We welcome feedback! Your comments help us to improve the student experience. You can communicate with us in many ways, such as:
- Having a conversation with staff or faculty, including your Academic Adviser and/or the Associate and Assistant Deans of Undergraduate and Graduate programs and/or Undergraduate Program Directors
- Sending an email to the Director of Student Services or the Office of the Dean
- Filling in our student concern/feedback form
Here is some guidance for bringing a concern to our attention.
First steps to resolve a concern
We encourage you to first follow the informal steps below to resolve the situation before initiating formal action; however, you may initiate formal action at any time in the process by completing and submitting the Student Concern Resolution Form.
- If possible and appropriate, discuss the concern with the person who was directly involved in creating your concern. Proceed to the next step if the situation remains unresolved after this discussion.
- If possible and appropriate, make an appointment to talk (in person or remotely) with the supervisor of the person directly involved in your concern. Contact XXX, for assistance if you are unsure who serves as the direct supervisor. If no resolution is found after this conversation, you may choose to initiate actions as outlined below.
Next steps to resolution of a concern
- Complete and submit the Student Concern Resolution Form following the instructions provided. The Office of Advocacy, which offers advice and guidance to students who have a dispute within the University, is a resource available in preparing the form.
- Your concern will be assigned to the appropriate person in the CEOAS depending on the nature of the situation.
- You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the Student Concern Resolution Form. The person assigned to process the case will be identified in the email and might ask to talk with you.
- In making a finding, additional individuals and campus entities could be consulted as deemed appropriate.
- The finding of the CEOAS, and basis for the ruling, will be communicated to you by email. The email will also include contact information for the appropriate university office in the event you are unhappy with the ruling and would like to have your case reviewed outside CEOAS.
- If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the CEOAS process, you can contact the Provost’s Office. You may wish to seek advice from the Office of Advocacy.
If you want to remain anonymous
If, for whatever reason, you do not want to personally or directly contact an instructor or staff member to discuss a complaint or concern, you should begin with the next highest level of responsibility, which would commonly be the Program Director. You can request an appointment to meet with the director and/or send a written description of the issue or problem and request that their identity be kept confidential. That request will be honored unless there are over-riding reasons to do otherwise. For example, if you allege sexual or protected-class harassment or discrimination by an instructor to a Program director, the director must forward that information, to include the identity of the complainant, to the campus Office of Equal Opportunity and Access.
Your Associated Students of OSU Office of Advocacy is also available to give you advice as is the Office of the Dean of Students.