The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospherics Sciences at Oregon State University is proud to announce the availability of paid summer undergraduate research internships in geology, oceanography, and atmospheric and climate science.
Funded by the National Science Foundation, the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program offers students the unique opportunity to work on individual research projects, and participate in group field trips, seminars and science colloquia over a nine week period at CEOAS under the guidance of university scientists, who serve as mentors. The summer REU program runs from June 16 to August 15, 2025. Successful applicants receive paid round-trip travel to Oregon, on-campus housing for the duration of the internship, and a weekly stipend.
Research Areas
CEOAS offers a broad range of undergraduate research opportunities and engineering applications in the physics, chemistry, geology, and biology of the Earth, oceans, and atmosphere. CEOAS research areas include ocean ecology, biogeochemistry, geomicrobiology, fisheries oceanography, physical oceanography, autonomous ocean observing, atmospheric science, climate modeling, marine geology, sedimentology, paleoclimatology, and geophysics. We welcome applications from students with backgrounds and interests in any of these areas, including atmospheric science, biochemistry, chemistry, computer science, earth science, engineering, environmental science, mathematics, microbiology, or physics majors.
If you want to apply what you've learned in the classroom to real world problems, then a research experience in the earth, ocean, and atmospheric sciences at CEOAS may be right for you. The earth, ocean, and atmospheric sciences are applied sciences – we draw on knowledge from a variety of academic backgrounds to solve real-world problems. Examples include:
- development and application of analytical chemistry techniques to parts-per-trillion measurements of individual species in complex solutions;
- physics of heat and mass transfer in solid and fluid earth materials;
- exploiting the physics of light to gather information about the oceans remotely;
- development of computer code to help assimilate and model large observational data sets;
- design and deployment of remotely operated autonomous sampling platforms in the ocean
A directory of potential mentors and undergraduate research areas appears below.
The Summer Program Experience
Students are paired with research mentors in their area of interest and gain experience in research design, data collection and analysis techniques, and interpretation and publication of results. Opportunities abound to gain field and lab experience within individual and related projects, including sea-going experience on a research vessel. There are numerous opportunities to interact with other scientists and students in CEOAS and other departments on the Corvallis campus and at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, through orientation, weekly seminars, group field trips, and project presentations.
Program Dates and Benefits
June 16 to August 15, 2025. Paid round-trip travel to Oregon, on-campus housing, and a stipend of $600/week are provided. The program also provides support for student travel to present at national scientific meetings and symposia.
Students pursuing an undergraduate degree at a two or four year college who are not graduating seniors are eligible to apply. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. We are particularly interested in applications from students who have had limited opportunities to conduct research, but would like to pursue a career in the earth, ocean and atmospheric sciences. We are also recruiting students attending community college and transferring to a four year institution in the fall following the REU summer program.
Application and Deadline
The online application for summer 2025 is now closed (applications were due February 16, 2025 at 11:59 pm PST). On your application list the faculty mentors and Potential Projects that interest you. See the list below. Also browse our listings of past REU projects:
The application will ask you to provide the name, title and institution, and contact information for two professional references. Applicants are responsible for contacting their references and asking them to submit their recommendations. Please ensure that your references submit their recommendations by 11:59 pm PST on February 16, 2025 to be included in your application.
APPLICATION REVIEW UPDATE: All applicants will be notified when the selection process has completed. All OCE-funded REU Sites must give students a minimum of March 15th or LATER to accept their offers regardless of the application deadline. In other words, March 15th is the earliest possible deadline for student acceptance (later deadlines are fine).
For more information specific to the CEOAS internships, please contact Kelsey Lane or Kaplan Yalcin. Summer research internships in marine and estuarine science are also available at OSU's Hatfield Marine Science Center. For more information on these internships, visit the Hatfield Marine Science Center website.
Program Funding
Funding for this REU site is provided by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Ocean Sciences located in Alexandria, VA. (NSF OCE-2148655) The NSF contact for this program is Elizabeth Rom. NSF does not handle REU applications; please contact each REU site directly for application information. All students who are offered a position at this REU site have until March 15th or later to accept or reject the offer. This means the earliest any applicant can accept a position is March 15.
Directory of Potential Mentors and Undergraduate Research Areas

