- Research.gov
- NSF PAPPG 24-1
- NSF Policy Office
- NSF PAPPG 24-1 OSRAA Summary of Key Changes
- Research Infrastructure Guide (RIG)
Required Forms or Formatting
Biographical Sketch and Current Pending located under SciENcv—no other format allowed as of Oct. 23, 2023 in Research.gov
Collaborator and Other Affiliation Form (COA)
The current editable COA Template (Excel file)
NSF Letter of Collaboration–Recommended Text for Standard proposal (PAPPG 24-1, II-32-II-33)
While not required, the following format may be used in preparation of letters of collaboration:
“If the proposal submitted by Dr. [insert the full name of the Principal Investigator]
entitled [insert the proposal title] is selected for funding by NSF, it is my intent to
collaborate and/or commit resources as detailed in the Project Description or the
Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal.”
While letters of collaboration are permitted, unless required by a specific program solicitation, letters of
support should not be submitted as they are not a standard component of an NSF proposal.
Proposals that contain letters of support not authorized by the program solicitation
may be returned without review.
Letters of Collaboration additional information. Any substantial collaboration with individuals not included in the budget should be described in the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal (see Chapter II.D.2.g) and documented in a letter of collaboration from each collaborator. Such letters should be provided in the supplementary documentation section of Research.gov and follow the format instructions specified in Chapter II.D.2.i. Collaborative activities that are identified in the budget should follow the instructions in Chapter II.E.3.
Letters of Collaboration for MRI proposals are different but do have specific text to follow.
Data Management Plan Guidance
GEO Directorate Guidance & Examples
ENG Directorate Guidance and Policy
Office of OPP Guidance and Policy
BIO Directorate Guidance & Policy
CISE Directorate Guidance for DMP
STEM Education Directorate Guidance
NSF Collaborative Proposal Components
NSF submission of collaborative proposals from multiple organizations (PAPPG 24-1, II-36)
- Must be submitted via research.gov
- Require each non-lead organization to provide a PIN which is then added to the lead proposal (linked).
Verify within the solicitation, the title must begin with
Collaborative Research: XXXXX
Required sections of the proposal differ based on the organizational role. The following sections are required for a collaborative proposal submitted by:
Lead Organization
- Cover Sheet
- Project Summary
- Table of Contents (auto-generated)
- Project Description
- Reference Cited
- Biographical Sketch(es)
- Budget
- Budget Justification
- Current and Pending Other Support
- Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources
- Collaborators & Other Affiliations COA(s)
- Synergistic Activities
- Data Management Plan
- Mentoring Plan (if applicable)
Non-Lead Organization
- Cover Sheet
- Table of Contents (auto-generated)
- Biographical Sketch(es)
- Budget
- Budget Justification
- Current and Pending Other Support
- Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources
- Collaborators & Other Affiliations COA(s)
- Synergistic Activities
Chapter II.D.2.i for additional guidance on the mentoring and data management plan requirements for collaborative proposals. NSF will combine the proposal submission for printing or electronic viewing.
Broader Impacts
Broader Impacts ideation resource from ARIS
Diversity and STEM: Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities