2018 | Forest landscape hydrology in a ‘new normal’ era of climate and land use change. Jones JA and Wei X, Coordinating lead authors. Pp. 81-100 in Creed IF and van Noordwijk M (eds.). Forests and Water on a Changing Planet: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Governance Opportunities. A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 38. Vienna. 192 p. |
2018 | Climate-Forest-Water-People Relations: Seven System Delineations. van Noordwijk M, Creed IF, Jones JA and Wei Xi, Coordinating lead authors. Pp. 27-60 in Creed IF and van Noordwijk M (eds.), 2018. Forests and Water on a Changing Planet: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Governance Opportunities. A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 38. Vienna. 192 p. |
2018 | Fluorescent DOC characteristics are related to streamflow and pasture cover in streams of a mixed landscape. B.S. Lee, K. Lajtha, A. White, J.A. Jones. Biogeochemistry,140, 317-340. |
2017 | Forests and water in South America, Jones, J., Almeida, A., Cisneros, F., Iroumé, A., Jobbágy, E., Lara, A., Lima, W. d. P., Little, C., Llerena, C., Silveira, L., and Villegas, J.C. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.11035 |
2017 | Summer streamflow deficits from regenerating Douglas‐fir forest in the Pacific Northwest, USA.Perry, T.D., Jones, J.A., Ecohydrology, doi: 10.1002/eco.1790 |
2016 | Spatial models reveal the microclimatic buffering capacity of old-growth forests.Frey, S.J., Hadley, A.S., Johnson, S.L., Schulze, M., Jones, J.A. and Betts, M.G. Science advances, 2(4), p.e1501392. |
2016 | Puyehue-Cordón Caulle eruption of 2011: tephra fall and initial forest responses in the Chilean Andes.Swanson, F.J., Jones, J., Crisafulli, C., González, M.E. and Lara, A., Bosque, 37, pp.85-96. |
2015 | Precipitation-snowmelt timing and snowmelt augmentation of large peak flow events, western Cascades, Oregon.Jennings, K. and Jones, J.A., Water Resources Research, 51(9), pp.7649-7661. |
2015 | Seeing the climate through the trees: observing climate and forestry impacts on streamflow using a 60-year record.Burt, T.P., Howden, N.J.K., McDonnell, J.J., Jones, J.A. and Hancock, G.R., Hydrological processes, 29(3), pp.473-480. |
2014 | Extinction debt in naturally contracting mountain meadows in the Pacific Northwest, USA: varying responses of plants and feeding guilds of nocturnal moths. Highland, S. A., and J. A. Jones. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23:2529-2544. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-014-0737-z |
2014 | Precipitation and winter temperature predict long-term range-scale abundance changes in Western North American birds. Illán, JG, Thomas CD, Jones JA, Wong W-K, Shirley SM, Betts, MG. Global Change Biology, in press. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12642 |
2014 | Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long-term experimental watershed sites across North America. Creed IF, Spargo AT, Jones JA, Buttle JM. Adams MB, Beall FD, Booth E, Campbell J, Clow J, Elder K, Green MB, Grimm NB, Miniat C, Ramlal P, Saha A, Sebestyen S, Spittlehouse D, Sterling A, Williams MW, Winkler R, Yao H,Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12615 |
2013 | Effects of Volcanic and Hydrologic Processes on Forest Vegetation: Chaitén Volcano, Chile. Swanson FJ, Jones JA, Crisafulli CM, Lara A. Andean Geology 40 (2): 40 (2): 359-391. |
2013 | Trends in cation, nitrogen, sulfate and hydrogen ion concentrations in precipitation in the United States and Europe from 1978 to 2010: a new look at an old problem. Lajtha K, Jones JA. Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533-013-9860-2. |
2013 | Climate and streamflow trends in the Columbia River basin: evidence for ecological and engineering resilience to climate change. Hatcher KL, Jones JA. Atmosphere-Ocean. 51: 436-455. |
2012 | Ecosystem Processes and Human Influences Regulate Streamflow Response to Climate Change at Long-Term Ecological Research Sites. Jones, JA, and 24 others. 2012. BioScience, 62, 390-404. |
2011 | Hydrological principles for sustainable management of forest ecosystems. Creed, I.F., G.Z. Sass, J.M. Buttle, J.A. Jones. Hydrological Processes, 10.1002/hyp.8056. |
2011 | Hydrologic responses to climate change: considering geographic context and alternative hypotheses. Jones, J.A., Hydrological Processes, 10.1002/hyp.8004. |
