Anita Grunder

headshot of Anita Grunder

Anita Grunder

Professor Emerita

Dawes House 14
2550 SW Monroe Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States


Igneous petrology, volcanology, geochemistry


A.B. Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, 1977
PhD Geology, Stanford University, 1986


GEO 407/507/607 - Topical Seminars
GEO 427/527 - Volcanology
GEO 495 - Field Geology
GEO 622 - Advanced Petrology

Graduate Students

Recent Graduate Student Titles

Walker, Barry A., 2011, The Geochemical Evolution of the Aucanquilcha Volcanic Cluster: Prolonged Magmatism and its Crustal Consequences. Ph D. Thesis.

Scarberry, Kaleb C., 2007, Extension and Volcanism: Tectonic Development of the Northwestern Basin and Range Province in Southeastern Oregon. Ph.D. Thesis

Klemetti, Erik W., 2005, Constraining the magmatic evolution of the Andean arc at 21°S using the volcanic and petrologic history of Volcan Aucanquilcha, Central Volcanic Zone, northern Chile. Ph.D. Thesis

Longo, Anthony, 2005, Evolution of volcanism and hydrothermal activity in the Yanacocha Mining District, northern Peru. Coadvised with John Dilles.

Jordan, B.T., 2001, Tectonism and mafic volcanism of the High Lava Plains, eastern Oregon, Ph.D. Thesis (in revision, JGR).

McKee, C.M., 2002, Volcanology and Petrology of Volcan Miño, Andean central volcanic zone. M.S Thesis.

Petcovic, H.L. , 2004, Feeder dikes to the Columbia River Flood Basalts: underpinnings of a Large Igneous Province.

Where Former Grads Are Now

Todd Feeley, (MS) tenured associate professor, Montana State University
Margaret Hiza, (PhD) geologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Jenda Johnson, (MS) IRIS outreach coordinator and educational video producer, Ka¹I Productions
Brennan Jordan, (PhD) assistant professor, tenure track, University of South Dakota, Vermilion Hills
Erik Klemetti, (PhD) assistant professor, tenure track, Denison College, Ohio
Tony Longo, (PhD) Senior Geologist Mining Exploration and post doc, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Vera Langer, Environmental Geologist, British Petroleum
Allyson Mathis, (MS) Chief of Interpretation, Grand Canyon National Park
Claire McKee, (MS) geotechnical firm, Ohio
Heather Petcovic, associate professor, Michigan State University, Kalamazoo
Mariek Schmidt, assistant professor at Brock University, Canada
Kaleb Scarberry, Geologist, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Martin Streck, tenured associate professor, Portland State University
Jeffrey Templeton, tenured associate professor, Western Oregon University


Schmidt, M. E. and Grunder A.L., 2011, Deep mafic roots to arc volcanoes: mafic recharge and differentiation of basaltic andesite at North Sister Volcano, Oregon Cascades. Journal of Petrology v. 52, p.603-641.

Longo, T., Dilles, J.H., Grunder, A., Duncan R.A., 2010, Timing of Volcanism and Alteration in the Yanachocha Gold District, Peru, Economic Geology v. 105, no. 7, p.1191-1241.
* Skinner award for outstanding paper of the year

Walker B.J. Jr, Grunder, A.L., and Wooden J.L., 2010, Organization and thermal maturation of long-lived arc systems: Evidence from zircons at the Aucanquilcha volcanic cluster, northern Chile. Geology v. 38, no. 11, p. 1007-1010, doi: 10.1130/G31226.1.

Scarberry, K. C., Meigs, A. J., and Grunder, A.L., 2010, Inception And Style Of Faulting At The Edge Of A Propagating Continental Rift System: Insight From The Structural Development Of The Abert Rim Fault, Southern Oregon, Tectonophysics 488: 71-86. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.09.025

Schmidt, M.E., and Grunder, A.L., 2009, The Evolution of North Sister: A Volcano Shaped by Extension and Ice in the Central Oregon Cascade Range, GSA Bulletin. V. 121, no. 5/6; p. 643-662.

Grunder, A.L., Klemetti, E.K., McKee, C.M., and Feeley, T.C., 2008, Eleven million years of arc volcanism at the Aucanquilcha Volcanic Cluster, Northern Chilean Andes: Implications for the lifespan and emplacement of batholiths, Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, v. 97, p. 415-436.

Schmidt, M.E., and Grunder, A.L., and Rowe, M., 2007, Segmentation of the Cascades Arc as indicated by Sr and Nd isotopic variation among primitive basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 266:166-181.

Klemetti, E.K., and Grunder, A.L., 2007, Volcanic evolution of Volcán Aucanquilcha, a long-lived, monotonous dacite volcano in the Central Andes of Northern Chile. Bulletin of Volcanology. 70:633-650. DOI10.1007/s00445-007-0158-x.

Streck, M.J., and Grunder, A.L., 2007, Phenocryst-poor rhyolites of bimodal tholeiitic provinces: The Rattlesnake Tuff and implications for mush extraction models. Bulletin of Volcanology, DO10.1007/s00445-007-0144-3. 70:385-401.

Longo, B.M., Grunder, A.L., Chuan, R. and Rossignol, A., 2005, SO2 and fine aerosol dispersion from the Kilauea plume, Kau District, Hawai'i, USA, Geology, v. 33 p. 217-220.

Longo, B. M., Grunder, A.L., Chuan, R. and Rossignol, A., 2005, SO2 and fine aerosol dispersion from the Kilauea plume, Kau District, Hawai`i, USA, Geology, in press.

Grunder, A.L., and Russell, K.R., 2004, Welding Processes In Volcanology: Insights from Field, Experimental and Modeling Studies. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, in press.

Grunder, A.L., Laporte, D., and Druitt, T.H., 2004, Experimental and textural investigation of welding: effects of compaction, sintering vapor-phase crystallization in the rhyolitic Rattlesnake Tuff. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, in press.

Jordan, B. J., Grunder, A.L., Duncan R, and Deino, A.,, 2004, Geochronology of age-progressive volcanism of the Oregon High Lava Plains: Implications for the plume interpretation of Yellowstone. Journal of Geophysical Research v.109, B10202, doi10.10292003JB002776.

Petcovic, H. L., and Grunder, A.L., 2003, Partial melting of tonalite at the margins of a Columbia River Basalt Group Dike, Wallowa Mountains, northeastern Oregon. Journal of Petrology v. 44, n.12, p 2287-2312.