Faculty excellence is a defining quality of the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences. CEOAS faculty members are regularly recognized by professional and scientific organizations and take national and international leadership positions.
- Michael Campana, posthumously, Universities Council on Water Resources, 2025 Warren A. Hall Medal
- Anita Grunder, 2025 Geological Society of America, Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, & Volcanology (MGPV) Division Distinguished Geological Career Award
- Peter Clark, 2024 Milutin Milankovic Medal, European Geosciences Union
- Alan Mix, 2024 Maurice Ewing Medal, American Geophysical Union
- Larry O'Neill, 2024 Oregon State University Day Extension and Engagement Award
- Christo Buizert, Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow
- Peter Clark, 2023 Cesare Emiliani Lecturer, American Geophysical Union
- Astrid Leitner, 2023 Maxwell/Hanrahan Award in Field Biology
- Clare Reimers, 2023 Geochemistry Fellow, The Geochemical Society
- Aaron Wolf, Michael P. Malone International Leadership Award
- Dawn Wright, Member, National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
- Dawn Wright, Lifetime Achievement Award and 100th Woman of Discovery Fellow, WINGS WorldQuest
- Dawn Wright, Geospatial Intelligence Hall of Fame, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
- Dudley Chelton, Member, National Academy of Sciences
- JC Creveling, 2022 Fellow, American Geophysical Union
- JC Creveling, 2022 James B. Macelwane Medal, American Geophysical Union
- Ed Brook, William S. and Carelyn Y. Reeburgh Lecture, American Geophysical Union
- Michael Campana, Fellow, American Water Resources Association (AWRA)
- Kelsey Emard, 2021 Early Career Faculty Innovator, National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Julia Jones, Oregon State University 2021 Distinguished Professor of Geography
- Marta Torres, 2021 Geochemistry Fellow, The Geochemical Society
- Pamela Sullivan, 2021 Hydrologic Sciences Early Career Award, American Geophysical Union
- Maureen Walczak (lead), Alan Mix, Jay Alder, June Padman, Andreas Schmittner, and Joe Stoner, 2021 Kirk Bryan Award, Geological Society of America
- James Watson, 2021 Early Career Award, The Oceanography Society
- Dawn Wright, Member, National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
- Dawn Wright, Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Michael Campana, Fellow, International Water Resources Association
- JC Creveling, 2020 Fellow, Geological Society of America
- Mitch Lyle, 2020 Fellow, Geological Society of America
- Alan Mix, Fellow of The Oceanography Society
- Shan de Silva, Humboldt Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- David Wrathall, 2020 Wrigley-Fairchild Prize, American Geophysical Union
- Dawn Wright, George Davidson Medal, American Geographical Society
- Dawn Wright, Fellow, American Association of Geographers
- Dawn Wright, Fellow of The Oceanography Society
- Robert Yeats, 2020 Structural Geology & Tectonics Career Contribution Award, GSA
- Ed Brook, European Geosciences Union (EGU) Hans Oeschger Medal
- JC Creveling, 2019 Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal), Geological Society of America
- Rob Holman, Fellow of The Oceanography Society
- Alan Mix, Fellow, The Explorers Club, New York
- David Noone, AGU Atmospheric Sciences Ascent Award
- Clare Reimers, Oregon State University Distinguished Professor
- Clare Reimers, Fellow of The Oceanography Society
- Roger Samelson, Fellow of The Oceanography Society
- Kim Bernard,NSF CAREER Award
- Jack Barth, Fellow of the American Meteorological Society
- Ed Brook, Oregon State University Distinguished Professor
- Christo Buizert, 2018 Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award, European Geosciences Union
- Jim Moum, Fellow of The Oceanography Society
- Nick Pisias, 2018 Maurice Ewing Medal, American Geophysical Union
- Emily Shroyer, American Meteorological Society's Nicholas Fofonoff Award
- Aaron Wolf, 2018 Distinguished Alumni Award, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Chris Goldfinger, 2017 Fellow, Geological Society of America
- Adam Kent,2017 Fellow, Geological Society of America
- Alan Mix, Oregon State University Distinguished Professor
- Dawn Wright, 18th Roger Revelle Distinguished Lecturer, National Academy of Sciences Ocean Studies Board
- Peter Clark, 2016 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Peter Clark, Oregon State University Distinguished Professor
- John Dilles, Society of Economic Geologists Silver Medal
