Research Interests
Atmospheric chemistry and physics of aerosol, cloud, and rainwater; deposition.
BS, North Carolina State University (Chemical Engineering), 1971
MS, University of Washington (Civil Engineering), 1982
PhD, University of Washington (Civil Engineering), 1985
Selected publications:
Mid-latitude northern hemisphere background concentration of sulfate in rainwater. Atmos. Environ. 24A, 1007-1018, 1990 (R.J.Vong).
Factors governing cloud water composition in the Appalachian Mountains. Tellus 43B, 435-453, 1990 (R.J. Vong, B. Bailey, M. Markus and V.A. Mohnen).
A theoretical investigation of the pressure and temperature dependence of atmospheric ozone deposition to trees. Environ. Pollution 67, 179-189, 1990 (T.V. Larson and R.J. Vong).
Cloud water deposition to Appalachian mountain forest. Environ. Science & Technol. 25, 1014-1021, 1991 (R.J. Vong, J.T. Sigmon and S.F. Mueller).
Co-occurrence of ozone and acidic cloud water in high-elevation forests. Environ. Science & Technol. 25, 1325-1329, 1991 (R.J. Vong and P. Guttorp).
Atmospheric chemometrics for the identification of trace element sources in precipitation. Analytica Chimica Acta 277, 389-404, 1993 (R.J.Vong).
A climatology of cloud chemistry for the eastern U.S. derived from the mountain cloud chemistry project. Environmental Reviews 1, 38-54, 1993 (V.A. Mohnen and R.J. Vong).
Eddy correlation measurements of size-dependent cloud droplet turbulent fluxes to complex terrain. Tellus 47B, 331-352, 1995 (R.J.Vong and A.S. Kowalski).
Ionic and trace element composition of cloud and rain water collected on the Olympic Peninsula of Washignton State. Atmos. Environ. 31, 1991-2001, 1997 (R.J. Vong et al.).
Deployment and evaluation of a system for ground-based measurement of cloud liquid water turbulent fluxes, J. Atmospheric & Ocean Technol. 14, 468-479, 1997 (A.S. Kowalski and R.J.Vong).
Simultaneous observations of aerosol and cloud droplet size spectra in marine stratocumulus, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 55, 2180-92, 1998 (R.J. Vong and D.S.Covert).
Near-surface fluxes of cloudwater evolve vertically, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 125 (#559), 2663-2684, 1999 (A.S. Kowalski and R.J.Vong).
Variation of net radiation over heterogeneous surfaces: measurements and simulation in a juniper-sagebrush ecosystem. Agricult. and Forest Meteorology 102, 275-286, 2000 (P.M. Anthoni, B.E. Law, M.H. Unsworth, and R.J.Vong).
Deposition, in: Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, Edited by James R. Holton, John Pyle, and Judith A. Curry, Academic Press, London, 2002. ISBN: 0-12-227090-8 (R.J.Vong)
Eddy correlation measurements of aerosol deposition to grass, Tellus 56B, 105-117, 2004 (R.J.Vong, D.Vickers, and D.S. Covert).
Size-dependent aerosol deposition velocities during BEARPEX’07, Atmos.Chem. Phys.Discuss. 10, 4649-4672 , 2010 (R. J. Vong, I. J. Vong, D. Vickers, and D. S. Covert).
Size-dependent aerosol deposition velocities during BEARPEX’07, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10, 5749-5758 , 2010 (R. J. Vong, I. J. Vong, D. Vickers, and D. S. Covert). doi:10.5194/acp-10-5749-2010