Media and storytelling

Lego typewriter

We love to tell CEOAS stories for a wide range of audiences, often in the form of feature stories that are published on our website, social media channels, alumni newsletters and print publications. These stories focus on CEOAS research, academic programs, students, alumni and faculty.

Our university media relations representative, Michelle Klampe, is always looking for stories. If you have a timely news story about your work, get in touch with us and we can help pitch it to Michelle, or you can contact her directly. In order for Michelle to write a press release, she needs to know about relevant journal articles before they are published. We are happy to provide guidance as to whether your research finding or paper is likely to be picked up by the university’s press office or if there might be another outlet for publicity.

We are also the humans behind the college’s social media accounts. Have a comment or question about any of our feeds? Contact us.


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