CEOAS Outreach Community of Practice

About us

CEOAS Outreach Community of Practice Meetings:

  • First* Friday of each month at 9:00 AM
  • Wecoma Room (Admin Building)
  • Benny’s donuts, coffee and tea

*Exact meeting times can change, please sign up for the listserve to receive meeting invites!

Everyone who is interested in engagement or outreach related to CEOAS sciences in any form is invited! This is a very casual group, and members can participate at whatever level suits their interest level and time availability, with no commitments. Come join us or sign up for our listserv.

Contact Outreach Coordinator Ryan Brown to be added to the CEOAS Outreach Community of Practice listserv.


Our mission is to learn together while building a community that elevates the importance of sharing Earth, ocean, and atmospheric sciences outside the traditional classroom and laboratory environments.


We cultivate curiosity and knowledge about Earth, ocean, and atmospheric systems and their human dimensions through authentic, respectful collaborations that benefit learners and communities of all backgrounds. We support scientists conducting STEAM outreach and engagement by identifying and removing barriers to their participation. We inspire wonder and learning that honors the diversity of multiple ways of knowing.

Goals (direct and indirect)

  • Connect with society about Earth, ocean and atmospheric (EOA) sciences in a reciprocal relationship. Inform our science inquiry by understanding the interests and needs of communities. Share the parts of our sciences that communities care about and are interested in.

  • Support fellow scientists and practitioners and learn together through our outreach and engagement efforts. Enjoy each other's company in regular, casual meetings.
  • Elevate the importance and value of STEM engagement within the college and university.
  • Recognize that access to higher education and EOA sciences is a social justice issue and actively work to remove barriers to participation. Expand what we think of as science and who benefits from it.
  • Support student success outside of the traditional classroom, including field experiences and science teaching opportunities.
  • Inspire an interest in the EOA sciences in all communities, including K-12 students, by developing relevant content and formats, demystifying our sciences, and humanizing scientists.


CEOAS Outreach & Engagement - Internal Website contains a wealth of resources intended to support you as a scientist through your outreach & engagement ventures.

Getting Started with Engagement in CEOAS will help launch you on your path of starting an outreach or engagement project or program.

CEOAS Outreach & Engagement - External Website: This is the place to send community partners and others interested in connecting with us about our sciences.


Showing Off Your Science: A Multimedia Toolbox Professional Development Series

Session 1: Creating a WordPress Website with Ernie Colantonio (1/25/24)

Session 2: GoPro Workshop: Video Storytelling for Scientists (2/23/24)

Session 3: Scientific Illustration with Hatfield Marine Science Center Artist in Residence, Emy Daniels (3/7/24)


Last updated 3/14/2024