The 54-foot research vessel Elakha has small laboratory area, berthing for four and a small galley. The name Elakha, the Chinook trading language word for sea otter, was selected after consultation with researchers and representatives of regional Native American groups.
Scientific capabilities include a 1,000-pound capacity A-frame and winch and a flow-through water sampling system. R/V Elakha is powered by a single, 600-horsepower diesel engine and has a range of about 575 miles.
The vessel is used primarily out of Newport along the Oregon Coast, including the Columbia River and other Oregon estuaries, as well as offshore to about 30 nautical miles.
R/V Elakha Details
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Only then can you see the Elakha schedule calendar(Link is external).
OSU Fee Book Instructions (to see current rates)
Please note that both a Captain and Deckhand will be onboard if available.
The above rates are for underway time and include, at no additional charge, 1 hour total of loading and unloading time where the operator will be present.
If additional time is required (e.g., crane operation, major cleanup after coring operations, etc.) it will be billed at $80/hour.
If the operator is required to run the winch and A-frame for alongside testing or similar work, additional charges for fuel will be applied.
Cruises in excess of 12 hours will require a second Captain onboard the vessel and additional charges will be incurred. Unusual cases (e.g., operations away from Newport) will be dealt with on an individual basis and additional charges may be incurred to cover the actual expenses of operating the vessel.
Any equipment lost or broken by the science party will be charged at replacement cost.
Download the Flow-Through System PDF(Link downloads document)

Deck Arrangement - ECC Winch

Deck Arrangement - 6 Bottle Mini Rosette

A one-day Sea Safety & Survival Training For Scientists and Researchers course is now mandatory for at least one person in each science party. If you missed the opportunity to participate in this training, please contact the Marine Superintendent.
Photos from Sea Safety & Survival Training classes of 2000 and 2001:

Rozema Boat Works
11130 Bayview-Edison Road
Mt. Vernon, WA 98273