Research Interests
Zooplankton ecology; population and community ecology, role of the physical environment in determining the distribution, abundance, and behavior of zooplankton, and the adaptations of organisms to their environment; trophodynamics and population ecology of marine copepods; model descriptions of population dynamics of marine organisms; individual-based modeling of bioenergetics and individual variability (feeding history, acclimation, energy reserves) in determining behavior, growth, development. and reproduction of crustacean zooplankton.
Current Research
Coupling of physical circulation models of ocean transport with nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton ecological models and individual-based models of zooplankton energetics and demography; biological-physical interactions in the pelagic and intertidal environments.
BS, University of Maine (Biology), 1977
MS, Oregon State University (Oceanography), 1980
PhD, Oregon State University (Oceanography), 1986
Contact Information
Harold (Hal) Batchelder, PhD
Deputy Executive Secretary
North Pacific Marine Science Organization PO BOX 6000
9860 W. Saanich Road
Sidney, BC V8L 4B2 Canada
Phone: 250-363-6826
Fax: 250-363-6827
Skype Name: halbatch
Miscellaneous Documents/Reports
Poster presented at Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference, October 1999.
Poster presented at PICES X, Victoria, BC, Canada, October 2001.
Extended Abstract, "Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Mesozooplankton in Idealized Models of Coastal Upwelling Systems", a poster presented at PICES X, Victoria, BC, Canada, October 2001.
Working Document entitled "Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Mesozooplankton in Idealized Models using Individual Based Particle Tracking Simulations", prepared for an ICES/GLOBEC CCC Workshop on Transport of Cod Larvae, Hillerod, Denmark, 14-17 April 2002 [Note: This document is only slightly revised from the PICES extended abstract above. It does have much higher quality figures, however.]
Electronic Copies of Published Papers
Published Paper (pdf), Batchelder, H. P., and T. M. Powell. 2002. Physical and biological conditions and processes in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Prog. Oceanogr., 53, 105-114.
Published Paper (pdf), Batchelder, H. P., C. A. Edwards, and T. M. Powell. 2002. Individual-based models of copepod populations in coastal upwelling regions: implications of physiologically and environmentally influenced diel vertical migration on demographic success and nearshore retention. Prog. Oceanogr., 53, 307-333.
U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific Program: Overview, P. Ted Strub, Harold P. Batchelder, and Thomas J. Weingartner, Oceanography, 15 (2), pp. 30-35 (2002). 150 Kb PDF file
The GLOBEC Northeast Pacific California Current System Program, Harold P. Batchelder, John A. Barth, P. Michael Kosro, P. Ted Strub, Richard D. Brodeur, William T. Peterson, Cynthia T. Tynan, Mark D. Ohman, Louis W. Botsford, Thomas M. Powell, Franklin B. Schwing, David G. Ainley, David L. Mackas, Barbara M. Hickey, and Steven R. Ramp, Oceanography, 15 (2), pp. 36-47 (2002).525 Kb PDF file