Geology Field Camp Library

Here is a list of articles and other resources in the field camp library. This covers much of the work done on the geology in the Mitchell area. It is a good place to start.

Geology Field Station Library List of Holdings (numbered in order of receipt)

(Revised 1998 EMT, JHD)

The OSU Field Camp Library has been contributing assembled by many field camp alumni and faculty. If, in the future, you are in a position to donate suitable material to this collection, please remember us.

Periodic Literature

  1. a, b, c Oles & Enlows, 1971, Bedrock geology of the Mitchell Quad.: DOGAMI Bull. 72, 62p.
  2. a Lindsley, D.W., and Others, 1970, Petrography and mineral chemistry of a differentiated flow of Picture Gorge basalt near Spray, Oregon: Geophysical Lab Annual Report.
  3. a, b Taylor, E.M., 1981, A mafic dike system in the vicinity of Mitchell, Oregon and its bearing on the timing of Clarno-John Day volcanism and early Oligocene deformation in central Oregon: Oregon Geol., v. 43, no. 8.
  4. a, b Swanson, D., 1969, Lawsonite Blueschist from North-Central Oregon: USGS Prof. Paper 650B, p. 8-11 (also, Holtz, Lanphere and Swanson, Geology, 725, p. 659).
  5. a, b Enlows and Parker, 1972, Geochronology of the Clarno igneous activity in the Mitchell Quadrangle, Wheeler Co., Oregon: DOGAMI ORE-BIN, v. 34, p. 104-110.
  6. a, b Wilkinson, W.D., and Oles, K.F., 1968, Stratigraphy and paleoenvironments of Cretaceous rocks, Mitchell Quadrangle, Oregon: AAPG Bull., v. 52, p. 129-161.
  7. a, b Oles, K.F., 1973, Hudspeth and Gable Creek Formations: DOGAMI Bull. 77.
  8. a, b Noblett, J., 1981, Subduction-related origin of the volcanic rocks of the Eocene Clarno Formation near Cherry Creek, Oregon: Oregon Geology, v. 43, no. 7.
  9. a, b Manchester, S.R., 1981, Fossil plants of the Eocene Clarno Nut beds, Oregon Geology, v. 43, no. 6, p. 82-85.
  11. a, b Thayer, T., and Brown, 1964, Pre-Tertiary orogenic and plutonic intrusive activity in central and northeastern Oregon: Geol. Soc. America, Bull. v. 75, p. 1255-1262.
  12. a, b Thayer, T., 1956, Some relations of later Tertiary volcanology and structure in eastern Oregon: Internat. Geol. Congress, 20th, Mexico, p. 231-245.
  13. a to h Thayer, T., 1977, The Geologic setting of the John Day Country, Grant County, Oregon: USGS Special Pub.
  14. a, b Mullen E.D., and Sarewitz, 1983, Paleozoic and Triassic terranes of the Blue Mountains, northeast Oregon: Oregon Geology, v. 45, nos. 6 and 7.
  15. a Retallack, G., 1981, Preliminary observations on fossil soils in the Clarno Formation (Eocene to early Oligocene) near Clarno, Oregon: Oregon Geology, v. 43, no. 11.
  16. a, b Miall, 1980, Deltas.
  17. a, b Walker, 1980, Turbidites and associated course clastic deposits.
  18. a, b Kleinhans, L., and Others, 1984, A Paleogeographic reinterpretation of some middle Cretaceous units, north-central Oregon, SEPM Pacific Sec. v. 42, p. 239-257.
  19. a, b Walker, 1975, Generalized facies models for resedimented conglomarates of turbidite association: Geol. Soc. America, Bulletin v. 86, p. 737-748.
  20. a, b Rogers and Evans, 1977, The Clarno Formation of central Oregon, U.S.A.-Volcanism on a thin crustal margin: Earth & Planetary Sci. Letters, v. 34, p. 56-66.
  21. a, b Swanson, D., and Wright, 1981, Guide to geologic field trip between Lewiston, Idaho and Kimberly, Oregon, emphasizing the Columbia River Basalt Group: USGS Circular 838, p. 1-14.
  22. a, b Taylor, 1981, Central High Cascade roadside geology, Bend, Sisters, McKenzie Pass and Santiam Pass, Oregon: USGS Circular 838, p. 5-58.
