Kim Bernard

headshot of Kim Bernard

Kim Bernard


Burt Hall 246
2651 SW Orchard Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States

Brief Research Interests
Polar zooplankton ecology

Website: Bernard Zooplankton Ecology Lab

Lab: Burt 280 and 282

Research Interests

The primary motivation behind my research is to understand how natural and anthropogenic forces influence plankton community structure and trophic interactions in marine pelagic ecosystems. My research focus is in the area of polar zooplankton ecology.

Beaver Research Champion

Beaver Research Champion Kim Bernard leads the Zooplankton Ecology Lab at OSU studying how climate change and other anthropogenic disturbances alter zooplankton ecology at the individual, population, and community levels and thus the structure and function of marine ecosystems and services.


Beaver Tracks: A Dam Good Podcast Episode 8 - Kim Bernard is "krilling" it in Antarctica

Feature Stories

Going in for the Krill (Terra, October 2017)
A Time to Krill


BSc(Hons) - Rhodes University, South Africa - 2001
MSc - Rhodes University, South Africa - 2003
PhD - Rhodes University, South Africa - 2007