Kim Bernard
2007, Ph.D. Marine Biology, Rhodes University
2003, M.S. Marine Biology, Rhodes University
2000, B.S. Double Major in Zoology and Environmental Science, Rhodes University
In the Zooplankton Ecology Lab, we conduct research on how climate change and other anthropogenic disturbances alter zooplankton ecology at the individual, population, and community levels and thus the structure and function of marine ecosystems and services.
Potential Projects
We have two potential projects in my lab and are hoping to recruit two REUs this summer. Project 1: Active acoustic data can provide a look at the ocean’s preyscape, including a euphausiid krill, a key prey item for predators off the coast of Oregon including fish, whales, and seabirds. In this project, you will learn to process acoustic data using industry-standard software, conduct analyses to reveal the distribution of krill along the west coast of the United States, and study ecological relationships between krill and the environment. Project 2: Analyzing the caloric content of zooplankton can tell us about their value as food for higher trophic levels. In this project, you will learn the technique of bomb calorimetry and will investigate the caloric content of krill from the coast of New Zealand, with the goal of understanding the dietary value of krill to blue whales. Both projects will provide important experience in research in the field of biological oceanography.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
We are looking for enthusiastic, hard-working students who are willing to put in the time it takes to acquire and hone specialized skills used in biological oceanography. You do not need to have prior experience only an eagerness to learn. Project 1 will require substantial computer-based work, while Project 2 will be lab-intensive.

Kristen Buck
2006, Ph.D., Ocean Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz
2001, B.S., Chemistry, Pacific Lutheran University
2001, B.A., French, Pacific Lutheran University
Research in my lab is focused on the cycling of bioactive trace metals (Fe, Cu, Ni, Co, Mn, Zn, Cd, Pb) in marine ecosystems. We specialize in measuring the chemical forms of metals in seawater, and in exploring feedbacks between trace metal chemistry and phytoplankton growth in the marine environment.
Potential Projects
Examples of potential projects include measuring the chemical forms of micronutrient (Fe, Ni) and toxicant (Cu) trace metals in seawater samples collected from field surveys and phytoplankton growth experiments, conducting laboratory experiments to advance techniques for characterizing metal speciation, and analyzing metal stoichiometry in biological particles. We have seawater and/or particle samples archived from projects conducted in the North Pacific, North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Southern Ocean available for projects.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Enthusiasm for laboratory research at the interface of chemistry and biology. Experience in analytical chemistry (whether course- or research-based) is preferred.

Lorenzo Ciannelli
2002, Ph.D., Aquatic Fishery and Sciences, University of Washington
1993, Laureate, Biology, Universita' Degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", Italy
My primary research focus is on fisheries oceanography and marine ecosystem ecology. I am interested in studying the causes of temporal and spatial variations of marine populations. Most of my work revolves around early life stages of fish, as variability at the population level is closely linked to egg, larval and juvenile survival in marine organisms. Through these investigations I combine quantitative analyses (i.e., mathematical and statistical modeling) with more field and experimentally oriented approaches.
Potential Projects
My primary research focus is on fisheries oceanography and marine ecology. I study the causes of temporal and spatial variation of marine populations, and the conservation implications of the ensuing findings. Most of the work that we conduct is from data collected by federal management agencies (e.g., NOAA) in sub-arctic and temperate systems in both the North Pacific and the North Atlantic, and involves a fair amount of computational analysis. The goal of these analyses is to gain ecological understanding and provide scientifically sound advice in management and conservation issues. Methods that I use in my research include statistical analyses of long spatio-temporal data series, typically from surveys and other monitoring programs, combined bio-physical modeling for assessing distributions of fish with dispersal life history stages.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Undergraduate students working in my lab have a strong desire to use quantitative and analytical methods in order to make ecological inference.

Jesse Cusack
2018, Ph.D., Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton
2013, M.Sc., Atmosphere, Oceans and Climate, University of Reading
2012, M.Phys. (Master of Physics), Physics, University of Manchester
Our group is interested in turbulent ocean currents and their impact on Earth’s climate, particularly in polar regions. We analyze data from autonomous platforms such as drifters, underwater gliders, and profiling floats as well as ships to study flows in a broad range of locations from marine terminating glaciers to the deep ocean.
Potential Projects
Examples of potential projects include:
- Implementing a new method that characterizes the movement of our underwater vehicles to improve the accuracy of our measurements.
- Analyzing existing data to understand the distribution of energetic internal waves across the ocean.
- Using a computer simulation to investigate how currents flow around seamounts.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
An interest in physics, oceanography, and climate change. A desire to learn about ocean data and scientific programming. Experience with a programming language like python or MATLAB would be beneficial.

Emily Eidam
2017, Ph.D., Oceanography, University of Washington
2013, M.S., Oceanography, University of Washington
2010, B.S., Geological Sciences, University of Alaska Anchorage
2008, B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Alaska Anchorage
Sediment transport rates and processes primarily in coastal systems (and some fluvial-estuarine systems as well); short-timescale deposition (using isotope tracers); novel instrument development
Potential Projects
Use archived sediment cores housed at OSU's state-of-the-art Marine and Geology Repository to study sedimentation in polar environments and how it is affected by climate change. Research topics include isotopic analyses to determine deposition rates; changes in deposition through time, differences between shelf, slope, fjord, and lake environments; comparison of Arctic and Antarctic cores.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Curiosity in coastal systems and technology; some experience with coding (Matlab or Python); interests in lab, field, and data analysis work.

Jennifer Fehrenbacher
2010, Ph.D., University of Chicago, Department of Geophysical Sciences
2003, M.S., University of Chicago, Physical Sciences Division
1997, B.S., Northern Illinois University, Department of Geology
Tracer oceanography - My research involves components of trace element and stable isotope geochemistry, biomineralization, and marine biology. I develop and use proxies, primarily trace elements in marine calcifiers, for reconstructing ocean circulation, temperature, and chemistry in the past.
Potential Projects
Interested in learning about geochemistry, oceanography, and climate change? Learn how to use analytical tools (laser ablation ICP-MS and IRMS) to analyze the geochemistry of microscopic (sand-sized) marine calcifiers called foraminifera. The geochemistry of foraminifera ('forams' for short) is used to reconstruct ocean temperature and pH (and other environmental parameters). I have samples from several sediment cores and sediment traps that will be analyzed and the data obtained will be correlated to growth conditions. Fieldwork may be possible where you will learn to capture and grow living specimens in controlled laboratory conditions.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Interest in geochemistry, oceanography, or climate change. Desire to learn laboratory methods and analytical tools such as laser ablation ICP-MS and IRMS. Experience with Excel, Matlab or R would be beneficial. Learn more about my lab.

Erica Fleishman
1997, Ph.D., Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology, University of Nevada, Reno
1992, M.S., Biological Sciences, Stanford University
1991, B.S., Biological Sciences, Stanford University
The Oregon Climate Change Research Institute (OCCRI) regularly assesses the state of climate change science, including biological, physical, and social science, as it relates to Oregon and the likely effects of climate change on the state’s natural and human systems. We conduct research on climate-related natural hazards, such as floods and drought, and on climate adaptation in diverse sectors, such as social systems, the built environment, and public health. Much of our work is conducted in collaboration with state and federal agencies, communities, and the private sector.
Potential Projects
Examples of potential projects include assessments of the state of climate science as it relates to regional economic activities such as agriculture, recreation, hunting and fishing, and forestry and to short-term and long-term displacement of human communities. Projects also might relate to media and modes for communication of climate science and its applications to different demographic groups or communities.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Experience with searching, reading, and synthesizing the peer-reviewed literature. Excellent organizational, writing, and verbal communication skills. Fundamental understanding of probability and statistics; programming ability is a bonus. Comfortable with Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). Ability to work independently and think creatively. Commitment to justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Jenny Hutchings
Ph.D., Remote Sensing, University College London
B.S., Physics, University College London
Potential Projects
We are looking for aspiring polar scientists with backgrounds in physics, mathematics, engineering or earth sciences to participate in a NASA funded project aiming to improve models of sea ice motion which may result in improved understanding of the drivers of recent Arctic sea ice changes. The Arctic Ocean sea ice cover has lost roughly half it’s mass over the last 30 years. This highly mobile and constantly evolving icescape insulates the Arctic Ocean from the atmosphere and radiates the suns energy back to space which, along with seasonal snowpack on adjacent continents and ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica, helps cool the planet. The loss of Arctic sea ice results in a positive feedback and participates in the amplification we see in surface temperature change within the Arctic over the last century. To start this feedback loop there needs to be a trigger, sea ice transport can precondition summer melt. You will investigate how this transport occurs in winter through analysis of sea ice cracking and subsequent deformation. Together with satellite remotely sensed imagery and drifting buoy data you can build a picture of the forces that result in sea ice motion. There is much to investigate, and a variety of projects we can offer ranging from structural analysis of sea ice making use of your geology background, satellite data analysis combined with ice drifting data to identify how sea ice drift responds to wind forcing and collation of these analyses to investigate if sea ice mass loss is impacting sea ice drift.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Interest in the Earth’s polar regions and a background in physics, mathematics, engineering, or earth sciences

