OC 295 Introduction to Field Oceanography-Land (1 credit)
OC 296 Introduction to Field Oceanography-Sea (2 credits)
OC 295 Introduction to Field Oceanography (1 credit) is the land component of OC 296 (2 credits), which is an intensive, multi-day field course run on board a ship during Spring Break. The purpose of the land portion of the course is to learn about the sample and data collection using methods and instruments that are common in sea-going oceanography.
OC 295 is a prerequisite for OC 296.
There will be a limited number of lectures on land and at sea to set the stage for various modules. Most of the class will be devoted to hands on activities on board the research vessel. Students taking OC 295/OC 296 will learn how to collect data and samples on the high seas, conduct preliminary analyses of data, and contribute to the development of scientific knowledge.
Miguel Goñi and others (TBD)
Application Closed until Fall 2024
Contact Professor Miguel Goñi (Miguel.Goni@oregonstate.edu) with questions.
OC 495 Advanced Field Oceanography 1 (2 credits)
OC 496 Advanced Field Oceanography 2 (4 credits)
OC495 (2 credits; Winter Term) and OC496 (4 credits; Spring Term) represent a senior experiential learning course in Advanced Field Oceanography. OC495 is a land-based course to train students to design a ship-based research project and contribute to the preparation and planning for a related oceanographic cruise. OC496 is a ship- and land-based course designed for students who have taken OC495 to participate in the planned oceanographic cruise to collect and analyze data and samples, conduct an oral presentation of the findings and prepare a written report.
The courses will include a mixture of lectures and readings, participation in research cruise during Spring Break, individual directed research and investigations, as well as oral and written presentations.
Miguel Goñi
- OC495: Completion of at least two of the 400-level OC courses: OC430, OC440, OC450, OC460 with grades of C- and above.
- OC496: Completion of OC495 with grade of C- and above.
Space aboard research vessel is limited so contact Professor Miguel Goñi (Miguel.Goni@oregonstate.edu) with questions.