
CEOAS Main Network:
The RACS group maintains a robust core network services for all desktops, laptops, and IoT devices within the college, with 1GbE to the wall and 20GbE aggregate uplinks. By default if you order a new machine with the help of RACS and have our group help deploy the machine, it will be automatically put on the CEOAS main network. If you are looking to add new hardware, please use the "Support" request form to let the RACS team know you need help.
OSU WI-FI Network:
What networks are available?
- There are three main wireless networks available to users on campus: EduRoam, OSU_Secure, and Visitor. OSU_Secure is the preferred network for users with an ONID account otherwise Visitor or EduRoam are available.
- Instructions for connecting to all campus wireless networks. OSU_Access is a legacy network still found around campus and RACS does not recommend users using that wireless network.
EduRoam connection instructions:
- Instructions for connecting to EduRoam for users without a ONID account or who are visiting from another university.
- Instructions for connecting to EduRoam for users without a ONID account or who are visiting from another university.
Having trouble connecting to OSU_Secure?
- If you are unable to connect, contact RACS using the "Support" request form or contact the UIT Service Desk in Milne 201. ECC Server Room Network: The RACS group provides Top Of Rack (TOR) switches for all racks deployed within the CEOAS ECC Server Room. The TOR switches are able to support 1, 10, 25 40 and 100Gbps network speeds. Please contact RACS using the "Support" form to request changes to the network configurations within the ECC server room.
- If you are unable to connect, contact RACS using the "Support" request form or contact the UIT Service Desk in Milne 201. ECC Server Room Network: The RACS group provides Top Of Rack (TOR) switches for all racks deployed within the CEOAS ECC Server Room. The TOR switches are able to support 1, 10, 25 40 and 100Gbps network speeds. Please contact RACS using the "Support" form to request changes to the network configurations within the ECC server room.
ECC Server Room Network:
- The RACS group provides Top Of Rack (TOR) switches for all racks deployed within the CEOAS ECC Server Room. The TOR switches are able to support 1, 10, 25 40 and 100Gbps network speeds. Please contact RACS using the "Support" form to request changes to the network configurations within the ECC server room.