  23. a, b Robinson and Brem, 1981, Guide to geologic field trip between Kimberly and Bend, Oregon with emphasis on the John Day Formation: USGS Circular, p. 29-54.
  24. a, b Smith and Priest, 1983, Field trip guide to the central Oregon Cascades: Oregon Geology, v. 45, nos. 11 and 12.
  25. a Fruchter and Baldwin, 1975, Relation between dikes of the Monument swarm, central Oregon and Picture Gorge basalt flows: GSA Bull., v. 86, p. 514-516.
  26. a, b Potter and Others, 1980, Chapter 2, "Sedimentology of Shale", Springer-Verlag.
  27. a, b Rogers, 1966, Coincidence of structural and topographic highs during post-Clarno time in north-central Oregon: AAPG Bull., v. 50, p. 390-396.
  28. a, b Robinson, P.T., 1969, High-titania, Alkali-olivine basalts of north-central Oregon, U.S.A.: Contrib. to Min. & Petrology, v. 22, p. 349-360.
  29. a, b Peck, D., 1961, John Day Formation near Ashwood, north-central Oregon: USGS Prof. Paper 424-D, p. 153-156.
  30. a, b Walker, 1970, Cenozoic ash-flow tuffs of Oregon: DOGAMI ORE_BIN, v. 32, no. 6, p. 97-112.
  31. a, b Lawrence, R.D., 1976, Strike-slip faulting terminates the Basin and Range province in Oregon: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 87, p. 846-850.
  32. a, b Lawrence, 1979, Tectonic significance of regional jointing in Columbia River Basalt, north-central Oregon: Northwest Science, v. 53, no. 1, p. 33-42.
  33. a, b Aalto and Dott, 1970, Late Mesozoic conglomerate flysch in southwestern Oregon, and the problem of transport of coarse gravel in deep water: GA Canada, Sp. Paper 7, p. 53-65.
  34. a, b Danner, 1970, Western Cordilleran flysch sedimentation S.W. British Columbia, Canada and Northwestern Washington and Central Oregon, U.S.A.: Geol. Assoc. Canada, Sp. Paper 7, p. 37-51.
  35. a, b Walker and Mutti, 1973, Turbidite facies and facies associates: SEPM Pacific Section Shortcourse, Part IV, p. 119-157.
  36. a, b Brooks, 1979, Plate tectonics and the geologic history of the Blue Mountains: Oregon Geology, v. 41, p. 71-80.
  37. a, b Robyn and Hoover, 1982, Late Cenozoic deformation and volcanism in the Blue Mountains of central Oregon: microplate intersections: Geology, v. 10, p. 572-576.
  38. a Fox, 1983, Melanges and their bearing on subduction-W. North Americ: USGS Prof. Paper 1198.
  39. a Miller and Shotwell, 1972, Journal of 1st trip of Univ. of California to John Day beds: Bull. 19 of U. of O. Museum of Nat. Hist.
  40. a, b, c Enlows, 1976, Petrography of the Rattlesnake Formation at the type area, central Oregon: DOGAMI Short Paper 25.
  41. a Fritz and Harrison, 1985, Early Tertiary volcaniclastic deposits of the northern Rocky Mountains: SEPM Rocky Mountain Section, Can. Paleogeog., p. 383-402.
  42. a Hergert, 1961, Plant fossils in the Clarno Formation, Oregon: DOGAMI ORE-BIN, v. 23, no. 6, p. 55-62.
  43. a Thompson, Yett, and Green, 1984, Subsurface stratigraphy of the Ochoco Basin, Oregon: DOGAMI Oil and Gas Inv., no. 8, p. 1-22.
  44. Jones, Murphy, and Packard, 1965, Lower Cretaceous ammnoite fauna: U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 503-F, p. 1-20.
  45. a-c Dobell, Joseph P., 1948, Geology of the Antone District of Wheeler County, Oregon: [M.S. Thesis]: Oregon State Univ., 102p.
  46. Robinson, Paul T., 1987, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, OR: Painted Hills unit: GSA Centennial Field Guide, Cordilleran Section, p. 317-320.
