Miguel Goñi
Burt Hall 414B
2651 SW Orchard Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Miguel A. Goni on Google Scholar
Research Interests
My overall scientific interest is to better understand the cycling of natural organic matter in the earth's surface, mainly in aquatic environments such as oceans, estuaries, rivers, groundwater, and lakes. A key objective of my research is to elucidate the role that organic matter plays on the global biogeochemical cycles of major elements (e.g., carbon, oxygen, nitrogen). Specific areas of my on-going research include:
- Understanding the processes controlling organic matter cycling in river-dominated ocean margins, including deltas and estuaries.
- Investigating the factors that control the generation and export of organic matter from the surface ocean and its transport, cycling and preservation in marine sediments.
- Reconstructing the sources and compositions of organic matter in sediments over glacial - interglacial scales.
- Assessing the role of natural organic matter on the behavior of particle reactive contaminants in coastal environments.
- Developing and applying novel analytical techniques including organic biomarkers and stable isotopes for the study of organic matter in the ocean.
Current Research
My group is currently working on investigating the sources, transport and fate of organic matter in coastal environments, including tropical, temperate and Arctic margins. On going field programs include work along the Pacific Northwest Margin of the US, the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, and the Gulf of Papua (Papua New Guinea). We are working with collaborators at OSU and other instituitions to understand the fluxes and transformations of organic matter in soils, rivers, estuaries and coastal waters and sediments from these sytems and assess how climatic and oceanographic changes affect their carbon cycle. More information (blogs, photos, videos) of some of our going work can be accessed at these web sites:
Feb-2019: Check "Photo of the Week" in this weeks' CEOAS Newsletter (On the Horizon) illustrating our rapid response sampling for the Georespiration project.
Undergraduate Research & Education in Goñi Lab Emmanuel Alegria's profile
2017 Sikuliaq Expedition - Carbon Cycling in a Dynamic Arctic:
Coastal CArbon in Winter off the Oregon Coast - CCAW:
What Are Scientists Doing off the Oregon Coast in Winter?
R/V Oceanus Archives - GeoSpace
2016 Sikuliaq Expedition - Carbon Cycling in a Dynamic Arctic
OSU Reserach Highlights - Studying Oregon's Rivers & Estuaries in Winter
BSc oceanography, University of Washington, 1986
PhD oceanography, University of Washington, 1992
Post-Doctoral, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
I am involved in a variety of professional activities, including serving as editor in scientific journals, leading and participating numerous oceanographic expeditions and being a member of different scientific professional societies. Below I list some of those experiences and include a short video recorded during the last Oceans Sciences meeting as part of the AGU Narratives Project celebration the centennial of the American Geophysical Union.
Voices of AGU Centennial: Miguel Goñi (2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting)
My experience as Editor and Editor in Chief includes presentations in a variety of settings on how to publish and review scientific articles. An example of this type of activity and service to the scientific community includes this recent webinar on "Advice on publishing scientific articles - Consejos para publicar articulos cientificos" that we carried out in Spanish for Spanish-speaking authors.
Beaver Tracks: a Dam Good Podcast episode 5 - explore the Ocean with Miguel Goñi
Professional Organizations
- American Geophysical Union
- American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
- Geochemical Society of America
- Estuarine Research Federation
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos and native Americans in Science
Editorial Duties
- Editorial Board of Continental Shelf Research, 2007 – 2009.
- Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 2009 – 2013.
- Associate Editor, Continental Shelf Research, 2009 – 2014.
