Michael Harte
Burt Hall 105
2651 SW Orchard Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Michael Harte is the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, where his primary role is to develop and implement a vision for growth and sustained quality within the college’s undergraduate programs. He collaborates with CEOAS leadership, faculty and staff, and campus partners to deliver, assess and revise CEOAS undergraduate degrees; oversee advising and experiential learning opportunities; develop undergraduate curriculum; and contribute to alumni engagement. A marine geographer who studies sustainable management of marine resources, Harte earned his Ph.D. at the University of Victoria in British Columbia.
Marine Geography
Research Interests
My academic research address fisheries policy and the wider subject of the sustainable management of marine resources. I have specific interdisciplinary research interests in: Rights-based fishery management systems; cost recovery and resource royalty systems; capacity building for sustainable management of the environment; co-management of coastal marine resources; and spatial decision support systems to assist environmental decision-making.
Current Research
Fisheres: Wealth, food security and sustainable livelihoods in developing countries
Contested fisheries: Strengthend coalitions and the governace of internationally shared fish stocks
Probablisic Approaches to Spatial and Temporal Analysis
Marine ecosystem services and Marine Spatial Planning
I trained in physical geography and economics, specializing in natural resource management and planning. My PhD (1994) research at the University of Victoria in British Columbia focused on resource use conflicts in Clayoquot Sound on Vancouver Island. I have a Master's degree (1988) in Geography from the University of Auckland, New Zealand and a Bachelor's degree (1986) in Economics and Geography from the University of Auckland.
Feature Story
Remote sensing: Low-cost mapping for far-flung South Georgia Island (January, 2020)
Recent Publications
SB202 Task Force. 2016. Independent Science Reviews for Natural Resources in the State of Oregon: Report to the Oregon State Legislature. Behan, J., Brennan, S., Bond, B., Edge, D., Gaines, L., and Harte, M. (Eds.). Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.
Maas-Hebner, K.G., M. Harte, N. Molina, R.M. Hughes, C. Schreck, J.A. Yeakley (2015) Combining and Aggregating Environmental Data for Status and Trends Assessments: Challenges and Approaches, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187:278
Parties to the Narau Agreement Office. 2014. Review of the PNA Purse-Seine Vessel Day Scheme: Final Report, Parties to the Narau Agreement Office, Majuro, Marshall Islands.
Hughes, R.M., S. Dunham, K. Maas-Hebner, J.A. Yeakley, C.Schreck M.Harte, N. Molina, C.C. Shock, V.W. Kaczynski, J.Schaefer (2014) A Review of Urban Water Body Challenges and Approaches: (1) Rehabilitation and Remediation, Fisheries, 39(1): 18-29.
Hughes, R.M., S. Dunham, K. Maas-Hebner, J.A. Yeakley, M.Harte, N. Molina, C.C. Shock, V.W. Kaczynski (2014) A Review of Urban Water Body Challenges and Approaches: (2) Mitigating Effects of Future Urbanization, Fisheries, 39(1): 30-40.
Freeman, P., Rosenberger, R., Sylvia, G., Heppell, S., and Harte, M. 2014. Guide for Valuing Marine Ecosystem Services to Support Nearshore Management in Oregon. ORESU-H-13-002. Corvallis, OR: Oregon Sea Grant. 74p.