CEOAS Field Equipment Guidelines and Reservation Request Form

The College has a variety of general field and safety equipment available for academic field-based activities (field trips, field camps, and field research by students, etc.)  CEOAS students, staff, and faculty are eligible to check out field equipment. A catalog of field equipment available for check out is posted below. Photos of the equipment available can be found on the Reservation Request Form below.

All questions and cancelations should be directed to the Field Camp Equipment Coordinator in CEOAS Student Services in person (104 Wilkinson Hall), by phone (541-737-1201), or by email ( during regular business hours (M-F 8-12, 1-5).


CEOAS Field Equipment Catalog

Reserving CEOAS Field Equipment

  • Reservations should be made at least seven (7) days in advance.
    • Note that some items are very popular and in short supply during the busy field season (September). We recommend you submit your request at least four (4) weeks in advance of your need.
    • If an item is not available, you will be contacted as soon as possible so you can make alternative plans to obtain the equipment.
    • Equipment may be checked out free of charge and is expected to be returned in the same condition as it was checked out. If items are returned in poor condition you may be asked to clean or tidy them as needed.
    • Repair of damaged equipment, cleaning, or replacement cost will be assessed and charged to the borrower through indices or charges to OSU Student Accounts.
      • Wear and tear from normal usage is expected; however, the loss of or negligent damage to any item will be reviewed on an individual basis by the associate dean and may incur a charge equivalent to the cost of replacing the item.
      • If an item you checked out has been lost, damaged, or needs cleaned, fill in the Lost/Damaged Item Form below.
    • CEOAS does not offer insurance on equipment.
  • Undergraduate students must obtain permission from the faculty member responsible for the work that is being done in the field outside of a scheduled class activity (e.g. lab) or field camp and upload it to the Reservation Request Form.
  • Participants in scheduled field classes and field trips will have equipment priority over individual requests.
  • A list of items reserved for a given class can be provided upon request.

Picking Up Reserved Equipment

  • Equipment must be picked up and returned during regular business hours noted above unless other arrangements have been made with the Field Equipment Coordinator.
  • Cancelations must be made two (2) working days prior to the day of pick-up.
