Notice all NSF Biographical sketches and Current and Pending documents must be converted to SciENcv.
You will not be allowed to upload the fillable forms after October 23, 2023. will verify that the document’s signature panel is intact.
SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (
OSU SciENcv on-demand, online Canvas modules: “Steps to Make your New SciENcv Biographical Sketch in Less Time” and “Steps to Make your Current and Pending Other Support in Less Time.” Both are complete with step-by-step screen shots and instructions for new documents, updating existing documents, and for some troubleshooting. Each module is less than 14 minutes. If you are interested email Monica Kessel to get access.
SciENcv: Integrating with ORCID - YouTube
-We strongly recommend that you watch the ORCID video so that you can link your publications more rapidly first. Otherwise, you will have to keystroke each one individually.
Open Research and Contributor ID (ORCID) Registration
SciENcv - My NCBI Help - NCBI Bookshelf (
Current and Pending FAQ FAQs on Current & Pending (Other) Support (