Anne Tréhu
Weniger Hall 521
103 SW Memorial Place
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Alternate phone: 541-737-2847
Research Interests
Application of geophysical data to geodynamic processes along plate boundaries; gas hydrate distribution and dynamics; seismic data acquisition and processing; ocean bottom seismometers.
Current Research
For a look at our most recent field program, see this blog put together by student volunteers:
For a look at what we do at sea, see the following blogs put together by students on 2 recent research cruises offshore Chile:
BA, Princeton University (Geosciences, summa cum laude), 1975
PhD, MIT-WHOI Joint program (Marine Geophysics), 1982
NRC postdoctoral fellow at USGS, Woods Hole MA, 1982-1884
Field Experience
52 field programs on land and at sea, including 32 as chief or co-chief scientist
Walton, M.A.L., Staisch, L., Dura, T., Pearl, J.K., Sherrod, B., Gomberg, J., Engelhart, S., Tréhu, A.M., Watt, J., Perkins, J., Witter, R.C., Bartlow, N., Goldfinger, G., Kelsey, H., Morey, A., Sahakian, V., Tobin, H., Wang, K., Wells, R., & Wirth, E. (2021). Towards an integrative geological and geophysical view of Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes, Annual Rev. Geophys, May issue.
Bangs, N.L., Morgan, J., Tréhu, A.M., Contreras-Reyes, E., Arnulf, A., Han, S., Olsen, K.M., & Zhang, E., Basal accretion along the south-central Chile margin and its relationship to great earthquakes, (2020), J. Geophys. Res., v. 125, doi:10.1029/2020JB19861.
Reginato, G., Vera. E., Contreras-Reyes, E., Tréhu, A.M., Maksymowicz, A., Bello-González, J.P., & González, F. (2020). Seismic structure and tectonics of the continental wedge overlying the source region of the Iquique Mw8.1 2014 earthquake, Tectonophysics, v. 796, 228629.
Schurr, B., Moreno, M., Tréhu, A.M., Bedford, J., Kummerow, J., Li, S., & Oncken, O. (2020). Forming a Mogi doughnut in the years prior to and immediately before the 2014 M8.2 Iquique, Northern Chile, earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi: 10.1029/2020GL088351
Olsen, K.M., Bangs, N.L., Tréhu, A.M., Han, S., Arnulf, A., & Contreras-Reyes, E. (2020). Thick, strong sediment subduction along south-central Chile and its role in great earthquakes, Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., v. 538, 9 pp., doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116195
Kohler, M.D., Hafner, K., Park, J., Irving, J.C.E., Caplan-Auerbach, J., Collins, J., Berger, J., Tréhu, A.M., Romanowicz, B., & Woodward, B. (2020). A plan for a long-term, automated, broadband seismic monitoring network on the global seafloor, Seis. Res. Lett., doi:10.1785/02201900123.
Tréhu, A.M., deMoor, A., Mieres Madrid, J., Saéz, M., Chadwell, C.D., Ortega-Culaciati, F., Ruiz, J., Ruiz, S., & Tryon, M.D. (2019). Post-seismic response of the outer accretionary prism after the 2010 Maule earthquake, Geosphere, v. 16, 1-20,
Tréhu, A.M., Hass, B., deMoor, A., Maksymowicz, A., Contreras-Reyes, E., Vera, E., Tryon, M.D. (2019). Geologic controls on up-dip and along-strike propagation of slip during subduction zone earthquakes from a high-resolution seismic reflection survey across the northern limit of slip during the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake, Geosphere, v. 15, 1751-1773, doi:10.1130/GES02099.1.
Antriasian, A., Harris, R.N., Tréhu, A.M., Henrys, S.A., Phrampus, B.J., Lauer, R., Gorman, A.R., Pecher, I.A., Barker, D. (2019). Thermal regime of the northern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand, Geophys. J. Int., v. 216, p. 1177-1190, doi:10.1093/gji/ggy450.