  47. a-d Smith, Gary A., 1991, A field guide to depositional processes and facies geometry of Neogene continental volcaniclastic rocks, Deschutes Basin, central Oregon: Oregon Geology, v. 53, p. 3-19.
  48. a, b Kleinhaus, Lewis C., 1987, The Cretaceous rocks of the Mithcell Inlier, north central Oregon, field trip guidebook: Northwest Petroleum Association, Spring Symposium, 30p.
  49. Bestland, E., Retallack, G.S., and Fremd, T., 1994, Sequence stratigraphy of the Eocene-Oligocene transition: examples from the non-marine volcanically influenced John Day Basin: in Swanson, D. A., and Haugerud, R.A., eds., Geologic field trips in the Pacific Northwest: Seattle, Washington, 1994 Geol. Soc. America Ann. Mtg., p. 1A-19A.
  50. a-c McIntosh, W.C., Manchester, S.R., and Meyer, H.W., 1997, Age of plant-bearing tuffs of the John Day Formation at Fossil, Oregon, based on Ar-40/Ar-39 single-crystal dating: Oregon Geology, v. 59, p. 2-5, 20.
  51. a-c Streckeisen (IUGS), 1973, Plutonic rocks, classification and nomenclature recommended by the IUGS subcommission on the Systemics of Igneous Rocks: Geotimes, October, 1973, p. 26-30.
  52. Pearcy, L.G., DeBari, S.M., and Sleep, N.H., 1990, Mass balance for two sections of island arc crust and implications from the formation of continents: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 96, p. 427-442.
  53. a, b Leeman, W.P., Avé Lallemant, H.G., Gerlach, D.C., Sutter, J.F., and Arculus, R.J., 1994, Petrology of the Canyon Mountain Complex, eastern Oregon: in Vallier, T.C., ed., Petrology and tectonic evolution of pre-Tertiary rocks, Blue Mountain Region, USGS Prof. Paper ?, p. 1-43.
  54. a-c Bishop, Ellen M., 1994, Mafic and ultramafic rocks of the Baker Terrane, eastern Oregon, and their implications for terrane origin: in Vallier, T.C., ed., Petrology and tectonic evolution of pre-Tertiary rocks, Blue Mountain Region, USGS Prof. Paper ?, p. 221-245.
  55. Walker, Nicholas W., 1994, Tectonic implications of U-Pb zircon ages of the Canyon Mountain Complex, Sparta Complex, and related metaplutonic rocks of the Baker Terrane, northeastern Oregon: in Vallier, T.C., ed., Petrology and tectonic evolution of pre-Tertiary rocks, Blue Mountain Region, USGS Prof. Paper ?, p. 247-269.
  56. a, b Bestand, E.A., Retallack, G.J., Rice, A.E., and Mindszenty, A., Late Eocene detrital laterites in central Oregon: Mass balance geochemistry, depositional setting, and landscape evolution: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., v. 108, p. 285-302.
  57. Getahun, A., and Retallack, G.J., 1991, Early Oligocene paleo-environment of a paleosol from the lower part of the John Day Formation, near Clarno, Oregon: Oregon Geology, v. 53, p. 131-136.
  58. Swisher, C.C., and Prothero, D.R., 1990, Single-crystal 40 Ar/39 Ar dating of the Eocene-Oligocene transition in North America: Science, v. 249, p. 760-762.
  59. McIntosh, W.C., Manchester, S.R., and Meyer, H.W., 1997, Age of fossil plant-bearing tuffs of the John Day Formation at Fossil, Oregon, based on 40 Ar/39Ar single crystal dating: Oregon Geology, v. 59, p. 3-5, and 20.
  60. a, b Manchester, S.R., 1995, Yes, we had bananas: Oregon Geology, v. 57, p. 41-43.
  61. a, b Retallack, G.J. and Fremd, T.J., 1996, Reconstructions of Eocene and Oligocene plants and animals of central Oregon: Oregon Geology, v. 58, p. 51-69.
  62. a, b Blome, C.D., and Nestell, M.K., 1992, Field guide to the geology and paleontology of pre-Tertiary volcanic arc and mélange rocks, Grindstone, Izee and Baker terranes, east-central Oregon: Oregon Geology, v. 54 p. 123-141.

