
Mark Abbott
Courtesy Appointment
Nazia Afroze
Ph.D. student
Mariana Aguirre Nunes
Faculty Research Assistant
Mustakim Akhmedov
M.S. student
Jay Alder
Courtesy Appointment
Jack Aldrich
Ph.D. student
Andrea Allan
Senior Instructor I and Program Director of the Climate Science ProgramLarge-scale atmospheric circulation and dynamics, present and future climatology, and global and regional climate modeling and statistical analysis

Jonathan Allan
Courtesy Appointment
Robert Allan
Director of Graduate Student Services and Development
Yvan Alleau
Senior Faculty Research Assistant II
Abdullah Alohali
Ph.D. student
Sarah ALshenaiber
Temporary Research Analyst 1
Maria Cristina Alvarez
M.S. student
Sarai Alvarez Zepeda
Ph.D. student
Ean Amon
Power and Data Systems Engineer
Jason Amundson
Courtesy Appointment
Des Anderson
Director, Alumni Relations (CEOAS)
William (Bill) Andrews
Courtesy Appointment
Emerson Arehart
Research Associate
Jesse Attias
M.S. student
Dominique Bachelet
Research Associate
Gresia Baco
Ph.D. student
Walter Báez
Research Associate
Alexander Bailess
M.S. student
Demian Bailey
Regional Class Research Vessel Project Manager (RCRV-PM)
William Baker
M.S. student
Andrea Balbas
Assistant ProfessorGeochronology, paleomagnetism, stratigraphy

Jason Balderston
Facilities & Operations Manager
Theodore Bambakidis
Ph.D. student
Athena Bamrick
Ph.D. student
Asmita Banerjee
Postdoctoral Scholar
Phil Barbour
Senior Faculty Research Assistant II
Andrew Barnard
Associate Professor (Senior Research)
Crystal Barnes
Senior Graphic Designer
Jeffrey Barnes
Professor Emeritus
Jacob Barnwell
M.S. student
Ana Sofia Barrera
M.S. student
Jack Barth
ProfessorCoastal ocean dynamics, coastal marine ecosystems, hypoxia, inner continental shelf dynamics

Andrew Basham
M.S. student
Harold (Hal) Batchelder
Courtesy Appointment
Jorge Luis Batista Echevarria
M.S. student
Allison Bauer
Director of Development II (CEOAS)
Tamara Baumberger
Assistant Professor (Senior Research)The gas chemistry of hydrothermal vents and methane seeps with a special interest into the carbon cycle and noble gas chemistry

Eric Beals
Senior Faculty Research Assistant I
Verenice Becerril-Gonzalez
M.S. student
Laurence (Larry) Becker
Rural livelihoods, food security, and agricultural policy in the global South, with a focus on Africa

Lorene Yokoyama (Laurie) Becker
Senior Instructor
Sustainability and Resilience in Land Use Planning, Conservation GIS, Public Participation GIS, and Biomimicry

Kristin Beem
Marine Science Technical Director
Jeffrey Beeson
Sarah Beethe
Ph.D. student
Michael Behrenfeld
Adjunct Appointment
Jace Bell
M.S. student
Claudia Benitez-Nelson
Courtesy Appointment
Andrew Bennett
Professor Emeritus
Journey Berry
M.S. student
Susan Bilek
Courtesy Appointment
Kalia Bistolas
Academic Wage Hourly: Research Associate
Bran Black
Ian Black
Ph.D. student
Joshua Blockstein
Ph.D student
Sherman Bloomer
Chancellor and Dean, OSU-Cascades
Rene Boiteau
Courtesy Appointment
Alain Bonneville
Courtesy Appointment
Hannah Brachfeld
M.S. student
Mia Bradshaw
Courtesy Appointment
Ed Brook
Distinguished Professor of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric SciencesPaleoclimatology, geochemistry, ice core trace gas records, cosmogenic isotopes, extraterrestrial dust

Laura Brophy
Courtesy Appointment
Ryan Brown
CEOAS Outreach Coordinator
Doug Brusa
Director of Development (Marine Programs)
Kristen Buck
ProfessorBiogeochemical cycling of trace metals in marine ecosystems, with particular emphasis on the role of metal-binding ligands in the cycling of bioactive trace elements like iron and copper.

John Buckner
Research Associate
Christo Buizert
Paleoclimate, ice cores, abrupt climate change, firn processes

Alessandra (Ali) Burgos
Cascadia CoPes Hub Project Manager
Dale Burns
Courtesy Appointment
Mina Burns
M.S. student
Jessica Buser-Young
Ph.D. student
Sidney Bush
Postdoctoral Scholar
Tyler Byland
M.S. student
Emily Cahoon
Research Associate
James Caison
Design Specialist
Mike Calascibetta
Property Specialist 3
Douglas Caldwell
Professor Emeritus
Kim Calvery
Program Operations Officer, PacWave, Ship Operations, RCRV
Marykathryn Campos
Ph.D. student
Susan Capalbo
Adjunct Appointment
Alexandra Caplan
Ph.D. student
Salvatore Caprara
Research Associate
Lorena Cardenas
Ph.D. student
Andrew Carey
Professor Emeritus
Samantha (Sami) Cargill
Ph.D. student
Rhiannon Carlile
M.S. student
Kerry Carlin-Morgan
Courtesy Appointment
Peter Carlip
Ph.D. student
Haley Carlton
M.S. student
Katharine (Kathy) Cashman
Courtesy Appointment
Mason Cereo
M.S. student
Brandy Cervantes
Senior Research Associate I
Peter Chace
Ph.D. student
Adrienne Chan
Ph.D. student
Josiah Chan
Bio Science Research Tech 2
Samuel (Sam) Chan
Adjunct Appointment
Kai-Fu Chang
Academic Wage-Hourly Faculty Research Assistant
Val Chang
Ph.D. student
Dudley Chelton
University Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Maziet Cheseby
Senior Faculty Research Assistant II
Jeremy Childress
Courtesy Appointment
Agostina Chiodi
Courtesy Appointment
Natasha Christman
Ph.D. student
Mary Chuinard
Director of Undergraduate Student Services and Head Advisor
Lorenzo Ciannelli
Professor, Interim Associate Dean for Graduate
Fisheries oceanography, spatial ecology, fish early life stages, statistical analysis of catch and survey data

Aurea Ciotti
Courtesy Appointment
Alejandro Cisneros de León
NSF postdoctoral research fellow
Jorie Clark
Courtesy AppointmentQuaternary geology, paleoclimatology, archaeology

Peter Clark
University Distinguished Professor of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric SciencesDynamics of glaciers and ice sheets, sea level change, paleoclimatology, abrupt climate change

Peter Clary
Faculty Research Assistant
Savannah Clax
M.S. student
Joseph Clevenger
Ph.D. student