- Editor in Chief, Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 2014 - 2020
Reflecting Back and Looking Forward at JGR: Biogeosciences
Major Seagoing/Field Expeditions
Participated in over 50 oceanographic cruises (over 20 as chief or co-chief scientist)
- April 1993, RV Oceanus, Gulf of Maine cruise, Coring, water sampling, chemistry and biology, participant
- March-May 1994, RV JOIDES Resolution, ODP cruise Leg 155: Amazon Deep Sea Fan, scientist
- March 1997, RV Pelican, Gulf of Mexico cruise, coring, water sampling, participant
- October 1997, RV Pelican, Gulf of Mexico cruise, coring, water sampling, participant
- March 1998, RV Pelican, Gulf of Mexico cruise, coring, water sampling, participant
- April 1998, RV Pelican, Gulf of Mexico cruise, coring, water sampling, chief scientist
- June 1998, RV Hermano Gines, Cariaco Basin cruise, sediment trap, coring, participant
- November 1998, RV Hermano Gines, Cariaco Basin cruise, sediment trap, coring, participant
- May 1999, RV Hermano Gines, Cariaco Basin cruise, sediment trap, coring, participant
- May 2000, RV Hermano Gines, Cariaco Basin cruise, sediment trap, coring, chief scientist
- August 2000, RV Cape Hatteras, South-Atlantic Bight cruise, water sampling, participant
- November 2000, RV Hermano Gines, Cariaco Basin cruise, sediment trap, coring, participant
- March 2001, RV Pelican, Gulf of Mexico cruise, coring, water sampling, participant
- May 2002, RV Susan Hudson, Winyah Bay cruise, water sampling, chief scientist
- October 2002, RV Longhorn, Hurricane Lili rapid response Gulf of Mexico cruise, coring, water sampling, chief scientist
- November 2002, RV Hermano Gines, Cariaco Basin cruise, sediment trap, coring, participant
- January 2003, RV Western Venturer, Fly River Delta/Gulf of Papua cruise, coring, water sampling, participant
- August-September 2003, RV Melville, Gulf of Papua cruise, coring, water sampling, co-chief scientist
- November, 2003, RV Hermano Gines, Cariaco Basin cruise, sediment trap, coring, participant
- December, 2003, RV Pelican, Gulf of Mexico cruise, coring, water sampling, chief scientis
- January-February, 2004, RV Melville, Gulf of Papua cruise, coring, water sampling, co-chief scientist
- April-May, 2004, RV Melville, Gulf of Papua cruise, coring, water sampling, co-chief scientist
- March 2005, NOAA Vessel Nancy Foster, Winyah Bay cruise, water sampling, chief scientist
- October 2005, RV Cape Hatteras, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita rapid response, coring, waters sampling, mapping, co-chief scientist
- May 2006, RV Coral Sea, Eel Shelf flood response cruise, coring, participant
- Summer 2008, RV Elakha, coastal cruises off Oregon coast, water sampling, chief scientist
- September, 2008, RV Wecoma, Seasonal Upwelling, Coastal Carbon Export and Sequestration (SUCCES) off Oregon coast
- October, 2008. RV Shana Rae. Coring off Salinas River in Monterey Bay
- May 2009. RV Wecoma, RV Wecoma, Seasonal Upwelling, Coastal Carbon Export and Sequestration (SUCCES) off Oregon coast
- June-July, 2009. RV Wecoma, Carbon delivery/deposition to US west coast. Coring cruise off Oregon and California rivers, chief scientist
- July-August, 2009. RV Wecoma, Seasonal Upwelling, Coastal Carbon Export and Sequestration (SUCCES) off Oregon coast
- August-September, 2010. Fly/Strickland River/Upland Field Program in Papua New Guinea
- April 28-May 6, 2011. RV Wecoma, Seasonal hypoxia off Cascadia; B. Hales chief scientist
- August 11-September 3, 2011. RV Wecoma, Seasonal hypoxia off Cascadia; R. Feely/L. Juranek chief scientists
- September 6-12, 2011. RV Wecoma, Seasonal hypoxia off Cascadia; B. Hales chief scientist
- October 3-25, 2012. USCGC Healy, Mooring turn-arounds and hydrographic survey in Chukchi and Beaufort Seas; R. Pickart/J. Mathis chief scientists
