Nicklas Pisias

headshot of Nicklas Pisias

Nicklas Pisias

Professor Emeritus, and Academic Wage – Salaried: Professor

Research Interests

Study of Late Cenozoic history of the ocean-climate systems as recorded in deep-sea sediments so as to better understand the nature of global climate change, marine stratigraphy and sedimentation, numerical and statistical techniques as applied to geological problems.

Current Research

Detailed analysis of Late Pleistocene time series of oceanographic variability in the Pacific Ocean with emphasis on the eastern equatorial Pacific and northern California Current region.


BA, San Francisco State University (Mathematics and Geology), 1970
MS, Oregon State University (Oceanography), 1974
PhD, University of Rhode Island (Oceanography), 1978


N.G. Pisias, and A.C. Mix, 1997. Spatial and Temporal Oceanographic Variability of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific During the Late Pleistocene: Evidence from Radiolaria Microfossils. Paleoceanography, 12(3), 381-393.

L.A. Welling, and N.G. Pisias, 1998. How do Radiolarian Sediment Assemblages Represent Surface Ocean Ecology in the Central Equatorial Pacific? Paleoceanography, 13(2), 131-149.

N.G. Pisias, A.C. Mix, and L. Heusser , 2001. Millenial Scale Climate Variability of the Northeast Pacific Surface Ocean and Atmosphere based on Radiolaria and Pollen. Quaternary Science Reviews 20:1561-1576.

P.U. Clark, N.G. Pisias, T.F. Stocker, and A.J. Weaver, 2002. The role of the thermohaline circulation in abrupt climate change, Nature 415, 863-869.