Geersen, J., Ranero, C.R., Klaucke, I., Behrmann, J.H., Kopp, H., Tréhu, A.M., Contreras-Reyes, E., Barckhausen, U., Reicheret, C. (2018) Active tectonics of the northern Chilean marine forearc and adjacent Nazca plate. Tectonics, v. 37, doi:10.1029/2018TC005087
Tréhu, A.M., Wilcock, W.S.D., Hilmo, R., Bodin, P., Connolly, J., Roland, E.C., and Braunmiller, J. (2018) The role of the Ocean Observatories Initiative in monitoring the offshore earthquake activity of the Cascadia subduction zone: Oceanography, v. 31, p. 104-113, doi,org/10.5670/oceanog.2018.116
Hoover, S.M. and A.M. Tréhu (2017). Uplift, emergence, and subsidence of the Gorda Escarpment basement ridge offshore Cape Mendocino, CA, G-Cubed, 18,
Weirathmueller, M.J., K. M. Stafford, W.S.D. Wilcock, R.S. Hilmo, R.P. Dziak, A. M. Tréhu, Spatial and temporal trends in fin whale vocalizations recorded in the NE Pacific Ocean between 2003-2013, PLoS ONE 12(10):e0186127.
Phrampus, B.J., R.N. Harris, and A.M. Tréhu (2017). Heat flow bounds over the Cascadia margin derived from bottom simulating reflectors and implications for thermal models of subduction, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18, 3309-3326, doi:10.1002/2017GC007077.
Maksymowicz, A., D. Chadwell, J. Ruiz, A.M. Tréhu, E. Contreras-Reyes, W. Weinrebe, J. Dias-Naveas, J.C. Gibson, P. Lonsdale, M.D. Tryon (2017) Coseismic seafloor deformation in the trench region during the Mw8.8 Maule megathrust earthquake, Nature Sci. Rep.7, 45918; doi: 10.1038/srep45918.
Tréhu, A.M. (2016). Source parameter scaling and the Cascadia paleoseismic record, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. v. 106, p. 904-911, doi:10.1785/0120150272.
Tréhu, A.M. (2016). Measuring slow slip offshore, Science, v. 352, p. 654-655, doi:10.1126/science.aaf6534.
Harris, R., Wallace, L, Webb, S., Ito, Y., Mockizuki, K., Ichihara, H., Henrys, S., Tréhu, A., Schwartz, S., Sheehan, A., Saffer, D., Lauer, R., Investigations of shallow slow slip offshore of New Zealand, EOS, v. 97, no. 10, p. 20-23, 15 May, 2016.
Wang, K., and Tréhu, A.M. (2016). Invited review paper: Some outstanding issues in the study of great megathrust earthquakes - the Cascadia example, Journal of Geodynamics,, available on line 29 March, 2016.
Tréhu, A.M., Braunmiller, J., Davis, E., Seismicity of the central Cascadia continental margin near 44.5°N - a decadal view, Seis. Res. Lett., v. 86, p. 819-829, doi: 10.1785/0220140207, 2015.
Walton, M.A.L., Gulick, S.P.S., Haeussler. P.J., Roland, E.C., Trehu, A.M., Basement and regional structure along-strike of the Queen Charlotte Fault in the context of modern and historical earthquake ruptures, in review, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., v. 105, p. 1090-1105, 2015.
Tréhu, A.M., Schiedhauer, M., Rohr, K.M.M., Tikoff, B., Walton, M.A.L., Gulick, S.P.S., Roland, E.C., An abrupt transition in the mechanical response of the upper crust to transpression along the Queen Charlotte Fault, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., v. 105, p. 1114-1128, 2015.
Boyarko, D.C., M.R. Brudzinski, R.W. Porritt, R.M.Allen, and A.M. Tréhu, Automated detection and location of tectonic tremor along the entire Cascadia margin from 2005 to 2011, Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., v. 430, p. 160-170, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.06.026, 2015.
Maksymowicz, A., Tréhu, A.M., Contreras-Reyes, E., Ruiz, S., Density-depth model of the continental wedge at the maximum slip segment of the Maule Mw8.8 megathrust earthquake, Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., v. 409, 265-277, 2015.
