Cohort 2 (2022-2024)









Arctic Ocean, Land, Ice Interactions (AOLII)

Mentors: Hannah Glover, MacKenzie Jewell

Gillian Blaschke 
Major: Environmental Sciences

Maeve Delgado (she/her)
Major: Environmental Sciences




Owen Peterson (he/him)
Major: Oceanography




Sabine Rincker (they/them)
Major: Environmental Sciences (Chemistry and the Environment)




Tabitha Winn (she/her)
Major: Environmental Sciences




Arctic Ocean, Land, Ice Interactions (AOLII) Online

Mentors: Kristen Rahilly, Anna Simpson

Rowan Dane (they/them)
Major: Environmental Sciences




Sierra Lumeyer (she/her)
Major: Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences




Alex Luschnath (she/her)
Major: Environmental Sciences




Bekka Sawyer 
Major: Environmental Sciences




Tammy Wright 
Major: Environmental Sciences




Primary Productivity

Mentors: Rachel Kaplan, Andrea Nodal


Rylin Duster (she/her/hers)
Major: Environmental Sciences




Tyanna Fox (she/her)
Major: Climate Science, Sustainability




Briana Rodriguez Acebedo (she/her)
Major: Geology




Izzy Slevin (she/her)
Major: University Exploratory Studies Program



Marine Heat Waves

Mentors: Lorenzo Ciannelli, Deepa Dwyer

Zoe Boyd (she/her, they/them)
Major: Environmental Sciences




Shannon Olson (she/her)
Major: Climate Science and Oceanography




Ariana Villa (she/her)
Major: Climate Science


See Cohort 1 (2021-2023) Students

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