Assistant Professor

Office: 541-737-1232

Wilkinson Hall

Wilkinson Hall 120

2601 SW Orchard Avenue

2601 SW Orchard Avenue
Corvallis, Oregon 97331


Social Science;  hazard mitigation, adaptation, and community resilience; land use planning; Participatory GIS

Research Interests

I am a social scientist who studies the human dimensions of natural hazards, particularly equitable and just adaptation, disaster recovery, and community resilience. As a practitioner of convergence research, I co-produce mixed methods research with community members and scientists with diverse expertise. Our collaborative work explores how natural and built systems influence the human impacts of natural disasters, to understand the uneven impacts of realized and potential disasters. These community-engaged research methods and experiences greatly inform my teaching and mentorship.


Ph.D. Social Sciences, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, 2007
Graduate Certificate in Urban Ecology, University of Washington, 2007
M.S. Social Sciences, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, 2001
B.S. Environmental History, Utah State University, 1998


All courses are offered both on-campus and through Ecampus

Geog 250:  Land Use Planning for Sustainable Communities

Geog 451/551:  Planning Principles and Practices for Resilient Communities

Current Research Projects

The Cascadia Coastlines and Peoples Hazards Research Hub (National Science Foundation)

Persist, Adapt, or Transform:  What Drives WUI Community Recovery After Wildfires? (Joint Fire Science Program)

Global Center for Transdisciplinary Wildfire Research for Community Resilience (National Science Foundation)

Co-Creating a Community Participatory Resilience Model for Oregon Coastal Hazards (Oregon Sea Grant)

Past Research Projects

Wildfire Vulnerability Explorer

Envisioning Oregon’s Coastal Futures

Interactive Adaptation and Collaboration Tool for managing Water, Energy, and Land (InterACTWEL)

Increasing Adaptive Capacity for the Adoption of Green Infrastructure in Rural Communities:

Stormwater Solutions for Green Infrastructure

Green Infrastructure Solutions across the Urban to Rural Continuum

Post-Docs and Graduate Students


Andrea Mah, Postdoctoral Scholar.  Environmental Psychology.  Cascadia CoPes Hub.

Amanda Thiel, Postdoctoral Scholar.  Anthropology.  Persist, Adapt, Transform:  What Drives WUI Community Recovery After Wildfires

Joshua Applegate, Ph.D. Candidate in Environmental Sciences:  Studying Green Infrastructure Adaptation at the Urban Scale:  Definitions, Relationships, and Consequences

Joshua Blockstein, Ph.D. Student in Environmental Science.  Cascadia CoPes Hub.

Emma Gleeman, Masters Student in Geography.  Cascadia CoPes Hub.

Nancy Hiner, Masters Student in Geography.  Persist, Adapt, Transform.

Najiba Rashid, Ph.D. Candidate in Geography.  Cascadia CoPes Hub.


Andres Schmidt, Ph.D. Postdoc.  (2020-2023):  Sensor Technology for Improved Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Fire Resilience.  Co-advised with Lisa Ellsworth.

Eliza Amstutz, Masters of Geography (2021-2023)

Joshua Blockstein, Masters of Marine Resource Management (2021-2023)

Trisha Patterson, Masters of Public Policy (2021-2023)

Froggi Van Riper, Ph.D. (2021):  Barriers and Opportunities for Expanding Adoption of Sustainable Sanitation Systems:  A mixed-methods Investigation through the Lens of Emergency Response.  Co-advisor.

Katherine Stanton, M.A. Anthropology (2020):  Building Resilient Oregon Coastal Communities:  Reimagining Critical Facilities through Latinx Sense of Place.  Co-advisor.

See CV for students prior 2020



Tilt, J.H., Babbar-Sebens, M., Kolagani, N., Naren, U.S., Ramadas, M., and Gorripati, R. (2024). A community engaged approach to understanding a hyper-localized Food, Energy, and Water Nexus in rural India. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.