Astrid Leitner
2018, PhD Biological Oceanography, University of Hawai’i Manoa
2012, BS Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz
2012, BS Earth Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz
Research in the Ecological Oceanography Lab sits at the intersection of the fields of marine ecology, biological oceanography, geological oceanography, and physical oceanography. We use underwater cameras and robots in combination with other tools like fisheries acoustics, multibeam bathymetry, and a variety of oceanographic sensor data to investigate what oceanographic mechanisms influence the distribution and behaviors of both predators and prey in the ocean. We focus on the deep sea and on steep submarine features like seamounts, submarine canyons, pinnacles, and slopes.
Potential Projects
Analyzing predator-prey interactions on the rim of Monterey Submarine Canyon. In this project you would analyze underwater video footage from a seafloor video lander perched at the top of a steep submarine canyon wall. Using video annotation software you will gain experience identifying and quantifying animals, building a database of observations, and subsequently conducting statistical and ecological analyses.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Enthusiasm for learning to identify new species. Enthusiasm for studying animal behavior and interactions. Willingness to sit in front of a computer in a video lab/dark room for long hours. Basic coding in R or python for database management (reading in data, extracting specific data subsets, reformatting data, merging different dataframes) and basic-advanced statistics. Some background knowledge in ecology or marine biology or oceanography.

Jim Lerczak
2000, Ph.D., Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC-San Diego
1991, M.S., Physics, University of Washington
1988, B.A., Physics, Williams College
Coastal physical oceanography including the study of internal waves and buoyant plumes from rivers; estuarine oceanography including the dynamics that drive the three-dimensional circulation and the mechanisms that transport and disperse water-borne materials in estuaries; physical/biological interactions which influence transport and dispersal of larvae.
Potential Projects
Analyze data to determine the transport of heat by coastal internal waves. Develop numerical tools to study transport and dispersion of water-borne materials by internal waves. Analyze data to quantify transport of sediments in an estuary. Analyze ocean measurements collected from tagged marine birds.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Background and interest in physics. Experience in data analysis using programming/graphics software such as Matlab.

Erin McParland
2019, Ph.D., Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography, University of Southern California
2013, B.S., Marine Science, emphasis in Chemical Oceanography, Minor in Chemistry, University of South Carolina
My research aims to better understand organic carbon and macronutrient cycles by directly linking organic molecules with microbial producers and consumers in marine ecosystems. I am particularly interested in how organic sulfur molecules may play an unrecognized role in these interactions. I primarily rely on high-resolution mass spectrometry (metabolomics) to probe the metabolisms of marine microbes, and additionally utilize bioinformatic techniques to query the genetic code of the same microbes.
Potential Projects
Example projects include measuring metabolite composition of samples collected in phytoplankton or bacteria culturing experiments, or in archived samples from the Pacific Ocean, conducting analytical experiments to develop techniques for sulfur quantification and characterization, or mining large marine exometabolomic datasets for new sulfur molecules.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Microbial biogeochemistry poses interdisciplinary questions and applicants could have interests in learning or previous experience with one or more of the following: wet-lab chemistry, analytical chemistry, microbial culturing, or computation skills (esp. R and command line).

Brodie Pearson
2015, Ph.D., Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Climate Science, University of Reading
2011, M.Phys. (Master of Physics), University of Oxford
I study how ocean water moves and mixing using computer models. My research ranges from exploring small-scale turbulence near the ocean surface, where water interacts with the atmosphere or sea ice, to understanding how massive ocean eddies move water from place to place. Our group is particularly interested in utilizing modern advancements in computing hardware (GPUs) and software, to conduct faster and more efficient simulations/analyses.
Potential Projects
Project 1 (Large-scale): Investigating how tracers (e.g., temperature, microplastics) are stirred by mesoscale eddies using numerical simulations. Project 2 (Large-scale): Using new, unprecedented (SWOT) satellite data to map properties of ocean mesoscale turbulence. Project 3 (Small-scale): Applying novel analysis to high-resolution observations of upper ocean mixing to see if we can measure energy transfers between scales. Project 4 (Small-scale): Simulating upper ocean mixing in regions of sea ice and surface waves
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Interest in physics, mathematics, Earth science, or engineering. Some experience with data analysis and analysis software (i.e., Python, MATLAB, Julia, R).

Andreas Schmittner
1999, Ph.D., Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland
1996, Diploma Physics, University of Bremen, Germany
I study Earth’s climate system with a focus on the ocean, its physics (e.g. circulation), biogeochemical cycles (e.g. carbon), and interactions with other components of the climate system (e.g. ice sheets). My work covers both paleoclimate changes, current variability and possible future projections. I develop computer models and use them together with observations and paleoclimate data to better understand the climate system.
Potential Projects
Improving climate models, analyzing climate model output, comparing models and observations, synthesizing and analyzing paleoclimate data
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Good math and physics background required. Interest in the climate system and coding.