- November 2013-April 2014. Intensive small-boat surveying & sampling in Alsea Bay, Oregon. M. Goni chief scientist
- November 2014-April 2015. Intensive small-boat surveying & sampling in Alsea Bay, Oregon with Jim Lerczak’s group. M. Goni chief scientist
- October 11-17, 2015. River sampling along Eel and Umpqua catchemnts with B. Haley. M. Goni, lead
- January 20-27, 2016. RV Oceanus, Coastal carbon dynamics in Winter. Newport to Newport with A. White and K. Shearman’s groups. M. Goni chief scientist
- February 11-18, 2016. RV Oceanus, Coastal carbon dynamics in Winter. Newport to Newport with A. White and K. Shearman’s groups. M. Goni chief scientist
- February 18-21, 2016. River sampling along Oregon coastal catchemnts. M. Goni, lead
- March 10-18, 2016. RV Oceanus, Coastal carbon dynamics in Winter. Newport to Newport with A. White and K. Shearman’s groups. M. Goni chief scientist
- March 19-25, 2016. RV Oceanus, OC295 Undergraduate Student Cruise. Newport to Newport. R. Wheatcroft, chief scientist. K. Bernard & M. Goni co-chief sciencts
- August-September 2016. RV Sikuliaq, Late season productivity in a changing Arctic. Seward to Nome. L. Juranek, chief scientist
- December 5-10, 2016. RV Oceanus, Coastal carbon dynamics in Winter. Newport to Newport with A. White and K. Shearman’s groups. M. Goni chief scientist
- January 12-15, 2017. RV Oceanus, Coastal carbon dynamics in Winter. Newport to Newport with A. White and K. Shearman’s groups. M. Goni chief scientist
- March 27-31, 2017. RV Oceanus, OC295 Undergraduate Student Cruise. Newport to Newport. R. Wheatcroft, chief scientist. K. Bernard & M. Goni co-chief sciencts
- April 10-23, 2017. RV Sikuliaq. OOI Cruise. Newport to Newport. L. Juranek, chief scientist
- August 1-25, 2017. RV Sikuliaq, Late season productivity in a changing Arctic. Seward to Nome. L. Juranek, chief scientist
- February 7-12, 2018. RV Oceanus Coastal carbon dynamics in Winter. Newport to Newport with A. White and K. Shearman’s groups. M. Goni chief scientist
- March 26-30, 2018. RV Oceanus, OC295 Undergraduate Student Cruise. Newport to Newport. R. Wheatcroft & M. Goni co-chief sciencts
- October 23-November 18, 2018. USCGC Healy, Mooring turn-arounds and hydrographic survey in Chukchi and Beaufort Seas; R. Pickart chief scientist
- March 22-29, 2019. RV Oceanus, OC295 Undergraduate Student Cruise. Newport to Newport. M. Goni co-chief scienct
The 2020 cruises on RV Oceanus associated with OC 296 - Introduction to Field Oceanography and OC 496 - Advanced Field Oceanography were cancelled due to the COVID19 pandemic. Check out the video by Emmanuel Goicochea entitled Undergraduates at Sea as part of his OSU Science Media Fellowship from Oregon State Productions.
Check out videos from 2019's OC 295 - Introduction to Field Oceanography cruise aboard RV Sikuliaq:
Oceanography 295 - Science at Sea
Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences YouTube channel
Graduate Courses (OSU)
- OC 507 – Seminar Ocean Ecology and Biogeochemistry
- OC 522 – Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics
- OC 599 (New Course) – Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics
- OC 550 – Chemical Oceanography
- OC 656 – Marine Organic Geochemistry
- OC 652 – Chemical Oceanography Lab
Undergraduate Courses (OSU)
- OC 295 – Introduction to Field Oceanography
- OC 103 – Exploring the Deep
- OC 450 (New Course) – Chemical Oceanography (undergraduate course for new major)
- OC 407 - Biogeochemical Oceanography Seminar
- OC 401 – Research Projects
Field Trips
Check a short YouTube movie of the 2015 OC 103 Field Trip
Check out our group's contribution to OSU's Marine Studies Initiative new commercial.
