Sadly, Dr. Michael Campana, emeritus Professor of Geography, passed away on August 25, 2024 from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. See the CEOAS In Memory page for a description of Michael's many contributions and updates on any plans for a celebration of life as we learn about them.
Hydrogeology, hydrophilanthropy, and water resources
Research Interests
Transboundary groundwater resources; integrated and sustainable water resources management; water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) in developing regions; regional hydrogeology; science-policy interface; communications
B.S. Geology, College of William and Mary, 1970
M.S. Hydrology, University of Arizona, 1973
Ph.D. Hydrology, University of Arizona, 1975
GEO 335 – Introduction to Water Science and Policy
GEO 335H – Introduction to Water Science and Policy (honors)
GEO 4/599 – Hydrology for Water Resources Management
GEO 425 – Water Resources Management in the US
GEO 525 – Water Resources Management in the US
On World Water Day 2016, Michael Campana discusses 'Water, Women and Girls in Honduras'. [Courtesy of the Coca-Cola Company]
Undergraduate Students
BS Civil Engineering and BA International Studies Machtelinckx, Jordan, 2014. Challenges of Implementing International Water Infrastructure Development Projects: A Diagnostic Tool.
BS Environmental Sciences and BA International Studies Valentine, Katherine, 2015. An Investigation of Water Access and Quality in the Ambovombe Area of Southern Madagascar
Graduate Students
(At Oregon State University):
MS in Environmental Science:
Paul Kingsley, MS (Professional Science Masters), Environmental Science, 2012
MS Water Resources Science:
Morgan Crowell (2012) An Ecosystem Service Approach to Inform Reactive Nitrogen Management, Lower Yakima River Basin, WA
Evan S. Miles, 2011. A GIS Study of Benton County, Oregon, Groundwater: Spatial Distributions of Selected Hydrogeologic Parameters
MS Water Resources Policy & Management:
Abigail L. Brown, 2010. Empowerment and gender equality for water and sanitation in rural India: two case studies
Yoshiko Sano, 2009. Water management decentralization in rural Honduras
PhD Water Resources Engineering
Lee, Peggy, PhD, 2015. Hydrologic and Land Cover Effects on Sources and Fate of In-Stream Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter. Water Resources Engineering.
MS Geography
Costello, Denise H., M.S. 2014. An Evaluation of a Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Program for Rural Communities in Northern Afghanistan. Geography.
(At University of New Mexico Since 2005):
Carroll, Erin A., M.S., 2006, A Water Quality Assessment of the Upper Rio Fonseca Drainage Basin, Boaco, Nicaragua
Vener, Berrin Basak, M.W.R., 2006, The Kura-Araks Basin: Common Objectives and Obstacles for an Integrated Water Resources Management Model among Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia
Putney, Tara, M.W.R., 2006, The Sustainable Restoration and Development of Parque Landeta and the Presa de Las Colonias Wetland through Effective Community Participation, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico
Klise, Katherine A., M.S., 2005, Analysis of non-Fickian Dispersion for Laboratory-Scale Tracer Experiments in Cross-Bedded Sandstone
Mozumder, Pallab, M.W.R., 2005 Exploring Flood Mitigation Strategies in Bangladesh
Parrish, Jules Campbell, M.W.R., 2005, Dynamic Simulation Modeling of Groundwater Basins in the Upper Rio Grande Basin, Colorado-New Mexico
Luna, Melanie L., M.W.R., 2005, Potential for Ground-Water Contamination from Deep-Well Injection of Produced Waters in the Salt Basin, New Mexico
Personal Websites
WaterWired Blog
WaterWired Twitter
Ann Campana Judge Foundation
Research Gate
Book Chapters
Vener, Berrin Basak and Michael E. Campana, 2010. Conflict and cooperation in the South Caucasus: the Kura-Araks Basin of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. In M. Arsel and M. Spoor (eds.), Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Rural Development: Conflict and Cooperation in Central Eurasia. Oxford, UK: Routledge, pp. 144-174.
Klise, Geoffrey T., Alyssa M. Neir, Michael E. Campana, Amy Ewing, Berrin Basak Vener, and Alistair Rieu-Clarke, 2009. Hydrovulnerability of West Asia. Chapter 3 [pp. 57-87] In A.T. Wolf, and M. Macomber (eds.), Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along International Waters: Asia. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme, 184p.
