Marine Superintendent
Operational management of the unit and the Marine Technician group.

Port Engineer
Mario Shinzato
Contractor communications, shipyard communications, outside vendors, vessel maintenance, inventory and procurement, hazardous material management, TAANI transition.
541-867-0217 | Fax: 541-867-0294

Port Captain
Mathurin "Matt" Fogg
Recruitment, staffing, position development, R/V Elakha scheduling, operational readiness, safety and security concerns, port logistics, relief mariner supervision, training, crane and forklift operator, OSU forklift training, ISM auditor, designated person ashore, Elakha Relief Captain.
541-867-0168 | Fax: 541-867-0294

Operations Specialist
Lisa Marie (LM) Hyslop
Outreach and communications, travel, data management & analysis, emergency management, recruitment, position development, onboarding, sea service letters, drug testing, personnel records, purchasing cards, petty cash funds, R/V Elakha billing, grant reporting, forklift operator, alternate designated person ashore.
541-867-0224 | Fax: 541-867-0294

Program Specialist
Christine Golden
Port logistics, R/V I scheduling, West Coast Van Pool management, shiptime requests, pier use requests, visiting vessels, space use requests, environmental concerns, accounts receivable, accounts payable, contract questions, grant proposals and reporting, safety management system recording, archival records, operational days reporting, ISM auditor, alternate designated person ashore.
541-867-0200 | Fax: 541-867-0294
Marine Technician Group
The Marine Technician Group manages common use equipment, logistics, ship computing, shop services, information storage, scientific support, shipboard/scientific electronics support, and communications.

Marine Technician Superintendent
541-737-4622 (office) | 831-332-7506 (mobile)
R/V Taani Crew
- Master: Brian Wehmeyer
- Chief Mate: Joseph Cop
- Bos'n / Able Mariner: Doug Beck
- Able Mariner: Patrick Breshears
- Chief Engineer: Spencer Paul
- Chief Cook / Steward: Sugeng (Andi) Suwandi
- Chief Cook / Steward: Theresa Wisner
R/V Elakha Crew
- Master: Regan Watkins
Other Personnel
- Trades / Maintenance: David Weaver (weaverd@oregonstate.edu)
(Facilities, deliveries, forklifts, shipping, packages, maintenance)
Last updated April 2, 2024