Outreach & Engagement Funding Opportunities

The National Science Foundation's (NSF) Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) Initiative is a Foundation-wide effort to accelerate improvements in the quality and effectiveness of undergraduate education in all STEM fields including the learning, social, behavioral and economic sciences.  Funding is available to support informal learning, undergraduate preparation and graduate opportunities.

Learn more and apply here.

The purpose of the grants is to propagate successful practices, raise the visibility of great teaching, and improve pedagogy through identified learning strategies. Grants will be awarded to actionable projects implemented on the OSU Corvallis campus that deploy technology in ways that align to specific learning outcomes and directly enhance learners’ experiences. Proposers must provide a rationale for how the project improves student learning. Individual and team grants are available.

Learn more and apply here.

The Malouf Scholarship is awarded to support graduate students who combine societally relevant research with education or public engagement. There are no restrictions on the discipline, which may include, but is not limited to: biological, geological, physical and chemical sciences; marine resource management and policy; legal studies; marine resource economics; social sciences; engineering; geology; education or public health. Oregon Sea Grant awards two Malouf Scholarships annually to one master’s or professional student and to one Ph.D. student.

Learn more and apply here

Have an idea for a cool interactive demonstration but need a little cash to buy supplies? Want to represent CEOAS at an outreach event but don’t want to pay for registration and travel out of your grant and/or pocket?  

CEOAS faculty, staff and students (graduate and undergraduate) are encouraged to apply for small grants to support outreach efforts and CEOAS representation at events. This small grants program is made possible by the generous support of the Williamson family, who believe in the value of connecting the community with the Earth sciences in a meaningful and lasting way.    

How to apply:

  1. Read through the CEOAS Outreach and Engagement Small Grants Q&A sheet to learn more about how the program works.
  2. Fill out the CEOAS Outreach and Engagement Small Grant Application webform and submit.
  3. Contact CEOAS Outreach Coordinator Ryan Brown with questions.