Neir, Alyssa M., Geoffrey T. Klise, and Michael E. Campana, 2009. Hydropolitical Vulnerability of North America. Chapters 2 through 5 [pp. 17-56] In A.T.Wolf and M. Macomber (eds.), Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along International Waters: North America. Nairobi, Kenya: UnitedNations Environment Programme, 114p.
Campana, Michael E., Berrin Basak Vener, Nodar P. Kekelidze, Bahruz Suleymanov, and Armen Saghatelyan, 2008. Science for peace: monitoring water quality and quantity in the Kura-Araks Basin of the South Caucasus. In J. E. Moerlins, M.K. Khankhasayev, S.F. Leitman, and E.J. Makhmudov (eds.), Transboundary Water Resources: A Foundation for Regional Stability in Central Asia. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security. Berlin: Springer, pp. 153-170.
Campana, M.E., A. Neir and G. Klise, 2007. Dynamics of transboundary ground water management: lessons from North America. In A.R. Turton, J. Hattingh, G.A. Maree, D.J. Roux, M. Claassen, and W.F. Strydom, (eds.), Governance as a Trialogue: Government-Society-Science in Transition. Water Resources Development and Management Series, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 167-196.
Campana, M.E., 2007. A primer on groundwater management. In L. Holliday, L. Marin, and H. Vaux (eds.), Sustainable Management of Groundwater in Mexico: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, pp. 26-35.
Campana, Michael E., 2016. Hydrophilanthropy in Honduras: A Potable Water System Partnership for Rural Mountain Communities. Water Resources IMPACT. 18(1): 14-16.
Campana, Michael E., 2014. Groundwater management: Quo vadis? Water Resources IMPACT. 16(1): 26-28.
Campana, Michael E., Berrin Basak Vener, and Baek Soo Lee, 2012. Hydrostrategy, hydropolitics, and security in the Kura-Araks basin of the South Caucasus. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, 149:22-32
Sabo, John L., Tushar Sinha,,Laura C. Bowling, Gerrit Schoup,Wesley W.Wallender, Michael E. Campana, Keith A. Cherkauer, Pam L. Fuller, William L. Graf, Jan W. Hopmans, John S. Kominoski, Carissa Taylor, Stanley W. Trimble, Robert H. Webb, and Ellen E. Wohl, 2010. Reclaiming freshwater sustainability in the Cadillac Desert. Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences, 107 (50):21263-21270
Campana, Michael E. 2010. Hydrophilanthropy and experiential learning in Honduras. Water Resources IMPACT, 12(5): 6-9
Campana, Michael E. 2010. Hydrophilanthropy, WaSH, and experiential learning in developing countries. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, Issue 145: 36-44.
Neir, Alyssa M. and Michael E. Campana, 2007. The peaceful resolution of US-Mexico transboundary water disputes. Economics for Peace and Security Journal 2(2): 35-41
Faulkner, B.R. and M.E. Campana, 2007. Compartmental model of nitrate retention in streams. Water Resources Research W02406 [doi: 10.1029/2006WR004920]
Ward, T.J., S. Abdymanapov, A. Wilson, S. Shaikhin, G. Gleason, B. Thomson, Z. Masalimov, M. Myrzakhmet, V. Torubara, and M. Campana, 2007. Development of the Master of Science degree in environmental management and engineering at the Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan: a global partnership. Prooceedings, International Conference on Engineering Education, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2007.
National Research Council Committee and Panel Reports
National Research Council, Committee on Preparing for the Third Decade (Cycle 3) of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program; National Research Council, 2012. Preparing for the Third Decade (Cycle 3) of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 185p.
National Research Council, Committee on Sustainable Water and Environmental Management in the California Bay Delta, 2012. Sustainable Water and Environmental Management in the California Bay Delta. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 280p.
National Research Council, Panel to Review California's Draft Bay Delta Conservation Plan, 2011. A Review of the Use of Science and Adaptive Management in California's Draft Bay Delta Conservation Plan. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 100p.
National Research Council, Committee on Sustainable Water and Environmental Management in the California Bay Delta, 2010. A Scientific Assessment of Alternatives for Reducing Water Management Effects on Threatened and Endangered Fishes in California’s Bay Delta. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 93p.
National Research Council, Committee on Hydrology, Ecology, and Fishes of the Klamath River Basin, 2008. Hydrology, Ecology, and Fishes of the Klamath River Basin. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 249p.