GEOG 596: Advanced field research in geomorphology and landscape ecology
Official Course Description
Natural history interpretation of disturbance and recovery processes and management implications in forest-stream landscapes of western Oregon. Course consists of field experience and several seminars. Transportation and lodging fee charged. 3 credits
Julia Jones (
Broad Schedule
(subject to change)
Course takes place the week preceding the first week of fall term. This 5-day residential field course is set in the magnificent old growth and forest stream ecosystems of the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest in the western Cascades of Oregon. Students live in the dorms of the research station and spend days in field exercises in a variety of landscape settings, culminating in a group, student-led, field project.
Required Materials
A required meeting the week prior to the field course presents the syllabus and reading materials, and covers details of other required materials, including lodging, food, and clothing.