Need to speak with an Advisor?

  • CEOAS and non-CEOAS majors: for GIS Cert advising or declaration, make an appointment with your CEOAS Advisor based on alpha assignment by last name.
  • Post Bacc students ONLY pursuing GIScience Certificate at OSU: Make sure to schedule with Associate Head Advisor Erin Heim through the Advising page linked above.
  • All: Time sensitive problem, need an override, or other registration issues? Email  (Include name, ID, and what you need to discuss.)

Humans have been making maps since we learned to walk upright, from stick drawings in the Stone Age to cutting-edge satellite imagery in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Images of landscapes and neighborhoods, continents and oceans, help us understand the world around us, and each other, in new ways. Geographic Information Science (GIScience) combines theory and principles underlying geospatial data collection and analysis with modeling, map-making and the human dimensions of such data collection. The Oregon State Undergraduate GIS Certificate, consisting of 27 credit hours added on to any other degree, or 27 credit hours as a standalone post-bacc, will empower students to use geospatial data to analyze environmental and social issues. Certificate holders will be in demand as spatial analysts in the government, environmental, health, agricultural, construction, and tech sectors, among others. Read on for information about degree requirements and curriculum.

Why GIScience at Oregon State?

  • World-class faculty who have garnered national and international awards
  • Online program provides an economical and flexible choice for distance education students
  • Real-world experience through a 10-week internship in a GIScience field
  • Oregon State’s status as an Esri Development Center which confers special status as an exemplary GIS program

Explore the certificate


Geographic Information Science Curriculum Worksheet

Program Requirements

This certificate is available to all OSU undergraduate degree-seeking students (in good standing), in any major and any degree program. Make an appointment with a CEOAS advisor to discuss or declare the GIScience Certificate.

This certificate is also available to post-baccalaureate students. If you have already earned an undergraduate degree and would like to pursue the certificate:

  • For admittance, we usually look for a strong statement of purpose on the application and completion of at least college algebra. Additional admittance consideration is given to other math and science coursework that helps demonstrate potential future success in our programs.
  • Apply to OSU as a Post-Baccalaureate student through the main admissions website.
  • Work with Erin Heim to determine how your prior coursework will apply to the certificate.

Program Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes: Students in Geographic Information Science shall:

  • Demonstrate skill in integrative spatial thinking and effective implementation of various spatial analysis methods, as well as collaborative learning across several sub-disciplines within the GIScience field.
  • Develop solid grounding in GIScience technology and the appropriate application of that technology (software, data collection instruments and devices).
  • Express familiarity with a wide variety of research applications, management and decision-support scenarios, with the capacity to apply knowledge to natural resource problems at a variety of spatial and temporal scales.

OSU Catalog - Undergraduate

Meet the faculty

Program director, Kuuipo Ann Walsh

Employment opportunities in GISciences have grown substantially over the last 10 years. With a GIScience certificate, students will be more in-demand than ever.


  • Core Faculty (Level 1) - GIScience Coordinating Committee

    Forest Engineering, Resources and Management

    Michael G. Wing
    Associate Professor, Senior Research; PhD, Oregon State University; spatial applications and environmental research, stream habitat, visibility analysis, GIS, remote sensing, spatial statistics. Email: Michael.Wing at

    College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

    Robert Kennedy
    Professor, CEOAS; PhD, Oregon State University; Geospatial analysis, remote sensing, modeling, landscape ecology, disturbance dynamics, computational methods. Email: rkennedy at

    Kuuipo Walsh
    Program Director, Undergraduate, Graduate, and Online Grad Certificate Adviser, Faculty Research Assistant; MS, Oregon State University; marine and coastal GIS, particularly spatial analysis, metadata, and web GIS. Email: Kuuipo.Walsh at

    Jamon Van Den Hoek
    Associate Professor, CEOAS; PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison; using large volume satellite imagery, open source programming, machine learning, and social datasets to examine interrelationships between land degradation, environmental resource deprivation, and social conflict. Email: jvandenhoek at

  • Teaching Faculty (Level 2)

    Arras, Tracy
    Instructor, Civil Engineering. MS, California State University-Fresno; GIS, remote sensing, image processing. Email: arrast at

    Bailey, Mike
    Professor, School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. PhD, Purdue University; Scientific visualization, solid freeform fabrication, design for manufacturing and assembly, geometric modeling, stereographics/virtual reality, hardcopy, color theory, and user interaction. Email: mjb at

    Becker, Lorene Yokoyama
    Senior Instructor II, CEOAS. MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison; GIS, environmental conservation, decision-support systems. Email: lorene.yokoyama_becker at

