2024 CEOAS Incoming Graduate Students

Welcome to the College. We are looking forward to meeting all of you in the Fall. This page is used to help communicate important tasks and information relevant to starting your program in the Fall. Please bookmark this page and begin to add these important dates to your calendar.

CEOAS College Orientation*

Tuesday, September 10th, Burt 193

9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

  • Introduction to CEOAS and Graduate Services hosted by Robert Allan, Director of Graduate Services
  • Introduction to the Coalition of Graduate Employees, AFT Local 6069
  • Introduction to the CEOAS Association of Graduate Students (CAGS) followed by a campus tour of CEOAS buildings.

11:45am - 12:30pm, CEOAS Association of Graduate Students (CAGS) sponsored lunch in the CEOAS courtyard.

*Required for all incoming CEOAS graduate students. Please contact Cecile Valastro if you have a conflict.

CEOAS Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) Orientation

More information

Monday September 23rd, Strand 313

8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. CEOAS GTA Workshop

Graduate Program Welcome Meetings

Tuesday Sept 24th

  • Geography and Geospatial Science (GGS): 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., Wlkn 203
  • Marine Resource Management (MRM): 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., Dimmick Lounge
    All-MRM including incoming, 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
    Incoming-only, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences (OEAS): 1:30 - 2:30 p.m., Burt 193
  • Geology: 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Burt 193

What happens between September 10th and September 24th?

CEOAS Field Courses, more information below
OSU Graduate School’s startup activities including Graduate Summer Step and Grad Welcome Week
More TBA

CEOAS Events and OSU Graduate School Events

The University’s Graduate School hosts the Summer Step event, and Welcome Week events. CEOAS hosts a college-specific Incoming Graduate Student Orientation. You will receive multiple emails regarding these events, and they are on separate timelines. The CEOAS Orientation is required. Most incoming students will be participating in a CEOAS field course and will not be able to attend these Graduate School events. Incoming Geology students not participating in any field course would be encouraged to participate in the Graduate School’s Welcome Week. Please see the links below.

OSU Graduate School’s Grad Welcome Week and Orientation

“No matter what term you are admitted, Grad Welcome Week and orientation is available to all new students. If you don't want to wait, or live remotely, watch our recorded sessions.”

Grad Welcome Week (fall term)
Orientation for winter, spring, and summer terms
Graduate Summer Step

General CEOAS Graduate Student contact email:


  • Review the OSU Graduate School’s incoming graduate student links. Especially note the vaccination requirement and notification due-date within the Admitted Students link.
  • INTERNATIONAL incoming grads: Please see the Office of International Services for your visa paperwork and document check-in. If you will be out on the Geography, Cascadia or Math Camp courses, you’ll make an appointment with OIS for a separate check-in appointment.
  • Graduate Assistantship (GTA, GRA) new-hires: we are starting up fall assistantship hiring early/mid JULY. Incoming grads who have not been on OSU payroll will receive two sets of Docusign requests from OSU HR.
    • The Appointment Letter, please read, sign, and KEEP a copy of this document.
    • The New Hire Packet, note the requirement for remote verification for the I-9. This is actually easier than in the past, but it has to be an in-person verification.
    • More information regarding Graduate Hiring
  • Graduate Office Space is managed by Robert Allan and you will receive your office location during orientation.


  • CEOAS Grad Services Staff
  • ONID and Registration
  • Arriving in Corvallis, includes Field Course plans and start dates
  • International Graduate Student Check-In
  • CEOAS Incoming Graduate Student Orientation

CEOAS Graduate Student Services

Adam Kent, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Faculty Advancement

Robert Allan, Director of Graduate Services

Lori Hartline, Graduate Student Programs Admin

Cecile Valastro, Graduate Student Programs Admin

General CEOAS Graduate Student contact email: gradadvisor@ceoas.oregonstate.edu

OSU Identification, ONID Account, email, and Fall Registration

  • Your OSU ID number is on the Letter of Admission emailed from the OSU Graduate School. If OSU Graduate Admissions has requested transcripts via that memo, please attend to that request and reply per the emailed memo as that will enable your full Admission to OSU.
  • You will need your OSU ID number to set up your OSU ONID account via this link: ONID - OSU Network ID
  • Set up your OSU email
  • OSU ID Card
  • Graduate Student Handbooks will be updated and available for Graduate Orientation in September. For current-year Handbooks (reference only), see:
    2022-2023 Academic Year Graduate Handbooks link on this page: Current Graduate Students
  • DISCUSS fall coursework plans with your major professor including any pre-term field course and review the handbook for degree requirements.
    You can register from any web location as long as you have an ONID account.
    General registration for Fall term 2023 is open mid-May 2023.
    Generally, CEOAS graduate courses do not fill fast, the exception being the Matlab course that the College offers (OC 512) and the OSU applied calculus and stats courses (MTH 581 series, ST 511 series). See below for required and/or optional Field Courses, some are degree-program specific

Arriving in Corvallis

Please let us know when you are arriving in Corvallis, including if you are starting in summer for fieldwork or a cruise. It is recommended that you arrive in Corvallis by late August or early September in order to have time to get settled before it is time to begin student-related tasks. There are some housekeeping activities that you can do before classes begin, and getting these out of the way will make for a less stressful startup.