Oregon State University Commercial - Glaciers to Ocean - Extended Version
Oregon State University Commercial - Glaciers to Ocean
Most Recent Publications:
- Chaves, J.E., Cetinić, I., Dall’Olmo, G., Estapa, M., Gardner, W., Goñi, M., Graff, J.R., Hernes, P., Lam, P.J., Liu, Z., Lomas, M.W., Mannino, A., Novak, M.G., Turnewitsch, R., Werdell, P.J., Westberry, T.K., (2020) Particulate Organic Carbon Sampling and Measurement Protocols: Consensus Towards Future Ocean Color Missions. NASA Ocean Ecology Lab Field Support Group and hosted at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Nov. 30- Dec 2, 2016.
- Goñi, M.A., Corvi, E.R., Welch, K.A., Alegria, E., Watkins-Brandt, K., White A.E. (2020) Wintertime particulate organic matter distributions in surface waters of the northern California current system. Continental Shelf Research. (accepted).
- Kieft, B., Crump, B., White, A.E., Goñi, M.A., Mueller, R.S. (2020) Winter river plumes shape community composition and activity of heterotrophic microorganisms on the Oregon Coast. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 84, 15-29.
- Paradis, S., Goñi, M.A., Masqué, P., Duran, R., Arjona-Camas, M., Palanques, Albert and Puig, P. (2020) Persistence of Biogeochemical Alterations of Deep-Sea Sediments by Bottom Trawling. Geophysical Research Letters (submitted).
- Tedesco, K., Tappa, E., Benitez-Nelson, C., Black, D., Christensen, B., Corliss, B., Goñi, M., Lorenzoni, L., McConnell, M., Osborne, E., Pride, C., Sautter, L., and Umling, N. (2020) Dr. Robert C. Thunell: A 40-year career of outstanding Science, service, and education. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35, doi:10.1029/2019PA003786.
- Ward, N.D., Megonigal, J.P., Aluwihare, L., Bailey, V., 5 Bond-Lamberty, B., Butman, D., Canuel, E.A., Diefenderfer, H., Fang, Y., Ganju, N.K., Goñi, M.A., Graham, E.B., Hopkinson, C.S., Khangaonkar, T., Langley, A., Matamala, R., McDowell N.G., Myers-Pigg, A.N., Neumann, R.B., Osburn1, C.L., Price, R.M., Rowland, J., Sengupta, A., Simard, M., Thornton, P., Twilley, R., Tzortziou, M., Vargas, R., Weisenhorn, P.B., Windham-Myers, L. (2020) Representing the function and sensitivity of coastal interfaces in Earth system models. Nature Communications 11, 2458 (2020). doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16236-2.
- Goñi, M.A., Corvi, E.R., Welch, K.A., Buktenica, M., Lebon, K., Alleau, Y., Juranek L.W. (2019) Particulate organic matter distributions in surface waters of the Pacific Arctic shelf during the late summer and fall season. Marine Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2019.03.010.
- Henderikx Freitas, F., G.S. Saldías, M. Goñi, R.K. Shearman, and A.E. White (2018) Temporal and spatial dynamics of physical and biological properties along the Endurance Array of the California Current ecosystem. Oceanography 31(1):80–89, doi:/10.5670/oceanog.2018.113.
- Godin,P., Macdonald, R.W., Kuzyk, Z.Z.A., Goñi, M.A., Stern, G. A. (2017) Organic Matter Compositions and Fluxes of Rivers draining into Hudson Bay: Present Day Trends and Potential as Recorders of Future Climate Change. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences. DOI: 10.1002/2016JG003569.
- Kuzyk, Z.Z., Gobeil, C., Goñi, M.A., Macdonald R. (2017) Early Diagenesis and Trace Element Accumulation in North American Arctic Margin Sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.12.015.
