Robert Miller

headshot of Robert N. Miller

Robert Miller

Professor Emeritus

Research Interests

Theory of ocean modeling and forecasting; analysis of oceanic data using statistical and dynamic methods; prediction of transient currents in the mid-latitude ocean; interannual variation in the tropical ocean and its effect on climate.

Current Research

Application of methods developed in meteorology and engineering to ocean prediction; validation of these methods with observed and computer-synthesized data; application to prediction of transient currents in the North Pacific.


AB, Brown University (Mathematics and Physics), 1971
MS, California Institute of Technology (Applied Mathematics), 1972
PhD, University of California, Berkeley (Mathematics), 1976


Direct assimilation of altimetric differences using the Kalman filter. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 13, 317-333, 1989.

Tropical data assimilation experiments with simulated data: The impact of the Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere Thermal Array for the Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 95, 11461-11482, 1990.

Ocean data assimilation using optimal interpolation with a quasi-geostrophic model. J. Geophys. Res. 96, 15,093-15,103, 1991 (M.M. Rienecker and R.N. Miller).

Advanced data assimilation in strongly nonlinear dynamical systems. J. Atmos. Sci. 51, 1037-1056, 1994 (R.N. Miller, M. Ghil and F. Gauthiez).

Data Assimilation into nonlinear stochastic models. Tellus, 51A, 167-194, 1999, (R.N. Miller, E.F. Carter, S.T. Blue).

Ensemble Generation for Models of Multi-modal Systems, MWR, Sep 2002, 21 pgs.
(R.N. Miller and L.L. Ehret)