John Nabelek
Weniger Hall 531
103 SW Memorial Place
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Research Interests
Applied and theoretical seismology, faulting processes of large earthquakes; tectonics of mid-ocean ridges, island arcs, and regions of continental extension.
Current Research
Rupture processes of large earthquakes (global studies); effects of preexisting fault-zone geometry on earthquake rupture initiation and termination; tectonics of North China, back-arc regions of Indonesia, and regions of continental extension; effects of mid-ocean-ridge topography on seismic wave forms; seismicity of eastern United States; techniques for analysis of earthquake source mechanisms.
BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1974
MS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1975
PhD, MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1984
McCaffrey, R. and J. Nabelek, 1987. Earthquakes, gravity, and the origin of the Bali basin: An example of nascent continental fold-and-thrust belt. J. Geophys. Res., 92, 441-460.
Nabelek, J., W.-P. Chen and H. Ye, 1987. The Tangshan earthquake sequence and its implications for the evolution of the North China basin. J. Geophys. Res., 92, 12,615-12,628.
King, G. and J. Nabelek, 1985. The role of fault bends in the initiation and termination of earthquake rupture. Science, 228, 984-987.