Toomey, D.R., R.M. Allen, A.H. Barclay, R.P. Dziak, and A.M. Tréhu, The Cascadia Initiative: a sea change in seismological studies of subduction zones. Oceanography, v. 27, no. 2, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2014.49, 2014.
Braunmiller, J., Nabelek, J.L., Tréhu, A.M., A Seasonally Modulated Earthquake Swarm Near Maupin, Oregon, Geophys. J, Int., doi:10.1093/gji/ggu081, 2014.
Kannberg, P.K., Tréhu, A.M., Pierce, S.D., Paull, C.K., Caress, D.W., Temporal variation of methane flares on the ocean above Hydrate Ridge, Oregon, Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., v. 368, p. 33-42, 2013.
Holbrook, W.S., Kent, G., Keranen, K., Johnson, H.P., Tréhu, A., Tobin, H., Caplan-Auerbach, Beeson, J., Cascadia forearc seismic survey: open-access data available, EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Soc., v. 93, p. 521-522, 11 Dec. 2012.
Bostock, M.G., Tréhu, A.M., Wavefield decomposition of ocean bottom seismograms, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., v. 102, p. 1681-1692, 2012. doi:10.1785/0120110162
Tréhu, A.M., Blakely, R.J., Williams, M.C., Subducted seamounts and recent earthquakes beneath the central Cascadia forearc, Geology, v. 40, p. 103-106, 2012.
Weitemeyer, K., Constable, S., Tréhu, A.M., A marine electromagnetic survey to detect gas hydrate at Hydrate Ridge, Oregon, Geophysical Journal International, v. 187, p. 45-62, 2011.
Williams, M.C., Tréhu, A.M., Braunmiller, J., Seismicity at the Cascadia plate boundary beneath the Oregon continental shelf, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., v. 101, p. 940-950, 2011.
Villinger, H., Tréhu, A.M, and Grevemeyer, I., Seafloor marine heat flux measurements and estimation of heat flux from seismic observations of bottom simulating reflectors, in press, SEG special volume on geophysics and gas hydrates, December, 2010.
Long, P., Holland, M., Schultheiss, P., Riedel, M., Weinberger, J, Tréhu, A., Schaef, H, Infrared (IR) imaging of gas hydrate-bearing cores: state-of-the-art and future prospects, SEG special volume on geophysics and gas hydrates, 2010.
Gomberg, J. and the Cascadia 2007 and beyond working group, Slow-slip phenomena in Cascadia from 2007 and beyond: a review, Geol. Soc. Of Am. Bull, July/August, 2010.
Torres, M.E., Tréhu, A.M., Cespedes, N., Kastner, M., Wortmann, U.G., Kim, J-H., Long, P., Malinverno, A., Torres, M. E., R. W. Embley, S. G. Merle, A. M. Tréhu, R. W. Collier, E. Suess, and K. U. Heeschen, Methane sources feeding cold seeps on the shelf and upper continental slope off central Oregon, USA, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 10, Q11003, doi:10.1029/2009GC002518, 2009.
Riedel, M., Tréhu, A.M., and Spence, G.D., Characterizing the thermal regime of cold vents at the northern Cascadia margin from bottom-simulating reflector distributions, heat-probe measuremernts, and borehole temperture data.,Marine Geophys. Researches., v. 31, p. 1-16, 2010.
Gomberg, J., Tréhu, A.M., Roeloffs, E., Dragert, H., 2008, Understanding slow slip, tremor and quakes, EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., v. 89, no. 34, p. 315.
Gomberg, J., Roeloffs, E, Tréhu, A., Dragert, H., Meertens, C., Report on the “Aseismic Slip, Tremor, and Earthquakes” Workshop, USGS Report Series 2008-1343, 75 pp.
Tréhu, A.M., Braunmiller, J., Nabelek, J.L., Probable low-angle thrust earthquakes on the Juan de Fuca-North America plate boundary, Geology, v. 36, p. 127-130, 2008.