- Chris Goldfinger, 2016 Kirk Bryan Award of The Geological Society of America
- Todd Jarvis: Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) 2016 Education and Public Service Award
- Bernie Jenny: Popular Science/NSF 2016 Expert's Choice Vizzie
- Alan Mix, 2016 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Philip Mote: President-elect of the Global Environmental Change focus group of AGU
- Jonathan Nash, Editor's Award, Journal of Physical Oceanography
- Roger Samelson, Fellow of the American Meteorological Society
- Evelyn Sherr and Barry Sherr,ASLO 2016 A.C Redfield Lifetime Achievement Award
- George Waldbusser, Division of University Outreach and Engagement Vice Provost Award for Excellence in the area of strategic impact
- Justin Wettstein, AMS Editor's Award, Journal of Climate
- Angel White, ASLO 2016 Yentsch-Schindler Early Career Award
- Dawn Wright, 2016 Fellow, Geological Society of America
- Tuba Özkan-Haller, 2015 Women of Achievement Award
- Roger Samelson, Fellow of the American Geophysical Union
- Emily Shroyer, 2015 Young Investigator Award, Office of Naval Research
- Angel White, AGU Ocean Sciences Early Career Award 2015
- Angel White, Oregon State University Inspirational Woman Award 2015
- Aaron Wolf, Heinz Award for Public Policy
- Dawn Wright, 2015 Gregory Leptoukh Lecture Award, American Geophysical Union
- Ed Brook, Fellow of the American Geophysical Union
- Gary Egbert, Fellow of the American Geophysical Union>
- Roy Haggerty, Fellow of the Geological Society of America
- Eric Kirby, Fellow of the Geological Society of America
- Jim Moum, The Henry Stommel Research Award, American Meteorological Society, and Fellow of the American Meteorological Society
- Jack Barth, Fellow of The Oceanography Society
- Dudley Chelton, 2013 William T. Pecora Award
- Andrew Meigs, Fellow of the Geological Society of America
- Alan Mix, Fellow of the American Geophysical Union
- Ted Strub, Fellow of The Oceanography Society
- Marta Torres, Fellow of the Geological Society of America
- Marta Torres, Fellow to the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg
- Aaron Wolf, Monito del Giardino
- Dawn Wright, Distinguished Teaching Honors, Association of American Geographers
- Peter Clark, John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, Earth Sciences
- Jim Moum, Fellow of the American Geophysical Union
- Yvette Spitz, ICESCAPE - outstanding contribution to NASA mission. Group Achievement award NASA, Aug. 2, 2012
- Rob Wheatcroft, Rohm Professorship in Marine Education
- Angel White, Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow
- Dawn Wright, Presidential Achievement Award, Association of American Geographers
- Mark Abbott, Jim Gray eScience Award, Microsoft Research
- Mark Abbott, President-elect, Oceanography Society Council
- Ed Brook, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Ed Brook, Google Climate Science Communication Fellow
- Shan de Silva, Fellow, Geological Society of America
- Bob Duncan, OSU Alumni Association Distinguished Professor
- Dudley Chelton, Henry Stommel Research Award, American Meteorological Society
- Dudley Chelton, Fellow of the American Meteorological Society
- Martin Fisk, Fulbright Fellowship
- Dawn Wright, Leopold Leadership Fellow
- Dawn Wright, Higher Education Distinguished Teacher Award, National Council for Geographic Education
- Dawn Wright, Appointed Chief Scientist by Esri
- Kelly Benoit-Bird, MacArthur Fellow
- Michael Campana, President, American Water Resources Association
- Dudley Chelton, The Robert L. and Bettie P. Cody Award in Ocean Sciences
- Peter Clark, American Geophysical Union Fellow
- Roy Haggerty, Hollis M. Dole Professor of Environmental Geology
- Anne Nolin, Landolt Chair for a Sustainable Future
- Christoph Thomas, NSF Career Award
- Kelly Benoit-Bird, R. Bruce Lindsay Award, Acoustical Society of America
- Anita Grunder, Outstanding Educator of the Year, Association for Women Geoscientists
- Robert Harris, Fellow of the Geological Society of America
- Jonathan Nash, Nicholas P. Fofonoff Award, American Meteorological Society
- Clare Reimers, American Geophysical Union Fellow
- Mark Abbott, Vice Chairman, Oregon Global Warming Commission
- Kelly Benoit-Bird, Ocean Science Section Early Career Award, American Geophysical Union
- Ed Brook, Leopold Leadership Fellow
- Dudley Chelton, American Geophysical Union Fellow
- Bob Duncan, American Geophysical Union Fellow
- Charles Miller, Wooster Award, North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES)
- Anne Tréhu, American Geophysical Union Fellow