    Hystad, Perry
    Assistant Professor, College of Public Health and Human Sciences; PhD, University of British Columbia; Spatial exposure assessment methods to determine the chronic health effects associated with exposure to air pollution, including cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and cancer. Email: perry.hystad at

    Jones, Julia A.
    Distinguished Professor, CEOAS. PhD, Johns Hopkins University; spatial analysis in ecology and CEOAS, soils, geomorphology, effects of land use on forest hydrology. Email: geojulia at

    Kennedy, Robert
    Professor, CEOAS; PhD, Oregon State University; Geospatial analysis, remote sensing, modeling, landscape ecology, disturbance dynamics, computational methods. Email: rkennedy at

    Kiser, Jim
    Lecturer, Forest Engineering, Resoures & Management. MS, Oregon State University; GPS, photogrammetry, laser technologies, commercial thinning operations and damage. Email: jim.kiser at

    Lybrand, Rebecca
    Assistant Professor, Department of Crop and Soil Science. PhD, University of Arizona; Pedology in the Critical Zone. Email: rebecca.lybrand at

    Nelson, Peder
    Senior Instructor I / Senior Faculty Research Assistant II, CEOAS. Remote sensing, GIS, satellite imagery, automated visualization and analysis. Email: peder.nelson at

    Olsen, Mike
    Assistant Professor, Civil & Construction Engineering. PhD, University of California, San Diego; geomatics engineering, digital terrain modeling, applications of terrestrial laser scanning and GIS to earthquake, liquefaction, and coastal hazards. Email: michael.olsen at

    Park, Jihye
    Assistant Professor, Civil and Construction Engineering. Phd, The Ohio State University; Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning/navigation and GNSS remote sensing. Email: jihye.park at

    Parrish, Christopher
    Associate Professor, Civil & Construction Engineering. PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Full-waveform LiDAR, topographic-bathymetric LiDAR, hyperspectral imagery, uncertainty modeling, and UAVs for coastal applications. Email:christopher.parrish at

    Reuter, Ron
    Associate Professor, Natural Resources, OSU Cascades Campus, Bend. PhD, University of Minnesota; soils and landscape ecology, forest resources, GIS. Email: ron.reuter at

    Ripple, William J.
    Professor, Forest Ecosystems & Society. PhD, Oregon State University; remote sensing, GIS. Email: bill.ripple at

    Wing, Michael
    Associate Professor, Senior Research, Forest Engineering, Resources & Management. PhD, Oregon State University; spatial applications and environmental research, stream habitat, visibility analysis, GIS, remote sensing, spatial statistics. Email: Michael.Wing at

    Zhao, Bo
    Courtesy,  Associate Professor at University of Washington, Department of Geography; ; PhD, Ohio State University; Cartography, geo-visualization and analysis of big data and the critical evaluation of behaviors and dynamics in space and time. Email: zhao2 at

  • Adjunct Faculty (Level 3)

    Ashkenas, Linda
    Senior Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife (GIS, stream ecology, environmental history). Email: Linda.Ashkenas at

    Boggess, William G.
    Professor and Chair of Agricultural and Resource Economics. PhD, Iowa State University; interactions between agriculture and the environment (water allocation, groundwater contamination, surface water pollution, water and environmental policy); applied decision theory under risk and uncertainty, stochastic/dynamic simulation and optimization techniques. Email: bill.boggess at

    Bolte, John P.
    Associate Professor, Bioengineering. PhD, Auburn University; mathematical modeling and simulation of agricultural, aquacultural and environmental systems, GIS-based spatial modeling, artificial intelligence applications in bioresource management. Email: boltej at

    Cohen, Warren
    Research Forester, USDA Forest Service PNRS. PhD, Colorado State University; remote sensing, scaling field-based ecological information to landscape and regional levels, forest structure. Email: Warren.Cohen at

    Coop, Len
    Assistant Professor Senior Research, Botany and Plant Pathology. PhD, Oregon State University; integrated pest management, decision support systems, phenology and systems modeling, GIS, the web, and IPM delivery systems. Email: coopl at

    Daly, Chris
    Professor, Senior Research, Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering . PhD, Oregon State University; climatology, meteorology, author of the PRISM climate parameter expert system. Email: chris.daly at

    Dietterich, Tom
    Professor, Computer Science. PhD, Stanford University; adaptive computing, machine learning, artificial intelligence. Email: tgd at

    Edwards, Mark
    Associate Professor, Sociology. PhD, University of Washington; research methods and statistics, stratification, GIS and society. Email: medwards at