Torres, M.E., Tréhu, A.M., Cespedes, N., Kastner, M., Wortmann, U.G., Kim, J-H., Long, P., Malinverno, A., Pohlmann, J., Riedel, M., Collett, T., Methane hydrate formation in turbidite sediments of northern Cascadia, IODP Expedition 311, Earth Plan. Sci. Lett, v. 271, p. 170-180, 2008.
Snelson, C.M., Brocher, T.M., Miller, K.C., Pratt, T.L., Tréhu, A.M., Seismic amplification within the Seattle Basin, Washington State: Insights from SHIPS seismic tomography experiments, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., v. 97, pp. 1432-1448, 2007.
Heeseman, M., H. Villinger, A.T. Fisher, A.M. Tréhu, S. Witte, 2006 Data report: testing and deployment of the new APCT-3 tool to determine in situ temrpatures while piston coring, in Riedel, M., T.S. Collett, M.J. Malone, and the Expedition 311 Scientists, Proc. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, vol. 311.
Tréhu, A.M., 2006, Subsurface temperatures beneath southern Hydrate Ridge, in Tréhu, A.M., Bohrmann, G. Torres, M.E., and Colwell, F.S. (eds.), Proc. Ocean Drilling Prog., Scientific Results, v. 204, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program). 1-26, doi:10.2973/
Tréhu, A.M., Bangs, N.L., Guerin, G., 2006, Near-offset vertical seismic experiments during Leg 204, in press, in Tréhu, A.M., Bohrmann, G. Torres, M.E., and Colwell, F.S. (eds.), Proc. Ocean Drilling Prog., Scientific Results, v. 204, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program). 1-23, doi:10.2973/
Chevallier, J., Tréhu, A.M., Bangs, N.L., Johnson, J.E., Meyer, H.J., 2006, Seismic sequence stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of southern Hydrate Ridge, in press, in Tréhu, A.M., Bohrmann, G. Torres, M.E., and Colwell, F.S. (eds.), Proc. Ocean Drilling Prog., Scientific Results, v. 204, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program). 1-29, doi:10.2973/
Tréhu, A.M., Torres, M.E., Bohrmann, G., Colwell, F.S., 2006, Leg 204 Synthesis: Gas hydrate distribution and dynamics in the central Cascadia accretionary complex, in Tréhu, A.M., Bohrmann, G. Torres, M.E., and Colwell, F.S. (eds.), Proc. Ocean Drilling Prog., Scientific Results, v. 204, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program). 1-40, doi:10.2973/
Tréhu, A.M., Ruppel, C., Dickens, G.R., Holland, M. Torres, M.E., Collett, T.S., Goldberg. D., Riedel, M., Schultheiss, P., Gas hydrates in marine sediments: lessons from scientific drilling, Oceanography, Dec, 2006.
Tréhu, A.M., Bohrmann, G. Torres, M.E., and Colwell, F.S. (eds.), 2006, Proc. Ocean Drilling Prog., Scientific Results, v. 204, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program). doi:10.2973/
Bangs, N.L., R.J. Musgrave, A.M. Tréhu, 2005, Upward shifts in the south Hydrate Ridge gas hydrate stability zone following post-glacial warming offshore Oregon, J. Geophys. Res., v. 110, B03102, doi:10.1029/2004JB003293.
Tréhu, A.M., Bohrman, G., Rack, F.R., Collett, T.S., D.S. Goldberg, P.E. Long, A.V. Milkov, M. Riedel, P. Schultheiss, M.E. Tores, N.L. Bangs, S.R. Barr, W.S. Borowski, G.E. Claypool, M.E. Delwiche, G.R. Dickens, E. Gracia, G. Guerin, M. Holland, J.E. Johnson, Y-J. Lee, C-S. Liu, X. SU, B. Teichert, H. Tomaru, M. Vanneste, M. Watanabe, J.L. Weinberger, 2004. Three-dimensional distribution of gas hydate beneath southern Hydrate Ridge: constraints from ODP Leg 204, Earth and Plan. Sci. Let, v. 222, p. 845-862, 2004..
Torres, M.E., K. Wallmann, A.M. Tréhu, G. Bohrmann, W.S. Borowski, H. Tomaru, Gas hydrate dynamics at the Hydrate Ridge southern summit based on dissolved chloride data, Earth and Plan. Sci. Let., v. 226, p. 225-241, 2004.
Torres, M.E., B. Teichert, A. M. Tréhu, W. Borowski and H. Tomaru. 2004, Relationship of pore water freshening to accretionary processes in theCascadia margin: Fluid sources and gas hydrate abundance, Geophys. Res. Let.. v.31, L22305, doi:10.1029/2004GL021219.
Tréhu, A.M., P. Flemings, N. Bangs, J. Chevallier, E. Gracia, J. Johnson, M. Riedel, C-S Liu, X. Liu, M. Riedel, M.E. Torres, 2004, Feeding methane vents and gas hydrate deposits at south Hydrate Ridge, GRL, v. 31, L23310, doi:10.1029/2004GL021286,.
Doyle, E.H., S.R. Dallimore, R.A. Fine, A.M. Nur, M.E.Q. Pilson, W.S. Reeburgh, E.D. Sloan Jr., A.M. Tréhu, J. Bintz, J. Merrill, N. Caputo, Charting the future of methane hydrate research in the United States, 2004, National Academies Press, Washington D.C., 192 pp.
Brocher, T.,M., T. Parsons, A. M. Tréhu, C.M. Snelson, and M.A. Fisher, Seismic evidence for widespread serpentinized forearc upper mantle along the Cascadia margin, Geology, v. 31, p. 267-270, 2003.
Calvert, A.J., M.A. Fisher, S.Y. Johnson, and SHIPS Working Group, Along-strike variations in the shallow seismic velocity structure of the Seattle fault zone: Evidence for fault segmentation beneath Puget Sound, JGR, DOI 10.1029/2001JB001703, p. ESE1-1 to 14, 2003 (January)
Tréhu, A.M., D.S. Stakes, C.D. Bartlett, J. Chevallier, R.A. Duncan, S.K. Goffredi, S.M. Potter, K.A. Salamy, Seismic and seafloor evidence for free gas, gas hydrates, and fluid seeps on the transform margin offshore Cape Mendocino, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 2263 (19 pp.), doi:10.1029/2001JB001679, 2003.
Heeschen, K.U., A.M. Tréhu, R.W. Collier, E. Suess, and G. Rehder, Distribution and height of methane bubble plumes on the Cascadia margin offshore Oregon from acoustic imaging, Geophys. Res. Let., 30, 1643 (4 pp.), doi:10.1029/2003GL016974, 2003.
Graindorge, D., G. Spence, P. Charvis, J.Y. Collot, R. Hyndman, and A.M. Tréhu, Crustal structure beneath Strait of Juan de Fuca and southern Vancouver Island from seismic and gravity analyses, J. Geophys. Res. 108, 2484 (22 pp.), doi:10.1029/2002JB001823, 2003.
Calvert, A.J., Fisher, M.A., Ramachandran, K., Tréhu, A.M., Possible emplacement of crustal rocks into the forearc mantle of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Geophys. Res. Let., v. 30, no. 23, 2196, doi:10.1029/2003GL018541, 2003.
Preston L.A., K.C. Creager, R.S. Crosson, T.M. Brocher, A.M. Tréhu, Intraslab earthquakes: dehydration of the Cascadia slab, Science, v. 302, sp. 1197-1200, 2003.
Milkov, A.V., G.E. Claypool, Y.-J. Lee, G.R. Dickens, W. Xu, W.S. Borowski, and Leg 204 Science Party (includes Tréhu, Torres, Johnson from COAS), In situ methane concentrations at Hydrate Ridge offshore Oregon: new constraints on the global gas inventory from an active margin, Geology, v. 30, pg. 833-836, 2003.
Tréhu, A.M., G. Bohrmann, F.R. Rack, M.E. Torres, Proc. ODP, Init. Repts. 204, [CD-ROM]. Available from: Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M Un., College Station TX 77845-9547, USA, 2003.
