Getting Started with Outreach & Engagement in CEOAS

Are you thinking about starting an engagement project or program, but not sure where to start?  This page is designed to guide CEOAS scientists (at any point in their science career) through the process of envisioning, developing, and completing projects to share CEOAS sciences with folks outside of our community.

The steps below are designed to help organize your thoughts, but in reality this process is not linear, so use the resources below as they most make sense to you!

But first, contact CEOAS Outreach Coordinator Ryan Brown to:  

  • Arrange a personal consultation to get you started in this process and support you as you work your way through it.
  • Join the CEAOS Outreach Community of Practice listserv to learn about professional development opportunities and monthly meetings

Learn more about and join up with the CEOAS Outreach Community of Practice!


Steps to hlep you organize your thoughts

Developing your knowledge of social justice and equity considerations is critical in order to develop outreach and engagement opportunities in a manner that is respectful and relevant. As you embark on your journey to connect with communities regarding your science, begin to orient yourself to some of these crucial considerations as a foundation for your practice, or continue your lifelong learning along this path.

CEOAS & OSU Support:

CEOAS statement on “Why Outreach and Engagement?”
CEOAS statement on "Restoring our CEOAS Community"
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
OSU “Diversity Education” website (lists training opportunities)
Learn more about and join up with the CEOAS Outreach Community of Practice!

Other Resources:

Columbia University Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE)
University of Minnesota Library Antiracism Reading List
The Rockefeller University Inclusive Science Outreach Case Studies (select "Outreach and Engagement under "Initiatives")
CAISE Broadening Perspectives Toolkit
ARIS Mentoring the Next Generation: Using Undergraduate Research to Broaden Engagement and Impact in STEM
ARIS STEM Accessibility, Empowerment, and Student Success
ARIS Summit (annual conference)
ARIS monthly newsletter
Join the ARIS Members Forum (online discussion group)

Spend some time investigating your identities as a scientist and a human as a foundation on which to build a lifetime of meaningful engagement with communities around your topic. Do not skip this step - you’ll be happy you did it!

CEOAS Support:

CEOAS Getting Started with STEM Engagement Worksheet (please download or make a copy)
Personal consultation/contacts (contact Ryan Brown first)
CEOAS Professional Development Session from 2/2/2023: Reflecting on your Broader Impacts Identity with Julie Risien and Martin Storksdieck

Other Resources

Partnerships for Broader Impacts Design Broader Impacts Identity Tool
STEM Ambassadors
ARIS NSF Broader Impacts Identity Webinar
MSU’s Summer Intensive on Community-Engaged Scholarship

Now you have an idea of what is important to you and who you might want to connect with about it. It is now time to find a partner (before developing your project or applying for funding). Finding a partner and building a fully collaborative relationship takes a lot of work, but there are many resources available to help.

CEOAS & OSU Support:

Personal consultation/contacts (contact Ryan Brown first)
CEOAS Potential Partners for Engagement Efforts
CoP running list of potential partners & contacts
OSU STEM Research Center
Precollege Programs "Chats for Broader Impacts" virtual office hours
Learn more about and join up with the CEOAS Outreach Community of Practice!
CEOAS Professional Development Session from 3/6/2023: Creating strong collaborations with community partners

CEOAS Outreach & Engagement Ignite Session from 5/5/2023: collection of 2-minute presentations from CEOAS faculty, students, and community partners

Other Resources:

Stop, Collaborate and Listen! Collaborative Partnerships for Broader Impacts Design Podcast
ARIS NSF Broader Impacts Partnership Webinar
CAISE Broadening Perspectives Toolkit
Partnerships for Broader Impacts Design Tools and Resources
ARIS Tool for Building Public Engagement Plan
ARIS Broader Impacts Toolkit (checklist, rubric, and wizard)
ARIS STEM Outreach Collaboration Toolbox
ARIS Mentoring the Next Generation: Using Undergraduate Research to Broaden Engagement and Impact in STEM
Michigan Public Engagement Framework

At this point, you have found a partner or two to work with and have a pretty good idea of what you want to do. It’s time to look for funding! You’ll need to have formulated a pretty good idea of what the outcomes of the project will be prior to applying for funding - at this point, steps 3, 4, and 5 get pretty mixed up; feel free to skip around.

CEOAS &OSU Support:

Personal consultation/contacts (contact Ryan Brown first)
Outreach & Engagement Funding Opportunities
CEOAS Small Grants

Other Resources:

ARIS NSF Guiding Principles 2.0
ARIS Broader Impacts Toolkit (checklist, rubric, and wizard)
ARIS NSF Webinars: Broader Impacts 101 Webinars:

  • Broader Impacts 101
  • CAREER Awards
  • Broadening Participation

NSF Broader Impacts Review Criterion
CAISE Broadening Perspectives Toolkit
COSEE Broader Impacts Wizard

Now you get to finally jump in and develop your project! Check out these resources to help you with all the logistical details.

CEOAS Support

Personal consultation/contacts (contact Ryan Brown first)
OSU Youth Safety Resources (CEOAS contact Ryan Brown)
CEOAS Small Grants
Resources under "Help Promote CEOAS Science and Undergraduate Programs" tab
Learn more about and join up with the CEOAS Outreach Community of Practice (peer support)!

Creating a WordPress Website with Ernie Colantonio (1/25/24)

GoPro Workshop: Video Storytelling for Scientists (2/22/24)

Scientific Illustration with Hatfield Marine Science Center Artist in Residence, Emy Daniels (3/7/24)

Other Resources

OMSI Science Communication Fellowship (CEOAS funding may be available)
MSU’s Summer Intensive on Community-Engaged Scholarship

Designing an evaluation program for your activity should occur during the design phase, in consultation with your partners. OSU resources listed below can provide support for this step. The results of your program evaluation can be used for several purposes, including publishing academic papers, developing technical documents, and determining next steps.

CEOAS & OSU Support

STEM Research Center
Precollege Programs
Learn more about and join up with the CEOAS Outreach Community of Practice!

Other Resources:

ARIS NSF Evaluating Broader Impacts Activities Webinar