Cunya L.A.G, Babbar-Sebens, M., Tullos, D,. and Tilt, J.H. (2024). Attitudes toward moving or staying and buying flood insurance to face varied flood threats in a floodplain community. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

Kolesar, S., Ruggiero, P., Tullos, D., Tilt, J.H., Tilt, B., and Thompson, B. (2024). Co-Producing Knowledge for Coastal Hazards: Lessons from Oregon Sea Grant SEED-LEAF program. Oceanography.

Uslu, S., Kaur, D., Rivera, S., Durresi, A., Babbar-Sebens, M., Tilt, J.H. (2024). A trustworthy and responsible decision-making framework for resource management in food-energy-water nexus: A control-theoretical approach. Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.


Fox, N., Tilt, J.H., Ruggiero, P., *Stanton, K., and Bolte, J. (2023). Toward equitable coastal community resilience: The Great East Japan Earthquake and the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Coastal Futures.

Stanton, K., and Tilt, J.H. (2023). Building resilient Oregon coastal communities: Reimagining critical facilities through Latinx Sense of Place. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

Schmidt, A., Ellsworth, L.M., Tilt, J.H., and Gough, M. (2023). Application of Deep Convolutional Networks for Improved Risk Assessments of Post-Wildfire Drinking Water Contamination. Machine Learning with Applications.

Applegate, J.D and Tilt, J.H. (2023). Using content and comparative analysis to contextualize the criteria for urban resiliency planning from international and US cities perspectives. Frontiers in Environmental Science.


Tilt, J.H., Mondo, H., Giles, N., Rivera, S., and Babbar-Sebens, M. (2022). Demystifying the fears and myths: The co-production of a regional food, energy, water (FEW) nexus conceptual model. Environmental Science and Policy.

Cunya L.A.G, Tilt, J.H. Babbar-Sebens, M., and Tullos, D. (2022). Perceived risk and preferences of response and recovery actions of individuals living in a floodplain community. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

VanRiper, F., Russel, K., Tillias, D., Tilt, J.H. and Laporte, J. (2022). Container-based sanitation in urban Haiti: How can it improve human rights as a component of citywide inclusive sanitation? H2Open.

Schmidt, A., Ellsworth, L.M., Tilt, J.H., and Gough, M. (2022). Predicting conditional maximum contaminant level exceedance probabilities for drinking water after wildfires with Bayesian regularized network ensembles. Machine Learning with Applications.


Tilt, J.H., and Ries, P. (2021). Constraints and catalysts towards operationalizing a green infrastructure program in rural communities. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening.

Talal, M., Santelmann, M., and Tilt, J.H. (2021). Urban park visitor preferences for vegetation—An on-site qualitative research study. Plants, People, Planet.

Uslu, S., Kaur, D., Rivera, S.J., Durresi, A., Babbar-Sebens, M., and Tilt, J.H. (2021). A trustworthy human-machine framework for collective decision making in Food-Energy-Water management: The role of trust sensitivity. Knowledge-Based Systems.

Uslu S., Kaur D., Rivera S.J., Durresi A., Babbar-Sebens M., and Tilt J.H. (2021). Control Theoretical Modeling of Trust-Based Decision Making in Food-Energy-Water Management. In: Barolli L., Poniszewska-Maranda A., Enokido T. (eds) Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. CISIS 2020.


Tilt, J.H. and Cerveny, L. (2020) “Urban Nature and Human Physical Health” in Anderson, P., Douglas, I., Goode, D.Houck, M., Maddox, D., Nagendra, H., and Yok, T. P. (Eds.),  The Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology, Second Edition, Ch. 52.

Box, J., Boon, R., Kwanda, T., Stupar, A., Tilt, J.H. and Vasquez, A. “The Role of Targets   and Standards in Delivering Urban Greenspace for People and Wildlife.”  in Anderson, P., Douglas, I., Goode, D., Houck, M., Maddox, D., Nagendra, H., and Yok, T. P. (Eds.)  The Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology, Second Edition, Ch. 73. 

Johnson, C., Tilt, J.H., Ries, P., and Schindler, B.  Continuing Education for Green Infrastructure:  Fostering Collaboration through Interdisciplinary Trainings.  Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 41: 283-291. 

See CV for older publications