Statement from CEOAS Leadership

September, 2020

In the midst of a pandemic that has placed us in uncharted personal and professional waters, created deep economic distress and uncertainty, and upended many social norms and relationships, this week we again witnessed revolting and inexcusable acts of racism and violence that add to societal unrest and despair.

At times, words cannot express the depth of our pain, and that pain is borne differently by different members of our community. However, silence is also inexcusable for the indifference it may suggest. We write to express our support for all members of our community, and most especially, our underrepresented members that have faced discrimination by those who have had greater advantages and privileges. The lack of respect, the attempts to strip individuals of their dignity, the threats to life and safety are completely unacceptable and can never be tolerated.

The College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences stands in solidarity with all individuals that seek equity, justice, and peaceful co-existence. We support all members of our community in their educational aspirations, in their desire to have an impact, and in their desire to be productive and respected members of society. We urge those that do not feel supported to reach out and let us know. Every positive action we take will have an impact, and every affirmation of our values will make an invaluable statement to our community and nation.

Our commitment to inclusive excellence is reflected in our college values:


  • Excellence in research, education, and global engagement to solve the environmental challenges of the 21st century and beyond.
  • Enterprise, innovation, and collaboration among faculty, staff, and students.
  • An inclusive organization where individuals and groups can thrive through meaningful leadership or professional opportunities, and where diverse approaches to scholarship and engagement are respected.

From the CEOAS leadership

Roberta Marinelli
Adam Kent
Michael Harte
Anthony Koppers
Kaplan Yalcin