Directory of People

College Administration

Includes deans, assistants, managers, directors, and advancement Team

Teaching and Research Faculty

Includes tenure-track faculty, research faculty, and instructors.

Discipline Groups

(PDF document on Box) The four major CEOAS academic areas and the lists of faculty associated with each area.

Emeritus Faculty

Undergraduate Student Services

Graduate Student Services

Business Office


Research and Academic Computing Services (RACS)

Facilities and Operations


Also, visit the OSU Postdoctoral Association page to learn more about postdocs at Oregon State.

Ship Operations Personnel

Other Employees and Staff

Includes CEOAS classified staff, professional faculty, research associates, faculty research assistants, and temporary employees not listed above.

Affiliate, Adjunct, Courtesy, Joint, and Visiting Faculty

Includes people not primarily or directly employed by CEOAS, but who are affiliated with the college for work on specific projects or tasks.

Graduate Students

Includes students in a masters or Ph.D. program who are advised by faculty affiliated with CEOAS.

In Memory