- Dawn Wright, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Peter Clark, Easterbrook Distinguished Scientist Award, Geological Society of America
- Dawn Wright, Oregon Professor of the Year
- Mark Abbott, Member of the National Science Board, 2006-2012
- Mark Abbott, Co-chair Oregon Climate Change Integration Group
- James A. Coakley, Jr., Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Rob Holman, OSU Alumni Association Distinguished Professor
- Andreas Schmittner, Ocean Science Section Early Career Award, American Geophysical Union
- Patricia Wheeler, Oregon State University Distinguished Professor
- Dawn Wright, Education Award from the Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs
- Ronald Zaneveld, Jerlov Award, The Oceanography Society
- John Allen,Henry Stommel Research Award, American Meteorological Society
- John Allen, Fellow of the American Meteorological Society
- Kelly Benoit-Bird, Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
- Curtiss Davis, Presidential Rank Award for Meritorious Senior Professional
- Bob Duncan, One of 250 most cited in peer-reviewed scientific journals
- James Good, William Q. Wick Visionary Career Leadership through Programming Award, Sea Grant Extension
- Evelyn Sherr, One of 250 most cited in peer-reviewed scientific journals
- Bernd Simoneit, One of 250 most cited in peer-reviewed scientific journals
- John Allen, Director's Commendation, Minerals Management Service
- Dudley Chelton, Oregon State University Distinguished Professor
- Michael Freilich, Verner E. Suomi Award, American Meteorological Society
- Michael Freilich, Fellow of the American Meteorological Society
- Michael Freilich, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Director's Research Achievement Award
- Gordon Matzke, Ronald F. Abler Distinguished Service Honors, American Association of Geographers
- Dawn Wright, Fulbright Fellowship
- Mark Abbott, Group Achievement Award for Outstanding Teamwork, Earth Observing System (EOS) Aqua Mission Team, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Brent Dalrymple, National Medal of Science Laureate, National Science Board
- Rob Holman, Secretary of the Navy/Chief of Naval Operations Chair of Oceanographic Sciences (SECNAV/CNO Award)
- Paul Komar, The Coastal Award
- William Pearcy, 2003 Wooster Award, North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES)
- Bernd Simoneit, Fellow, American Geophysical Union
- Jon Kimmerling, OSU Alumni Association Distinguished Professor
- Roland de Szoeke, Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award in Oceanography
- Clare Reimers, Alan Berman Research Publication Award, Naval Research Laboratory
- Brent Dalrymple, Geological Society of America's Public Service Award
- Kelly Falkner, Arctic Service Award, National Science Foundation
- John Allen, Fellow, American Geophysical Union
- Michael Freilich, NASA Public Service Medal
- Nick Pisias, Fellow, American Geophysical Union
- Rob Duncan, Rohm Professorship in Marine Education
- George Keller, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Anita Grunder, Fellow, Geological Society of America
- John Dilles, Fellow, Geological Society of America
- Paul Komar, Rohm Professorship in Marine Education
- Robert Lawrence, Fulbright Scholar
- William Pearcy, Individual Outstanding Achievement Award, American Institute of Fisheries Research
- James A. Coakley, Jr., NASA's Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal
- Rob Holman, Belle va Zuylen Professor, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
- John Byrne, Fellow, American Meteorological Society
- Brent Dalrymple, Member, National Academy of Sciences
- Kelly Falkner, Office of Naval Research Young Investigator award
- Robert Yeats, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Brent Dalrymple, Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Robert Lloyd Smith, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Michael Unsworth: Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK)
- Michael Unsworth: Fellow, Royal Society of Edinburgh
- John Allen, The B. H. Ketchum Award, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- James Deardorff, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Wayne Burt, Ocean Sciences Award, American Geophysical Union
- John Byrne, appointed University President, Oregon State University
- John Byrne, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
- John Byrne, appointed Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- LaVern Kulm, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Brent Dalrymple, Fellow, American Geophysical Union