- Benway, H., Alin, S., Boyer, E., Cai, W.-J., Coble, P., Cross, J., Friedrichs, M., Goñi, M., Griffith, P., Herrmann, M., Lohrenz, S., Mathis, J., McKinley, G., Najjar, R., Pilskaln, C., Siedlecki, S., Smith, R. (2016) A Science Plan for Carbon Cycle Research in North American Coastal Waters. Report of the Coastal CARbon Synthesis (CCARS) community workshop, August 19-21, 2014, Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program and North American Carbon Program, 84 pp.
- Chen, S., Goñi, M.A., Torres, R. (2016) The Role of Salt Marsh Structure in the Distribution of Surface Sedimentary Organic Matter. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-015-9957-z.
- Gray, A.B., Pasternack, G.B., Watson, E.B., Goñi, M.A. (2016) Abandoned channel fill sequences in the tidal estuary of a small mountainous, dry-summer. Sedimentology. DOI: 10.1111/sed.12223
- Gray, A.B., Pasternack, G.B., Watson, E.B., Goñi, M.A., Hatten J.A., Warrick, J.A. (2016) Conversion to drip irrigated agriculture may offset historic anthropogenic and wildfire contributions to sediment production. Science of the Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.03.018.
- Hatten J, Goñi M (2016) Cupric Oxide (CuO) Oxidation Detects Pyrogenic Carbon in Burnt Organic Matter and Soils. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0151957. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.015195.
- Chen, S., Torres, R., Goñi, M.A. (2015) Intertidal zone particulate organic carbon redistribution by low-tide rainfall-runoff. Limnology and Oceanography 60, 1088-1101, doi: 10.1002/lno.10077.
- Gray A.B, Pasternack, G.B., Watson E.B., Warrick J.A., Goñi, M.A. (2015) Effects of antedecent hydrologic conditions, time dependence, and climate cycles on the suspended sediment load of the Salinas River, California. Journal of Hydrology525, 632-649, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.04.025.
- Gray, A., Pasternack, G.B., Watson, E.B., Warrick, J.A., Goñi, M.A. (2015) The effect of El Niño Southern Oscillation cycles on the decadal scale suspended sediment behavior of a coastal dry-summer subtropical catchment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40, 272-284, doi: 10.1002/esp.3627.
- Winterfeld, M., Goñi, M.A., Just, J., Hefter, J., Mollenhauer, G. (2015) Characterization of particulate organic matter in the Lena River delta and adjacent nearshore zone, NE Siberia – Part 2: Lignin-derived phenol compositions. Biogeosciences12, 2261–2283, doi:10.5194/bg-12-2261-2015.
- Bianchi, T.S., Goñi, M.A., Allison, M.A., Chen, N., McKee, B.A. (2014). Sedimentary carbon dynamics of the Atchafalaya and Mississippi River Delta system and associated margin. In: Biogeochemical Dynamics at Large River-Coastal Interfaces: Linkages with Global Climate Change (Eds. T. Bianchi, M. Allison, W. Cai). Cambridge University Press, pp. 473-502.
- Goñi, M.A., Moore, E., Kurtz A., Portier, E., Alleau, Y., Merrell, D., (2014) Organic matter compositions and loadings in soils and sediments along the Fly River, Papua New Guinea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta140, 275-296, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2014.05.034.
- Gray, A., Warrick, J.A., Pasternack, G.B., Watson, E.B., Goñi, M.A. (2014) Suspended sediment behavior in a coastal dry-summer subtropical catchment: Effects of hydrologic preconditions. Geomorphology. 214, 485-501, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.03.009.
- Rushdi, AI, DouAbul, AAZ, Simoneit, BRT, El-Mubarak, AH, Al-Mutlaq, KF, Qurban, MAB, Goñi, MA (2014) Nonpolar lipid tracers in sediments from the Shatt al-Arab River of Iraq and the northwestern Arabian Gulf, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 7, 5495-5508, doi 10.1007/s12517-013-1208-7.