    Fern, Xiaoli
    Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. PhD, Purdue University; Machine learning, data mining and knowledge discovery. Email: xfern at

    Freilich, Michael H.
    Professor, CEOAS. PhD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; surface wave modeling, nearshore processes, microwave ocean remote sensing. Email: mhf at

    Goldfinger, Chris
    Professor, CEOAS. PhD, Oregon State University; seafloor imaging, mapping and visualization, marine GIS, subduction earthquakes, accretion and erosion of active margins. Email: gold at

    Good, James W.
    Professor Emeritus, CEOAS, Marine Resource Management Program. PhD, Oregon State University; coastal erosion/shoreline management, urban waterfront development, coastal hazards, wetlands management. Email: jgood at

    Grant, Gordon
    Research Hydrologist U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Research Station and Courtesy Professor of Geosciences. PhD, Johns Hopkins University; fluvial geomorphology of mountain-forest streams. Email: grantg at

    Hannaway, David
    Professor, Crop and Soil Science. PhD, University of Kentucky; forage crops, GIS-based mapping technologies for climate, soils, and species characteristics. Email: david.hannaway at

    Hunter-Zaworski, Kate
    Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Director, National Center for Accessible Transportation. PhD, Oregon State University; transportation engineering, transportation GIS. Email: hunterz at

    Jackson, Philip L.
    Professor Emeritus, CEOAS. PhD, University of Kansas; climatology, physical geography, land-resource planning and management, natural hazards policy. Email: jacksonp at

    James, Corrine
    Faculty Research Assistant, CEOAS (Remote Sensing). Email: corrine at

    Keon, Dylan
    GIS Research Specialist, Northwest Alliance for Computational Science. Email: keon at

    Lancaster, Stephen
    Associate Professor, CEOAS. PhD, MIT; fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, GIS. Email: Stephen.Lancaster at

    Meyers, S. Mark
    Faculty Research Assistant, CEOAS (GIS, geographical analysis, wildlife science). Email: meyerss at

    Noller, Jay
    Professor, Crop and Soil Science. PhD, University of Colorado, Boulder; landscape pedology, soil geomorphology, GIS. Email: jay.noller at

    Olsen, Mike
    Assistant Professor, Civil & Construction Engineering. PhD, University of California, San Diego; geomatics engineering, digital terrain modeling, applications of terrestrial laser scanning and GIS to earthquake, liquefaction, and coastal hazards. Email: michael.olsen at

    Pancake, Cherri
    Professor and Intel Faculty Fellow, Computer Science. PhD, Auburn University; usability engineering, parallel processing, user interfaces, distributed databases and computing, Director of Northwest Alliance for Computational Science and Engineering. Email: pancake at

    Reitsma, Rene
    Professor, College of Business. PhD, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands; cartography of information space, information systems, information management. Email: reitsmar at

    Schultz, Robert, J.
    Professor, Civil Engineering. MSCE, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; cadastral, geodetic, and photogrammetric surveying. Email:

    Spies, Thomas A.
    Professor, Forest Ecosystems & Society. PhD, University of Michigan; landscape ecology, ecology and management of old-growth forests, forest succession. Email: spiest at

    Turner, David P.
    Professor, Senior Research, Forest Ecosystems & Society. PhD, Washington State University; biogenic emissions, global ecology. Email: turnerd at

    Vincent, Paul
    Associate Professor, Senior Research, CEOAS. PhD, University of Colorado; Surface deformation measurements using terrestrial and satellite geodesy; advanced InSAR techniques; coupled, multi-physics source characterization; dynamic simulations. Email:

    White, Denis
    Faculty Research Associate, CEOAS, (GIS, cartography, geographic analysis and synthesis). Email: white.denis at

    Wright, Dawn J.
    Founder of the GIScience Certificate Program. Chief Scientist at Esri and Courtesy Professor at CEOAS; PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara; GIS, marine and coastal geography, mid-ocean ridges, geography of cyberspace. Email: dwright at

Learn about careers

What Can I Do with My Certificate (PDF on Box)

Many Oregon State Geographic Information Science certificate students go on to graduate programs in geospatial science, geography, natural resources, and more, while others enter the work force right away. Recent Oregon State Geographic Information Science certificate students are now employed at:

  • NV5 Geospatial Solutions
  • Esri
  • Oregon Department of Transportation
  • Washington Department of Natural Resources
  • Polk County Public Works
  • Big Sur Land Trust
  • Conservation Biology Institute
  • GeoComm

Meet the CEOAS Career Advisor