  • Please see the OSU Graduate School’s incoming graduate student links. Especially note the vaccination requirement and notification due-date within the Admitted Students link.
  • INTERNATIONAL incoming grads: for your visa paperwork check-in, if you will be out on the Geography, Cascadia or Math Camp courses, you’ll make an appointment with OIS for a separate check-in appointment. For information about document check-in, please see the Office of International Services pages and check back for Fall-startup information: Office of International Services
  • Graduate Assistantship (GTA, GRA) new-hires: we are starting up fall assistantship hiring early/mid JULY. Incoming grads who have not been on OSU payroll will receive two sets of Docusign requests from OSU HR.
    • The Appointment Letter, please read, sign, and KEEP a copy of this document.

    • The New Hire Packet, note the requirement for remote verification for the I-9. This is actually easier than in the past, but it has to be an in-person verification.

  • Graduate Student office/desk space questions should go to Robert Allan. While efforts to have space for all grads settled are continuing, if you have an immediate need for in-person space within the College’s buildings (most commonly Burt, Wilkinson, Weniger, Strand), please contact Robert via robert.allan@oregonstate.edu

CEOAS Fall Graduate Field Courses

These start in mid September, before term classes start. They overlap the Graduate School’s Welcome Week activities.

CEOAS offers three unique field courses for incoming graduate students. If you are unsure of which course to take, please consult your graduate advisor.

GEOG 595 Field Geography of Oregon
Required organizational meeting Friday 9/13 12:00-1:50. Wilkinson Hall rm 203. Depart OSU Sunday 9/15, returning Saturday 9/21. Instructor contact: Aaron.Wolf@oregonstate.edu Note that this course meets during Fall term, once a week. More information will be sent from Aaron Wolf or see the SOC listings for details.

OEAS 500 Cascadia Field Trip
Required Organizational meeting Thursday, Sept. 12 (9:00 AM-1:00 PM). Day trip Friday, Sept. 13 (10:00-3:30 PM). Depart OSU Saturday, Sept. 14 @ 7:30 AM; Return Friday, Sept. 20 by 5:00 PM. Instructor Contact: Emily.Eidam@oregonstate.edu
SOC Listing

OC 515 Oregon Coast Math Camp
NOTE start date revision
Math Camp will meet, travel, and move-in the morning of September 11th, and the camp will run through September 21st. This field course is based at Hatfield Marine Science Center. Contact: Andreas.Schmittner@oregonstate.edu
SOC Listing

Geology Orientation Field Trip
The Geology Field Trip is a fun and cohort-building local trip that is usually held over a long weekend early in the Fall quarter. Frank Tepley III, Geology Program Director, frank.tepley@oregonstate.edu

Some of the field courses require overrides for registration, if you get a SAPR error, please contact Cecile Valastro and provide your name, OSU ID, and Course CRN from the Schedule of Classes for all override requests. Again, for specific questions about the field courses beyond registration, please contact the instructors via email as listed above.

Back to Orientation Schedule

CEOAS Association of Graduate Students (CAGS)

CAGS is a graduate student led organization and they have information and resources that will be useful to you as you transition to Graduate School. Please take time to review their webpage. CAGS has a section on relocation, along with other topics like professional development and outreach.


There are a variety of ways to look for housing. You may also find the following web addresses helpful. You may also post an ad to the targeted listservs within CEOAS, contact Lori Hartline for those addresses.

OSU Schedule of Classes

Graduate Assistantships

OSU Graduate Student Assistantship Information

Hiring calendar: payday is the last working day of the month.

  • Fall: September 16th - December 15th
  • Winter: December 16th to March 15th
  • Spring: March 16th to June 15th
  • Summer: June 16th to September 15th

CEOAS Graduate Teaching Assistantships

These are assigned on a per-term basis by Robert Allan. In August you will receive an email containing the Fall GTA course schedule. You will be asked to provide your top 3 preferences. Specific course assignments are usually sent out by September 1st.

Graduate Student Hiring Information for CEOAS faculty

Graduate Student Health Insurance information

Your insurance begin-date is dependent on your position start date.

Position Start Date: 16th – last day of the month, coverage starts the 1st of the following month.

Coverage will end the last day of the same month that your position ends.

Stay Informed about COVID-19