Kipp Shearman
1999, Ph.D., Oceanography, Oregon State University
1993, B.S., Aeronautical Engineering, University of Colorado
My research interest is the study of physical processes in coastal ocean. Big, small, long, short, high-frequency, low-frequency, stratified, unstratified, rotating, nonrotating, forced, unforced, surface, bottom, middle - I don't care. If it's physics and coastal, I'm interested. I am most interested in understanding the dynamics of the evolving structure of the density field over the shelf. How it is affected by external forcing and how it in turn affects the circulation within the coastal ocean. My approach is observational, using innovative sampling techniques - such as Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) - coupled with modeling and analysis, to explain fundamental physical processes.
Potential Projects
Oregon Shelf Glider Endurance Observation: Since 2006, we have maintained a small fleet of AUV gliders operating on the Oregon shelf sampling the temperature, salinity and velocity structure during the entire year.
Submesoscale Dynamics: Coordinated ship-based and and AUV glider-based surveys of fronts in the ocean. We are studying the finescale interleaving of warm, salty water and cooler, fresher water, focusing on frontal processes that occur in the presence of strong wind-forcing and extremely energetic internal waves (tides or inertial). We have data collected at locations all over the world: Gulf Stream, Taiwan, Vietnam, Gulf of Mexico ...
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Interest in AUV sampling, data analysis, programming (matlab or python), math and physics coursework.

Alyssa Shiel
2010, Ph.D., Oceanography, University of British Columbia
2003, B.S., Environmental Science, University of Arizona
Biogeochemical cycles of metals; pollution; fingerprinting of sources of metals; urban geochemistry; development of new geochemical tools; biomonitors; environmental archives.
Potential Projects
Examples of past projects in Dr. Shiel's lab include reconstructing a history of lead sources in China over the last 4000 years, evaluating the impact of smelter emissions in Washington and British Columbia, examining the reach and impacts of metal emissions from the transport of metal ores in NW Alaska, and assessing metal levels and sources in the Columbia River Gorge and other natural areas in the Pacific Northwest. REU students working with Dr. Shiel will gain experience sampling environmental archives, such as lichens and moss, preparing samples for analysis in the lab, measuring metal concentrations and isotopic compositions using mass spectrometers, and interpreting and presenting their results.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Dr. Shiel is looking for students who are excited about these types of research projects, enjoy spending time both in the lab and the field, have some background in chemistry, and are seeking hands-on experience with analytical techniques, such as ICP-MS.

Joe Stoner
1995, Ph.D., Resources Minérales, Université du Québec à Montréal
1991, M.S., Geology, University of Florida
1987, B.S., Geology, University of Florida
Sediments magnetism including paleomagnetism, environmental magnetism, geomagnetism, sedimentology, stratigraphy, paleoclimatology, paleoceanography.
Potential Projects
At the end of the last ice age regional sediment supply to the marine environment was dominated by material sourced from drainage of the southern Cordilleran Ice Sheet (CIS). Accumulation of material in the marine environment changed both in character and composition during and after the ice sheet retreat. The student involved in this REU project will sail on a 7-day research cruise on the R/V Oceanus from June7th-13th, 2020. The student will assist in the collection of sediment cores, and collection of physical properties and CT-scan imagery data. These data will be used to generate a basic stratigraphy for recovered cores, informing on how the lithology and depositional environment on the margin has changed since the last glacial maximum.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Interest in sea-going field work on a research vessel, appreciation of mud, experience with or an interest in learning about sedimentary geology, interest in Earth’s past climate and/or magnetic field.
Justin Wettstein
2007, Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington
2007, M.P.A., Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington
2003, M.S., Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington
1998, M.S., Environmental Engineering and Science, Stanford University
1997, B.S., Environmental Engineering, University of Oklahoma
Large-scale climate and atmospheric dynamics, climate variability and change, atmosphere-ocean-ice interactions, and climate impacts and responses in natural and managed systems.
Potential Projects
A) Novel analyses of North Pacific ocean-atmosphere variability. This project applies new techniques to assess the coupling between ocean and atmosphere over the North Pacific. Physical controls on the evolution of North Pacific variability are incompletely understood, but this variability impacts marine ecosystems as well as downstream climate and weather. B) Atmospheric response(s) to a changing Arctic. Arctic climate change is affecting global climate through the atmosphere. This project seeks to improve our understanding of the atmospheric response by isolating the atmospheric response from the myriad other coupled climate interactions.
Background and Skills Sought in Potential Undergraduate
Required: intellectual curiosity in climate dynamics and a particular interest in the research areas and / or potential projects described above. Preferred: some background in atmosphere and / or ocean science and some experience with analytical computing (e.g., Matlab or Python).