Alan Mix
Burt Hall 358
2651 SW Orchard Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Current Research
Climate and Environmental Change -- paleoceanography and paleoclimatology, micropaleontology, geochemistry, sedimentology, stratigraphy
Director, OSU CEOAS Stable Isotope Laboratory
Ph.D., Geology, Columbia University (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) New York, NY -- 1986.
M.S., Geology, Columbia University (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) New York, NY -- 1980.
B.S., Geology (cum laude), University of Washington, Seattle, WA -- 1978.
2023-present Distinguished Professor Emerit, Earth, Ocean, & Atmos. Sciences, CEOAS, OSU, Corvallis, OR
2017-2023 Distinguished Professor of Earth, Ocean, & Atmos. Sciences, CEOAS, OSU, Corvallis, OR
2017-2018 President of The Oceanography Society (2015-2016 President Elect; 2019-2020 Past President)
2017 Visiting Professor, Univ. Bern and FutureEarth/PAGES, Bern, Switzerland
2009 Visiting Professor, MARUM, University of Bremen, Germany
2001-2004 Associate Dean, COAS - College of Oceanic & Atmos. Sci., OSU, Corvallis
1995-2017 Full Professor, CEOAS - College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, OSU, Corvallis
1992-1993 Visiting Scientist: NOAA Geophys. Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and Atmospheric and Oceanic Sci. Program, Princeton University, NJ
1989-1995 Assoc. Professor, COAS - College of Oceanic & Atmos. Sci., OSU, Corvallis
1986-present Founding Director, OSU/CEOAS Stable Isotope Laboratory
1986-2005 Director, OSU Marine Geology Repository (Core Laboratory)
1984-1989 Assistant Professor, College of Oceanography, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis
Graduate Students
9 MS students – Leigh Welling, Jim Watkins, David Lund, Melissa Feldberg, Ann Morey, Matthew Wolhowe, Jesse Muratli, John Hornung, Grace Meyer (in progress)
11 PhD students – Joseph Ortiz, Sara Harris, Brian Haley, Heather Benway, Cristina Lopes, Vasilis Ersek, Maureen Davies, Summer Praetorius, Jianghui Du, Anna Glueder (in progress), Jonas Donnenfield (in progress)
36 graduate student committees
34 undergraduate advisees in research experiences
Honors and Awards
1982 ARCO Fellow
2000 OSU/COAS - June Pattullo Award for Excellence in Teaching
2002-2003 JOI/USSAC Distinguished Lecturer (Historically Black Colleges)
2005, 2006 State of Oregon Commendations for Contributions to Lifelong Learning (Confederated Tribes of the Siletz)
2010 Chapman Lectureship, Univ. Alaska Fairbanks
2013 Fellow, American Geophysical Union
2015 Emiliani Lecturer, American Geophysical Union
2017 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2019 Research Fellow, The Explorers Club, New York
2020 Fellow, The Oceanography Society
2021 Kirk Bryan Award, Geological Society of America
2021 Fellow, FutureEarth/PAGES (Past Global Changes)
Seagoing Expeditions
Apr 1983 Participant: Cruise RC2407, R/V ROBERT CONRAD. Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Sep 1987 Co-Chief Scientist: Cruise W8709A, R/V WECOMA. Newport, OR
Sep 1989 Co-Principal Investigator: Cruise VENTURE-1, R/V T. WASHINGTON, San Diego, CA to Manzanillo, Mexico
May-Jul 1991 Co-Proponent and shipboard sedimentologist: Cruise LEG 138, D/V JOIDES RESOLUTION, Panama to San Diego, CA.
Aug 1991 Field Test of Coring facilities, R/V THOMAS THOMPSON, Caribbean Sea and Eastern tropical Pacific
Jun 1994 Co-Principal investigator, Cruise W9406A, R/V Wecoma, Newport OR
May 1995 Co-chief Scientist, Cruise EW9504A, R/V M. EWING. San Diego-to-Eureka, CA
Feb-Apr 1997 Chief Scientist, Genesis Expedition, Leg 3, R/V Roger Revelle. Punta Arenas Chile to Callao, Peru
Apr 2000 Co- Principal investigator, R/V Thompson, PROD test cruise, Puget Sound, WA
May-Jun 2000 Co-Chief Scientist, NEMO Expedition, Leg 3, R/V Melville. Manzanillo Mexico to Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Apr-Jun 2002 Co-Chief Scientist, ODP Leg 202, JOIDES Resolution, Valaparaiso Chile to Balboa Panama
Aug-Sep 2004 Chief Scientist, EW0408 Expedition, R/V EWING, Newport OR to Kodiak, AK
Jul-Sep 2009 Stratigraphic Correlator, IODP Expedition 323, D/V JOIDES Resolution, Victoria BC to Yokohama, Japan
Mar 2010 Chief Scientist, EL1004 Cruise, R/V Elakha, Newport Oregon
Aug 2010 Chief Scientist, EL1008 Cruise, R/V Elakha, Newport Oregon
Nov 2010 Shipboard Sedimentonlogist. SO211 CHIMEBO DrillingExpedition, R/V Sonne, Valparaiso, Chile
Mar 2011 Chief Scientist, W1103A, R/V Wecoma, Newport Oregon
Jun-Jul 2013 Proponent & Stratigraphic Correlator, IODP Expedition 341, D/V JOIDES Resolution, Victoria BC to Valdez, Alaska
Jul-Sep 2015 Chief Scientist, OD1507, Icebreaker Oden, Petermann Glacier Expedition, Thule Greenland
Aug-Sep 2019, Ryder19 Expedition, Icebreaker Oden, Thule Greenland
Jul 2020, Cascadia H.O.P.S. Expedition, R/V Oceanus, Newport Oregon
See Google Scholar Citations, Alan Mix