Textbooks and Bulletins

  1. Hyndman, 1972, Petrology of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks. McGraw-Hill. (Taylor copy)
  3. a, b, c Krumbein & Sloss, 1951, Stratigraphy and Sedimentation. W.H. Freeman & Company.
  4. Compton, 1962, Manual of Field Geology, John Wiley.
  5. a, b Baldwin, 1981, Geology of Oregon. Kendall/Hunt.
  6. a, b Ray, 1960, Aerial Photographs in Geologic Interpretation and Mapping. USGS Prof. Paper 373.
  7. Gouldie, 1981, Geomorphological Techniques. Allen & Unwin, London.
  8. a, b Tucker, 1982, The Field Description of Sedimentary Rocks. Halsted Press.
  9. Frey, 1984, The Field Description of Metamorphic Rocks. Halsted Press.
  10. Allen, 1970, Physical Processes of Sedimentation. Allen and Unwin Press.
  11. Ahmed & Almond, 1983, Field Mapping for Geology Students. Allen & Unwin Press.
  12. a, b Blatt, 1982, Sedimentary Petrology. W.H. Freeman.
  13. Moseley, 1981, Methods in Field Geology. W.H. Freeman.
  14. Davis, 1984, Structural Geology. Wiley & Co.
  15. Barnes, 1981, Basic Geological Mapping. Halsted Press.
  16. a, b, c Dietrich & Skinner, Rocks and Rock Minerals. Wiley & Sons.
  17. a, b, c Selley, 1970, Ancient Sedimentary Environments. Cornell University Press.
  18. Barker, 1983, Igneous Rocks. Prentice-Hall.
  19. Thorpe & Brown, 1985, The Field Description of Igneous Rocks. John Wiley.
  20. Pettijohn & Potter, 1964, Atlas and Glossary of Primary Sedimentary Structures. Springer-Verlag.
  21. Bouma & Brouwer, 1964, Turbidites. Elsevier.
  22. Lahee, 1953, Field Geology. McGraw-Hill.
  23. Tennissen, 1983, Nature of Earth Materials. Prentice-Hall.
  24. Kay & Colbert, 1965, Stratigraphy and Life History. John Wiley.
  25. Carozzi (editor), 1975, Sedimentary Rocks. Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross.
  26. Hill, 1963, Elements of Structural Geology. John Wiley.
  27. Darrah, 1960, Paleobotany. Ronald Press.
  28. a, b Pettijohn, 1975, Sedimentary Rocks. Harper & Row.
  29. Easterbrook, 1969, Principles of Geomorphology. McGraw-Hill.
  30. Davis, 1983, Depositional Systems. Prentice Hall.
  31. Blatt, Middleton & Murray, 1980, Origin of Sedimentary Rocks. Prentice-Hall.
  32. Cowen & Lipps, 1975, Controversies in the Earth Sciences. West Pub. Co.
  33. Ehlers & Blatt, 1980, Petrology. W.H. Freeman.
  34. MacDonald, 1972, Volcanoes. Prentice-Hall.
  35. Jackson, 1970, Textbook of Lithology. McGraw-Hill.
  36. Potter & Pettijohn, 1963, Paleocurrents and Basin Analysis. Academic Press.
  37. Clark & Stearn, 1960, The Geological Evolution of North America. Ronald Press.
  38. Dunbar & Waage, 1969, Historical Geology. John Wiley.
  39. Press & Siever, 1974, Earth. W.H. Freeman.
  40. Orr & Orr, 1981, Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils.
  41. Harbaugh, 1969, Stratigraphy and Geologic Time. Brown & Co.
  42. Clarck, 1969, Fossils, Paleontology and Evolution. Brown & Co.
  43. Gillen, 1982, Metamorphic Geology. Allen & Unwin.
  44. Wilson, 1982, Introduction to Small-Scale Geological Structures. Allen & Unwin.
  45. Mason, 1978, Petrology of the Metamorphic Rocks. Allen & Unwin.
  46. MacFall & Wollin, 1972, Fossils for Amateurs. Van Nostrand.
  47. Decker & Decker. 1981, Volcanoes. W.H. Freeman.
  48. Roberts, 1982, Geological Maps and Structures. Pergamon Press.
  49. a, b, c Cloud, 1970, Adventures in Earth History. W.H. Freeman.
  50. Johnston & Nolan, 1981, Volcanic Terranes in Wash., Idaho, Ore, and No. Cal. USGS Circ. #838.
  51. a, b Field Trips in W. ore. and SW Wash., 1980, DOGAMI Bull. 101.
  52. a, b Field Trips in Northern Oregon and Southern Wash., 1973, DOGAMI Bull. 77.
  53. Fisher, 1966, Geol. of a Miocene Ignimbrite Layer, John Day Fm. Central Ore. U. of Cal.
  54. a, b Williams, 1962, Ancient Volcanoes of Oregon.
  55. AveLallement, 1976, Structure of the Canyon Mountain Ophiolite Complex. GSA Sp. Paper 173.
  56. Dickinson & Vigrass, 1965, Geology of the Suplee-Isee Area. DOGAMI Bull. 58.
  57. Beerbower, 1960, Search for the Past. Prentice-Hall.
  58. Naup & Stanley, 1971, Principles of Paleontology. Freeman.
  59. Ernst, 1969, Earth Materials. Prentice-Hall.
  60. Cowen, 1976, History of Life. McGraw-Hill.
  61. Laporte, 1968, Ancient Environments. Prentice-Hall.
  62. McAlester, 1968, The History of Life. Prentice-Hall.
  63. Berry, 1968, Growth of a Prehistoric Time Scale. Freeman & Co.
  64. Sharp, 1960, Glaciers.
  65. a, b White, 1962, Study of the Earth. Prentice-Hall.
  66. Campbell, 1980, John Day River.
  67. McClay, 1987, The Mapping of Geological Structures. Wiley.
  68. Vallier & Brooks, 1986, Geology of the Blue Mountains Region of Oregon, Idaho and Washington: USGS Prof. Paper 1435.
  69. Lisle, R.J., 1988, Geological Structures and Maps.
  70. Compton, Robert R., 1985, Geology in the Field. Wiley.
  71. Agor, Derek V., 1981, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, MacMillon Press.
  72. Allison, Iva S., Black, Dennison, Fahnestock, White, 1974, Geology: The Science of a Changing Earth. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
  73. White, 1962, Study of the Earth: Readings in Geological Science, Prentice-Hill Int.
  74. Gutenberg, B., 1951, Internal Constitution of the Earth, Dover Publ.
  75. Academy of Science, 1986, Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science, Vol. 22.
  76. Leet and Leet, 1961, The World of Geology, McGraw-Hill.
  77. Eicher, 1968, Geologic Time, Foundations of Earth Science Services.
  78. Kesler, 1976, Our Finite Mineral Resources, McGraw-Hill.
  79. Oakesshott, 1976, Volcancoes and Earthquakes: Geologic Violence, McGraw-Hill.
  80. Bolt, 1978, Earthquakes, A Primer, Freeman Comp.
  81. Moseley, 1981, Methods in Field Geology, Freeman Comp.
  82. 181 Fleisher, 1975, Geology of Selected National Parks and Monuments, Vendally Hunt.
  83. Tarling, 1975, Continental Drift, Anchor Press/Double Day.
  84. Foster, 1966, Geology, Merrill Books.
  85. Bowen, 1956, Evolution of Igneous Rocks, Dover Publication.
  86. Adams, 1938, The Birth and Development of the Geological Sciences, Dover.
  87. Marisawa, 1968, Streams, McGraw-Hill.
  88. Coker, 1954, This Great and Wide Sea, North Carolina.
  89. Cheridan, 1971, Guide book to the Quaternary Geology of the East-Central Sierra Nevada , Lebeau Printing Co.