2011 | How soil moisture mediates the influence of transpiration on streamflow at hourly to interannual scales in a forested catchment. Moore, G.W., J.A. Jones, and B.J. Bond. Hydrological Processes, 10.1002/hyp.8095. |
2010 | Extreme flood sensitivity to snow and forest harvest, western Cascades, Oregon, United States. Jones, J.A., and R.M. Perkins.Water Resour. Res., 46, W12512, doi:10.1029/2009WR008632. |
2010 | Interdisciplinary Studies of Eruption at Chaitén Volcano, Chile. EOS, 91(42)381-392. Pallister, J.S., J.J. Major, T.C. Pierson, R.P. Hoblitt, J.B. Lowenstern, J.C. Eichelberger, L. Lara, H. Moreno, J. Muñoz, J.M. Castro, A. Iroumé, A. Andreoli, J. Jones, F. Swanson, C. Crisafulli. 2010.Supplement. |
2008 | Hydrologic Effects of a Changing Forest Landscape. National Research Council (J. Jones, vice-chair). Committee on Hydrologic Impacts of Forest Management, Water Science and Technology Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies. ISBN 0-309-12104-3. |
2008 | Climate variability, snow and physiographic controls on storm hydrographs in small forested basins, western Cascades, Oregon. Perkins, R.M. and J.A. Jones. Hydrological Processes. 22, 4949-4964. |
2008 | Landscape-scale dynamics of wood in stream networks of the western Cascades, Oregon. Czarnomski, N.M., D.M. Dreher, K.U. Snyder, J.A. Jones and F.J. Swanson. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 38: 2236-2248. |
2006 | Flood and debris flow interactions with roads promote the invasion of exotic plants along steep mountain streams, western Oregon. Watterson, N. and J.A. Jones. Geomorphology 78, 107 123 |
2004 | Seasonal and successional streamflow response to forest cutting and regrowth in the northwest and eastern United States. J.A. Jones and D.A. Post. Water Resources Research, 40, W05203, doi:10.1029/2003WR002952. |
2004 | Structural and compositional controls on transpiration in a 40- and 450-yr-old riparian forest in western Oregon, USA. G.W.Moore, B.J. Bond, J.A. Jones, N.Phillips, and F.C. Meinzer. Tree Physiology 24: 481-491. |
2003 | Runoff production on forest roads in a steep, mountain catchment. B.C. Wemple and J.A. Jones. Water Resources Research 39, doi:10.1029/2002WR001744. |
2003 | Influence of large woody debris on channel morphology and dynamics in steep, boulder-rich mountain streams, western Cascades, Oregon. J. Faustini and J.A. Jones. Geomorphology 51(1-3): 187 - 205. |
2002 | The zone of vegetation influence on baseflow revealed by diel patterns of streamflow and vegetation water use in a headwater basin. B.J. Bond, J.A. Jones, G. Moore, N. Phillips, D. Post, J.J.. McDonnell.. Hydrological Processes 16: 1671-1677. |
2003 | Runoff production on forest roads in a steep, mountain catchment. B.C. Wemple and J.A. Jones. Water Resources Research 39, doi:10.1029/2002WR001744. |
2003 | Influence of large woody debris on channel morphology and dynamics in steep, boulder-rich mountain streams, western Cascades, Oregon. J. Faustini and J.A. Jones. Geomorphology 51(1-3): 187 - 205. |
2003 | Forman RTT, Sperling D, Bissonette JA, Clevenger AP, Cutshall CD, Dale VH, Fahrig L, France R, Goldman CR, Heanue K, Jones JA, Swanson FJ, Turrentine T, Winter TC. 2003. Road ecology: science and solutions. Island Press, Washington, DC. |
2001 | Forest roads and geomorphic process interactions, Cascade Range, Oregon. B.C. Wemple, F.J. Swanson, and J.A. Jones. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 26: 191-204. |
2000 | tream temperature responses to forest harvest and debris flows in western Cascades, Oregon. S. Johnson and J.A. Jones. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Suppl. 57: 1-10. |
2000 | Effects of roads on hydrology, geomorphology, and disturbance patches in stream networks. J.A. Jones, F.J. Swanson, B.C. Wemple, K. Snyder. Conservation Biology 14(1): 76-85. |
2000 | Role of light availability and dispersal in exotic plant invasion along roads and streams in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon. L.A. Parendes and J.A. Jones. Conservation Biology 14(1): 64-75. |
1996 | Peak flow response to clearcutting and roads in small and large basins, western Cascades, Oregon. J.A. Jones and G.E. Grant. Water Resources Research 32:959-974. |
Recent Graduate Students
Melinda Vickers, MS, Geography, 2022. Climate Variability and Plant-Pollinator Networks in the Cascade Range, Oregon.