- Rushdi, A.I., Simoneit, B.R.T., DouAbul, A.A.Z., Al-Mutlaq, K.F., El-Mubarak, A.H., Qurban, M., Goñi, M.A., (2014) Occurrence and sources of polar lipid tracers in sediments from the Shatt al-Arab River of Iraq and the northwestern Arabian Gulf. Science of the Total Environment, 470-471, 180-192, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.09.048.
Recent Externally Funded Research Projects
- Collaborative Research: A High Resolution Multi-Tracer Biogeochemical Study of the Pacific Arctic. L. Juranek (co-PI), D. Stockwell (UAF, co-PI). (PLR – Arctic Natural Sciences). Project Dates: 04/01/20 – 03/31/22. Total Amount (OSU): $429,576.
- Determining Mechanisms and Rates of Geologic Respiration at Watershed Scales. J. Pett-Ridge (PI), B. Haley (co-PI). NSF (EAR-Low Temp Geochemistry). Project Dates: 09/01/17 – 08/31/19. Total Amount: $196,422.
- Late Season Productivity, Carbon, and Nutrient Dynamics in a Changing Arctic. L. Juranek (PI), B. Hales (co-PI). NSF (PLR – Arctic Natural Sciences). Project Dates: 05/01/15 – 04/30/18. Total Amount: $1,159,146.
- Coastal Ocean Carbon Cycling during Wintertime Conditions. A. White and K. Sherman (co-PIs). NSF (OCE). Project Dates: 03/15/15 – 03/14/17. Total Amount: $ 756,682.
- The role of estuaries in modulating the export of particle-bound biogenic materials by small mountainous rivers to Cascadia Margin. NSF (OCE). Project Dates: 09/01/11 – 08/31/14. Total Amount: $701,617.
- Water column POM dynamics in Cascadia Margin: effects/controls on seasonal hypoxia and acidification. NSF (OCE). Project Dates: 02/01/2011 – 01/31/2013. Total Amount: $266,162.
- Holocene climate change in the high latitudes of the North American continent: reconstruction of vegetation and fire histories using Hudson Bay sediment records. NSF (P2C2). Project Dates: 10/01/2009 – 9/30/2012. Total Amount: $384,969.
- Collaborative Research: Geomorphodynamic Modulation of Biogeochemical Fluxes and Basin Stratigraphy of the Fly River. National Science Foundation (OCE). PI: Miguel A. Goñi; Co-PIs: J.W. Lauer (Seattle University), W.E. Dietrich (Univ. California, Berkeley), R. Aalto (Exeter University, UK), A.K. Aufdenkampe (Stroud Water Research Center). Total Amount (OSU): $414,585.
- Collaborative Research: Rainfall-driven Intertidal Zone Carbon Cycling. NSF (OCE). PI: Raymond Torres (Univ. South Carolina); Co-PI: Miguel A. Goñi. Project Dates: 7/07-6/10 Total Amount (OSU): $214,760.
- Collaborative Research: Delivery and Burial of POC on Ocean Margins Dominated by Small, Mountainous Rivers: the Role of Effective Discharge NSF (EAR). PI: Miguel A. Goñi; Co-PIs: Rob Wheatcroft, Greg Pasternack (UC, Davis), Jon Warrick (UC, Santa Cruz), Jeff Borgeld (Humboldt State University). Project Dates: 02/07-02/11. Total Amount (OSU): $932,311.
- Collaborative Research: Net carbon transport and reaction in the bottom boundary layer of an upwelling margin. NSF (OCE). PI: Burke Hales; Co-PIs include: R. Kipp Shearman, Zanna Chase, Miguel Goni, Robert Collier. Project Dates: 01/07-12/09. Total Amount (OSU): $1,893,778.