Robert Collier
Weniger Hall 555A
103 SW Memorial Place
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Research Interests
Trace element geochemistry of dissolved and particulate materials in the marine environment; processes controlling elemental fluxes at major marine interfaces/estuaries; surface waters; sediments; suspended particles; ridgecrest hydrothermal systems; nutrient and trace metal cycles in fresh water environments.
Current Research
Served as Project Manager for the OOI Endurance Array between 2006-2014. Currently focusing on "special projects" for the OOI operations group. Along with Barth and Dever, Collier was co-PI on the original OSU proposal to establish the Endurance Array. See also the Ocean Observatories Initiative site.
BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Environmental Science), 1974
MS, California Institute of Technology (Civil Engineering/Water Resources), 1975
PhD, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Chemical Oceanography), 1981