Tréhu, A.M., G. Bohrmann, F.R. Rack, M.E. Torres, and Leg 204 Science Party, Gas hydrate distribution and dynamics beneath southern Hydrate Rige: ODP Leg 204, JOIDES Journal, v. 29, Fall, 2003.
Stakes, D., A.M. Tréhu, S.K. Goffredi, T.H. Naehr, R.A. Duncan, Mass wasting , methane venting, and biological communities on the Mendocino transform fault, Geology, v. 30, p. 407-410, 2002.
Tréhu, A.M., N.L. Bangs, M.A. Aresnault, G. Bohrmann, C. Goldfinger, J. Johnson, Y. Nakamura, M.E. Torres, Complex subsurface plumbing beneath southern Hydrate Ridge, Oregon continental margin, from high-resolution 3D seismic reflection data, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gas Hydrate, Yokohama, Japan, May 19-23, 2002.
Suess, E., G. Bohrmann, D. Rickert, W. Kuhs, M.E. Torres, A.M. Tréhu, P. Linke, Properties and fabric of near-surface methane hydrates at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia margin, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gas Hydrate, Yokohama, Japan, May 19-23, 2002.
Tréhu, A.M., T.M. Brocher, K. Creager, M. Fisher, L. Preston, G. Spence, and the SHIPS98 working group, Geometry of the subducting Juan de Fuca plate: new constraints from SHIPS98, in The Cascadia Subduction Zone and Related Subduction Systems-Seismic Structure, Intraslab Earthquakes and Processes, and Earthquake Hazards: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-328, and Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4350; Kirby, Stephen, Wang, Kelin, and Dunlop, Susan, eds., p. 25-32, 2002.
Pratt, T.L., C.S. Weaver, K.C. Creager, R.S. Crosson, R.D. Hyndman, G.D. Spence, A.M. Tréhu, K.C. Miller, U.S. ten Brink, Understanding the seismotectonics of the Cascadia subduction zone: Overview and recent seismic work. in Seismotectonics of subduction zones, eg. Y. Fujinawa, Terra Scientific Publishing Tokyo, pl 25-36, 2002.
Tréhu, A.M., and E. Flueh, Estimating the thickness of the free gas zone beneath Hydrate Ridge, Oregon continental margin, from seismic velocities and attenuation, Jour. Geophys. Res., v. 106, p. 2035-2045, 2001.
Suess, E., and 19 others, Seafloor hydrates at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia margin, in: Natural gas hydates: occurrence, distribution, and detection, C. Paull and W. Dillon, eds, AGU monograph 91, 2001.
Brocher, T.M., T. Parsons, R.J. Blakely, N.I. Christensen, M.A. Fisher, R.E. Wells, and the SHIPS working group, Upper crustal structure in the Puget Lowland, Washington: results from the 1998 seismic hazards investigation in Puget sound, Jour. Geophys. Res., v. 106, p. 13,541, 2001.
Calvert, A.J., M.A. Fisher, and SHIPS working group, Imaging the Seattle fault zone with high-resolution seismic tomography, GRL, v. 28, p. 2237-2240, 2001.
Rohr, K.M.M., M. Scheidhauer, A.M. Tréhu, Transpression between two warm mafic plates: the Queen Charlotte Fault revisited, Jour. Geophys. Res., v. 105, p. 8147-8172, 2000.
Brocher, T., Parsons, T., Fisher, M.A., Tréhu, A.M. Spence, G.D., and the SHIPS working group, Three-dimensional tomography in the eastern Juan de Fuca Strait: preliminary investigations from SHIPS, in: Mosher, D.C. and Johnson, S.Y. (eds.) Tathwell, G.J., Kung, R.B., and Rhea, S.B. (compilers), Neotectonics of the eastern Juan de Fuca Strait: a digital geological and geophysical atlas. Geol. Survey of Canada Open File Report 3931, 2000.
Brocher, T., Pratt, T., Creager, K., Crosson, R., Steele, W., Weaver, C., Frankel, A., Tréhu, A., Snelson, C., Miller, K., Harder, S., ten Brink, U., Urban seismic experiments investigate Seattle fault and basin, EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., v. 81, p. 545, 551-552, 2000.
