Marnie Jo Zirbel
Weniger Hall 520
103 SW Memorial Place
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Senior Technician, OOI
M.S., Environmental, Marine and Estuarine Science, Western Washington University (2001)
B.S., Biology, University of California, San Diego (1997)
Benoit-Bird, K.J., M.J. Zirbel, and MA McManus. 2008. Diel variation of zooplankton distributions in Hawaiian waters favors horizontal diel migration by midwater micronekton. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 367:109-123.
Zirbel, M.J., C.B. Miller and H.P. Batchelder. 2007. Staging egg development of marine copepods with DAPI and PicoGreen. Limnology & Oceanography Methods. 5:106–110.
Verity, P.G, M.J. Zirbel, and J.C. Nejstgaard. 2007. Formation of very young colonies by Phaeocystis pouchetii from western Norway. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 47:267-274.
Alderkamp, A-C, J.C. Nejstgaard, P.G. Verity, M.J. Zirbel, A.F. Sazhin, M. van Rijssel. 2006. Dynamics in carbohydrate composition of Phaeocystis pouchetii colonies during spring blooms in mesocosms. Journal of Sea Research 55:169-181.
Nejstgaard, J.C., M.E. Frischer, P.G. Verity, J.T. Anderson, A. Jacobsen, M.J. Zirbel, A. Larsen, J. Martínez-Martínez, A.F. Sazhin, T. Walters, D.A. Bronk, S.J. Whipple, S.R. Borrett, B.C. Patten and J.D. Long. 2006. Plankton development and trophic transfer in sea water enclosures with nutrients and Phaeocystis pouchetii added. Marine Ecology Progress Series 321:99-121.
Zirbel, M.J. 2001. Evidence for light-enhanced grazing and growth in two species of marine microzooplankton. Master’s thesis: Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA.
Zirbel, M.J., F. Veron and M.I. Latz. 2000. The reversible effect of flow on the morphology of Ceratocorys horrida (Peridiniales, Dinophyta). Journal of Phycology 36:46-58.