- Cover Page Information
- OSU F&A Cost Rate Agreement
- OSU Fabricated Equipment Unit Pre-approval Form
- Statement for PIs Receiving No Salary Support in Proposal
- Budget Justification Statement for PIs Receiving No Salary Support in Proposal
(To Avoid Cost Share Being Imposed upon the Project for the PI's Time)
"Oregon State University assures that [faculty member] will make a contribution to this research project but that the expected level of effort is not a significant portion of the individual's overall effort."
- Budget Justification Statement for PIs Receiving No Salary Support in Proposal
- Purchases of Computer/Laptop or Specialized Software (revised 7/1/15)
- Software/Electronic Equipment Reimbursement
- Budgeting for Visa Application Fees
- Facilities and Equipment boilerplate
- Facilities and Infrastructure Planning Form (Note: Form no longer needed, please include any additional needs on the Budget tab in Cayuse)
- LOC for Subrecipient on Proposal
- OSU Tax Exempt Status letter