Geology faculty

  • Andrea Balbas, Assistant Professor - Geochronology, paleomagnetism, stratigraphy
  • Ed Brook, Distinguished Professor - Paleoclimatology, geochemistry
  • Christo Buizert, Associate Professor - Paleoclimate, ice cores, abrupt climate change, firn processes
  • Peter Clark, University Distinguished Professor - Dynamics of glaciers and ice sheets, paleoclimatology, abrupt climate change
  • JC Creveling, Associate Professor - Geology, Earth history, sedimentology, stratigraphy, sea-level change
  • Shanaka (Shan) de Silva, Professor - Volcanology, Aeolian geomorphology, supervolcanism
  • Emily Eidam, Associate Professor - Sediment transport processes and rates in fluvial, coastal, and continental shelf systems, as well as event-scale to centennial-scale sediment deposition
  • David Graham, Professor Emeritus - Helium isotope and rare gas geochemistry, trace element chemistry of volcanic rocks from mid-ocean ridges
  • Randy Keller, Instructor - Marine geology, igneous geochemistry *Not advising students
  • Adam Kent, Professor and Associate Dean - High temperature geochemistry, igneous petrology, In-situ elemental and isotopic analysis
  • Kevin Konrad, Assistant Professor - Noble gas geochronology, marine geology, mantle geodynamics, and volcanism
  • Anthony Koppers, Professor - Isotope geochemistry of hotspot volcanism, modeling of plate motions
  • Stephen Lancaster, Associate Professor - Fluvial geomorphology, hydrology
  • Andrew Meigs, Professor - Active tectonics, tectonic geomorphology, structural geology
  • Alan Mix, Distinguished Professor Emerit - Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology, micropaleontology, geochemistry
  • Erin Pettit, Professor - Glacier and ice sheet dynamics; ice-shelf stability; ice/ocean interactions
  • Julie Pett-Ridge, Associate Professor Adjunct - Chemical weathering, soil formation, biogeochemical cycling
  • Peter Ruggiero, Professor - Coastal geomorphology, coastal hazards, nearshore processes
  • Adam Schultz, Professor - Geophysical imaging to study the structure and composition of Earth’s interior
  • Pieter Share, Assistant Professor - Nature of structure and strain along major faults of the western North American plate boundary
  • Alyssa Shiel, Associate Professor - Geochemical tracer development, transport and fate of metals/metalloids
  • Frank Sousa, Assistant Professor - Low-temperature thermochronology, field geology, and applications of remote sensing date to geology mapping
  • Joseph Stoner, Professor - Sediment magnetism, stratigraphy, paleoclimatology
  • Pamela Sullivan, Professor - Ecohydrology; interactions of climate, vegetation and geology
  • Ben Stanley, Instructor - *Not advising students
  • Brian Tattitch, Assistant Professor - Mineral deposits, Igneous petrology, volcanology, experimental petrology
  • Frank Tepley, Professor - Igneous petrology, isotope geochemistry, electron probe microscopy
  • Maureen (Mo) Walczak, Assistant Professor - Paleoceanography, ocean circulation, ocean-glacier interactions
  • Greg Wilson, Associate Professor - Physics of the nearshore coastal ocean
  • Kaplan Yalcin, Assistant Dean for Academic Programs - Distance and online education, paleoclimatology