Seminal Readings About Broader Impacts

ARIS Guiding Principles: The National Association for Broader Impacts (NABI) Broader Impacts Working Group has developed a guiding document for the NSF Broader Impacts criterion to assist NSF program managers, proposal reviewers and review panels in evaluation and to assist proposers with developing their broader impact plans. This document is intended to provide a means for consistency in the way review panels evaluate and rate proposed BI plans.

Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence Broader Impact Wizard: COSEE NOW created the Broader Impact Wizard to help you develop a broader impact statement that will satisfy NSF Criterion II and fulfill your interest in communicating your science. The quick and easy five-step process will produce an outline of important points to include in your BI statement and will help frame discussions with your BI partners.

Creating a Public Engagement Plan Infographic: This tool is designed as a quick-start framework to support the initial ideation and development of a project. The tool centers audiences’ needs and the importance of building partnerships in project development. It also prompts the user to consider project logistics, build a logic model, and draft plans for sharing and receiving feedback about the work. An accompanying list highlights resources from across the broader impacts and public engagement.