Blakely, R.J., R.E. Wells, T.L. Tolan, M.H. Beeson, A.M. Tréhu, L. Liberty, New aeromagnetic data reveal large strike-slip faults in the northern Willamette Valley, Oregon, Geological Society of America Bulletin: Vol. 112, No. 8, pp. 1225–1233, 2000.
Gerdom*, M. A.M. Tréhu, E. R. Flueh, D. Klaeschen, The continental margin off Oregon from seismic investigations, Tectonophysics, v. 329, p. 79-97, 2000.
Fisher, M.A., T.M. Brocher, R.D. Hyndman, A. M. Tréhu, C.S. Weaver, K.C. Creager, R.S. Crosson, T. Parsons, A.K. Cooper, D. Mosher, G. Spence, B.C. Zelt, P.T. Hammer, U. ten Brink, T.L. Pratt, K.C. Miller, J. R. Childs, G.R. Cochrane, S. Chopra, and R. Walia, Seismic survey probes urban earthquake hazards in Pacific Northwest, EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., v. 80, p. 13, 16-17, 1999.
Fisher, M.A., E.R. Flueh, D.W. Scholl, T. Parsons, R.E. Wells, A. Tréhu, U. ten Brink, C.S. Weaver, Geologic processes of accretion in the Cascadia subductio zone west of Washington state, Geodynamics, v. 27, 277-288, 1999.
Suess, E., M.E. Torres, G. Bohrmann, R.W. Collier, J. Greinert, P. Linke, G. Rehder, A. Tréhu, K. Wallmann, G. Winckler, E. Zuleger, Gas hydrate destabilization: enhanced dewatering, benthic material turnover, and large methane plumes at the Cascadia convergent margin, Earth and Plan. Sci. Let., v. 170, 1-15, 1999.
Blakely, R.J., R.E. Wells, A.M. Tréhu, L.M. Liberty, M.H. Beeson, T.L. Tolan, Tectonic setting of the northern Willamette Valley, OR: Evidence from newly acquired aeromagnetic data, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull, in press.
Liberty, L.M., A.M. Tréhu, R.J. Blakely, M.E. Dougherty, Neogene deformation of the Mt. Angel/ Gales Creek fault zone: Constraints from high-resolution seismic reflection imaging, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 89, 1473-1483, 1999.
Fleming, S., A.M. Tréhu, Crustal structure beneath the central Oregon convergent margin from potential field modeling: Evidence for a buried basement ridge in local contact with a seaward-dipping backstop, Jour. Geophys. Res., 104, 20,431-20,447, 1999.
Tréhu, A., M. Torres, G. Moore, E. Suess, G. Bohrmann, Dissociation of gas hydrates in response to slumping and folding on the Oregon continental margin, Geology, 27, 939-942, 1999.
Tryon, M., K. M. Brown, M.E. Torres, A.M. Tréhu, J. McManus, R.W. Collier, Measurements of transience and flow cylcing near episodic methane gas vents, Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia, Geology,v. 27, p. 1075-1078, 1999.
Leitner, B., A.M. Tréhu, N. Godfrey, Crustal structure of the northwestern Vizcaino Block and Gorda Escarpment offshore northern California: Implications for the influence of plate age on internal deformation, Jour. Geophys. Res., v. 103, p. 23,795-23,812, 1998.
Godfrey, N., A.S. Meltzer, S.L. Klemperer, A.M. Tréhu, B. Leitner, S. Clarke, A. Ondrus, Evolution of the Mendocino Ridge, San Andreas fault, and Mendocino triple junction from multichannel seismic data collected across the northern Vizcaino Block, CA, Jour. Geophys. Res., v. 103, p. 23,813-23,825, 1998.
E.R. Flueh, M.A. Fisher, J. Bialas, J.R. Childs, D. Klaeschen, N. Kukowski, T. Parsons, D.W. Scholl, U. ten Brink, A.M. Tréhu, N. Vidal, New seismic images of the Cascadia subduction zone from cruise SO108 - ORWELL, Tectonophysics, v. 293, p. 69-84, 1998.