  1. a-e Peet, 1976, The Sportman's Altimeter/Barometer, Peet Bros. Co.

Published Geologic Maps

  1. Brown & Thayer, 1966, Geologic map of the Canyon City quadrangle, northeastern Oregon: USGS Map I-447, Scale 1:250,000.
  2. Brown & Thayer, 1966, Geologic map of the Mount Vernon quadrangle, Grant County, Oregon: USGS map GQ-548.
  3. Brown & Thayer, 1977, Geologic map of Pre-Tertiary rocks in the east Aldrich Mountains and adjacent areas to the south, Grant County, Oregon: USGS Map I-1021.
  4. Newcomb, 1970, Tectonic structure of the main part of the basalt of the Columbia River Group, Washington, Oregon and Idaho: USGS Map I-587.
  5. Oles and Enlows, 1971, Geologic map of Mitchell Quad from DOGAMI Bull. 72.
  6. Pardee, 1941, Preliminary geologic map of the Sumpter quadrangle, Oregon: USGS-DOGAMI.
  7. Robinson, 1975, Reconnaissance geologic map of the John Day Foundation in the southwestern part of the Blue Mountains and adjacent areas, north-central Oregon: USGS Map I-872, Scale 1:125,000.
  8. Swanson, 1969, Reconnaissance map of the east half of the Bend quadrangle, Crook, Wheeler, Jefferson, Wasco and Deschutes, Oregon: USGS Map I-568, Scale 1:250,000.
  9. Thayer, T.P., 1965, Preliminary Geologic map of the John Day quadrangle, OR: USGS MF 51.
  10. Thayer & Brown, 1966, Geol. Map of the Aldrich Mtn. Quad. USGS Map GQ-438.
  11. Thompson and others, 1984, maps and charts to accompany "Subsurface Stratigraphy of the Ochoco Basin."
  12. Walker, 1977, Geologic map of Oregon east of the 121st Meridian: USGS Map I-902, Scale 1:500,000.
  13. G.W. Walker, and N.S.Macleod, 1991, Geologic Map of Oregon, U.S. Geological Survey, Scale 1:500,000.
  14. Waters, 1968, Reconn. Geol. Map of the Post Quad. USGS Map I-542.

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