Leah Cromer, MS, Water Resources Engineering, 2021. Temporal and Spatial Variability of Channel Adjustment to Floods in a 5th order Forested Mountain Stream.
Malek, Ali. PhD Geography, 2019. Empirical Analysis of Processes Affecting Drainage Flows and Inversions in a Forested Mountain Landscape
Stephanie Bianco, MS Water Resources Engineering, 2018. A Novel Approach to Process-based River Restoration in Oregon: Practitioners’ Perspectives, and Effects on In-stream Wood.
Alexandra Davis, PhD Integrated Biology, 2018. Habitat use and and ecological interations of invasive lionfish in the Bahamas.
Jessica Pierson, MS Geography, 2018. Flow From Flexibility: Identifying Opportunities For Streamflow Restoration in a Transboundary Municipal Watershed Through Water Budgeting
Mark Roberts, PhD Geography, 2017.Childhood Cancer and Spatial Analyses of Benzene Exposure in Texas.
Katherine Jones, MS Geography, 2016. Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Tree Establishment in the M1 Meadow of the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest.
Alexandra A. Savotkina, PhD, Geography, 2016. Nuclear Power Plant Siting in the Columbia River Basin: Current Trends, Effects of Climate Change, and Associated Uncertainties.
Candice Michelle Weems, PhD, Geography, 2016. Examining the spatial distribution of park access and trajectories of gentrification in Seattle, Washington 1990 - 2010.
Edward Helderop, MS Geography, 2015. Diversity, Generalization, and Specialization in Plant-Pollinator Networks of Montane Meadows, Western Cascades, Oregon.
Kathleen M. Moore, PhD, Geography, 2015. Optimizing Reservoir Operations to Adapt to 21st Century Expectations of Climate and Social Change in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon
Will L'Hommedieu, MS, Water Resources Engineering, 2014. Depth-dependent effects of an engineered log jam on simulated flow structure and complexity
Keith Jennings, MS, Water Resources Science, 2014. Precipitation-Snowmelt Timing and Snowmelt Augmentation of Large Peak Flow Events, Western Cascades, Oregon.
John Hammond, MS, Water Resources Science, 2014. Trends in Streamflow Above and Below Dams Across the Columbia River Basin from 1950 to 2012: Assessing Sub-basin Sensitivity
Lucy Romeo, MS, Geography, 2014. Spatial Distribution and the Probability of Occurrence of Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Alaskan Arctic
Brian Marc Wilson, MS, Environmental Sciences, 2013
Topographic heterogeneity and the spatial pattern of air temperature in a mountain landscape.
Vera W. Pfeiffer, MS, Geography, 2012
Influence of Spatial and Temporal Factors on Plants, Pollinators and Plant-pollinator Interactions in Montane Meadows of the Western Cascades Range.
Tracy A. Kugler, PhD, Geography, 2011
A multi-scale comparative study of shape and sprawl in metropolitan regions of the United States
Steven A. Highland, PhD, Geography, 2011
A Historic and Contemporary Ecology of Western Cascade Meadows: Archeology, Vegetation, and Macromoth Ecology
William C. Clark, MS, Geography, 2011
Road networks, timber harvest, and the spread of Phytophthera root rot infestations of Port-Orford cedar in southwest Oregon
Alexis Smoluk, MS, Geography, 2011
Geographic Distributions of Prey of the Northern Spotted Owl in the Central Western Cascades, Oregon, 1988-2009
Kendra L. Hatcher, MS, Geography, 2011
Interacting Effects of Climate, Forest Dynamics, Landforms, and River Regulations on Streamflow Trends since 1950: Examples from the Willamette Basin and Forested Headwater Sites in the US