Beaudoin, B.C., J.A. Hole, S. Klemperer, and A. M. Tréhu, Location of the southern edge of the Gorda slab and evidence for an adjacent asthenospheric window: Results from seismic profiling and constrained gravity modeling, Jour. Geophys. Res., Dec. 1998.
Fisher, M.A., T.M. Brocher, R.D. Hyndman, A. M. Tréhu, C.S. Weaver, K.C. Creager, R.S. Crosson, T. Parsons, A.K. Cooper, D. Mosher, G. Spence, B.C. Zelt, P.T. Hammer, U. ten Brink, T.L. Pratt, K.C. Miller, J. R. Childs, G.R. Cochrane, S. Chopra, and R. Walia, Seismic survey probes urban earthquake hazards iin Pacific Northwest, EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., v. 80, p. 13, 16-17, 1999.
Parsons, T., A. M. Tréhu, J.H. Luetgert, F. Kilbride, K. Miller, R.E. Wells, M.A. Fisher, N.I. Christensen, U.S. ten Brink, E. Flueh, W.D. Mooney, A new view into the Cascadia subduction zone and volcanic arc: Implications for earthquake hazards along the Washington margin, Geology, February, 1998.
Levander, A., T.J. Henstock, A.S. Meltzer, B.C. Beaudoin, A.M. Tréhu, S. Klemperer, A window through the lithosphere: Seismic images of active magmatic crustal accretion, Geology, February, 1998.
Matheney, M.P., R.L. Nowack, A.M. Tréhu, Seismic attribute inversion for velocity and attenution structure using data from e GLIMPCE Lake Superior experiment, Jour. Geophys. Res., v. 102, pp. 9949-9960, 1997.
Lendl, C., A.M. Tréhu, J. Goff, A. Levander, and B.C. Beaudoin, Synthetic seismograms for synthetic Franciscan: Insights into data acquired during the Mendocino triple junction seismic experiment, Geophys. Res. Let, v. 24, p. 3317-3320, 1997.
E.R. Flueh, M. Fisher, D.W. Scholl, T. Parsons, U. ten Brink, D. Klaeschen, N. Kukowski, A. Tréhu, J. Childs, J. Bialas, and N. Vidal, Scientific teams analyse earthquake hazards of the Cascadia subduction zone, EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., v. 78, p. 153, 157, 1997.
Braunmiller, J., B. Leitner, J. Nabelek, A. Tréhu, Location and source parameters of the June 19, 1994 (Mw = 5.0) offshore Petrolia, CA, earthquake, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 87, p. 272-276, 1997.
Beaudoin, B.C, N.J. Godfrey, S.L. Klemperer, C. Lendl, A.M. Tréhu, T.J. Henstock, A. Levander, J.E. Holl, A.S. Meltzer, J.H. Luetgert, and W.D. Mooney, Transition from slab to slabless: results from the 1993 Mendocino triple junction seismic experiment, Geology, V. 24, P. 195-199, 1996.
Tréhu, A.M., and Mendocino Working Group, 1995, Pulling the rug out from under California; seismic images of the Mendocino Triple Junction region, EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 76, 369, 380-381.
Tréhu, A.M. et al., 1995, A seismic reflection profile across the Cascadian subduction zone offshore central Oregon: new constraints on methane distribution and crustal structure, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 15,101-15,116.
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Tréhu, A.M., J.C. Behrendt and J. Fritsch, 1993. Generalized crustal structure of the Central Basin, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Geol Johrbuch, 47, 291-311.
Tréhu, A.M., et. al., 1991. Imaging the Mid-Continent Rift beneath Lake Superior. Geophys. Res. Lett., 18, 625-628.
Tréhu, A.M., 1991. Tracing the subducted oceanic crust beneath the central California continental margin: results from ocean bottom seismometers deployed during the 1986 PG&E/EDGE experiment. J. Geophys. Res., 96, 6493-6506.